Posted: 02-14-03 Comments: Gah! I finally got to see Enzan in Rockman.exe but he's SUCH a jerk! He needs an uke! ::eyes Netto-kun:: ::hands Netto a "Glomp" chip":: "Here, kid! It's really powerful! Have your navi use it on his navi! Nyoh hoh hoh hoh hoh!" XD Net: "Um...okay..." O__o; "Glomppu chip! Slotto IN!" Rockman.Exe: ::is powered up:: "Um..." ::starts feeling really weird, twitches a little:: Enzan & Blues.Exe: ??? Rockman.Exe: "I LOVE YOU!" ::GLOMP-tackles Blues.Exe:: Blues.Exe: O___O!!!!! CRASH! Enzan & Net: o___O;;; Rockman.Exe: ::cuddling against Blues.Exe:: =^_______^= Blues.Exe: @______@ |