Episode Seven: Finale! OMEGA-SLAY!


blue = Astral/telepathic speech

purple = Zelas's speech

red = chant for OMEGA-SLAY

Power beyond the Seas of Chaos,

Xellas' bolt hit the magic barrier that Zelgadis was struggling to maintain, shattering the wall and crashing at their feet. The Shaman weakly tried to raise another, but he didn't have the strength.

Legendary entities long since gone,

Xellos and Zelgadis stood in front of Lina like a living sheild. The faint blue glow around her quickly branched out and enveloped them, healing their wounds as they supplied ancient power and knowledge to support the spell.

I emplore they Mercy!

Be free, Xellos. The voice of the lost race beckoned him. You don't have to serve her anymore.

You'll never be free, you condemned yourself by betraying your own clan! Xellas roared.

I envoke they Light!

"I can't... can't keep this up much longer, Lina-chan." Xellos snarled as his body absorbed the immense amount of power that the Beastmaster threw at them.

"We have to, for Lina." Zelgadis growled back, sweat dripping down the side of his face as he clenched his teeth.

Let the Darkness no more Corrupt!

"Damnit, Xellos, open your eyes and see the truth!"

"Xellos! Zelgadis!"

For your sakes, I hope this works...


With the two remainders of the Israfael race feeding the summoner of the Lord of Nightmares, Xellas didn't even have time to defend against the prismatic bolt that carried out the revenge of the slaughtered race.


"We beat her." Lina sighed in relief as she, Zelgadis, and Xellos gazed at the fluffy white clouds overhead. "We beat a Dark Lord without the Sword of Light, or intervention by the Lord of Nightmares."

"All power comes with sacrifice." Zelgadis murmured cryptically. "Was it worth the price we'll pay to eliminate the last Dark Lord who actively participates in the mortal world?"

"Zel?" Lina gave him a sour look, but he continued without acknowledging the action.

"Xellos, what will happen to you now that Xellas is gone?" The Israfael Shaman closed his eyes. "Your power came mostly from her, since you became a Mazoku."

"I honestly don't know for sure. "Xellos sighed, absently chewing on a piece of grass. "The Israfael blood left in me is not strong enough to keep me alive for more than a week after the Beastmaster's power is ... was cut off."

"That means.." Lina stared numbly at the ground.

"Probably." He nodded grimly. "What about you, Zel?"

"My life would have ended long before Shabranigdo's initial rebirth and defeat by Lina," he spoke, "had it not been for the strength I asked of Gra - of the Red Priest. Israfael have a very short life span, unlike Mazoku."

"Not you too, Zel!" Lina cried out.

"Don't worry about it, Lina." He gave her a bitter smile. "Just... just think of it as if I were off on my quest."

Except this time, you won't be coming back. She thought, biting down on her lower lip.

"Don't tell me you'll miss us." Xellos...

"I will." She stared at her boots. "You guys are the only intelligent conversation holders I know. Just thinking about you two dying makes me gloomy."

"Hmph." Zelgadis stood and offered her a hand up. "Well then, maybe dinner will help. My treat."

Lina sniffled, then burst into tears and threw her arms around his chest. Zelgadis looked to Xellos with a panicked expression. The Trickster just shurgged and raised an eyebrow as his companion panicked more.

"Ano... Lina, is..." Zel twitched as she tightened her grip on him. "What's wrong? Don't you want to eat?"

"No." She stated into his shirt. "I worry about you two. When I worry, I can't eat.. Zel, don't you know that if you and Xellos are gone, I'll have no way of knowing if you're all right?"

"I can't do anything about it." The Shaman shook his head.

"Neither of us can." Xellos added.

"Promise me something?" she begged. "Promise me you'll try to stay as long as you can."

"I promise, Lina-chan." The lavender hared man nodded solomnly.




"Please, Zel, just try?"

"... I'll try."

"Thank you."


Xellos Metallium died at the end of seven days, doing his best to hold on for the sake of his promise to Lina Inverse. As he predicted, he didn't survive more than a week without the Mazoku's immortality.

Shortly after Xellos' funeral, Zelgadis proposed to Lina, but died on the very day they were married. Lina never re-married. She expired in her sleep less than a month after the death of her husband.
