Part Two

"Lina-san!! That was my best chair!!!!" Filia whailed as she knelt down over the wreckage caused by said peice of furniture becomming intimetly aquainted with the top of Val's head.

"Eh..heh...Gomen, I'm still kind of touchy on that subject..." she rubed the back of her head embarassedly until she realized something, "HEY it's not MY fault your son is a hentai!!"

"wimper Oh Chair-chan..."

"Hey! I'm not a hentai! How was i supposed to know it was you?! I thought it was a dream!"

"Riggghhhtttt....Val, sure! I believe you!"

"My poor chair-chan..."

"MOM!! She ASSULTED me with that useless peice of *&$%#^ furniture and all you can do is whine over the splinters?!" Val turned on his 'mother' as he was well aware of the uselessness of arguing with Lina Inverse.

"Oh, you're a big boy! Take care of yourself!...My poor chair-chan was defenseless..."

Val stared dumbstruck and Lina began to snicker. "What are you laughing at?"

She giggled, "Nothing! Hey, why don't we head over to the inn and get something to eat so Filia can pick of the broken peices of her life?"

When put like that, it was pretty funny...He grinned, "Okay, I forgive you, but you have to buy me lunch!" He grinned and bolted out the door before she could stop sputtering and argue with him.

"No way bucko!! YOU are the one that insulted ME you aqua haired pervert!!" she took off, out the door after the teenager.

"Since when is calling you georgous an insult?!"

That shut her up. He grinned and held open the door for her. It also made her blush rather prettily. Heh, heh, eating with her was sure to make all the other guys jealous!


Heh, heh, THAT got her attention! He grinned as her mace sent him flying across the room.


"Is this a bad time to ask you if you've seen my Lina-chan?" he quipped with a delighted smile as he got whapped again with 'O-mace-sama' again. Ahh...that felt good! ^.^ almost made up for the namagomi remarks. He felt his eye begin to twitch in irratation at the continued insults.

"FILIA! If you will JUST tell me where I can find Lina-chan, I'll be out of your way!" he had tracked her here by the trail of his stuff she left at all the magic shops in her path. Jeeze, he had really pissed her off this time. Maybe he should have -- well you know, but it had seemed like a much better idea at the time...

"I'm not telling you anything Xelloss! Though it would be funny to see Lina-san KICK YOUR *SS for what you did, you -- YOU #$%^#%$!!"

Xelloss's grinned, "Catching your speaking habits from your charge Filia-san? I don't think i've ever heard you curse like that before..."

O-mace-sama sent Xelloss spinning through a newly made hole in the roof... land directly at Lina and Val's feet as they emerged from the inn.

"Lina-chan! There you are! Is this Val-kun?! My you've grown -- OOF!" that was, of course, as she stepped on his stomach, pretending not to see him.

"Did you hear something Val?" she asked innocently as she took the bug eyed ancient's arm and began leading him back towards Filia's house.

"Er, Lina -- " he started, but stopped as her arms in his registered in his still hormone driven mind, and a blush rose on his cheeks.

"Nani?" she asked and grinned at his blush. He was almost as cute as Xel when he blushed...^^;; Her eyes surreptisiously glanced back at the mazoku staring open mouthed at them and she smirked, maybe even a little cuter.

"Er, nothing!!" his blush drained from his face as he saw a couple of guys he knew staring after him. Heh, heh... He gave them a thumbs up sign when he thought Lina wasn't looking and winked nodded suggestively at the red head on his arm. Wow, the guys looked jealous! He was STILL the MAN! Yeah!

Though Lina didn't noticed the exchange, Xel did. He picked up his jaw out of the dirt and glared at the Ancient's back. How dare he!! That was HIS Lina-chan!! Ooooohhh....that idiot boy was in for it now....

XELLOSS!! YOU GOT MY CIGGIES YET?! soon as he finished up his master's grocery list.

Part 3   |   Fanfiction