Tavern Of My Heart

The tavern of my heart,
is a bloody place.
The men bark and the women screm.
A play of horrors,
seldom ever seen.

The tavern of my heart,
has a floor of red.
A walkway of dispair and paths of greed.
Planks so tenderly built,
to be a dancefloor of my guilt.

The tavern of my heart,
serves all dishes cold.
Heads on silver plates and poison for drink.
For see they say,
hate taste best that way.

The tavern of my heart,
is an empty place.
Friends they flee and foes they gather.
All the Love lost it long ago,
truly though, I wish it wasn't so.

The tavern of my heart,
may need some light.
A candle of hope and a hearth of comfort.
Anything to make them something less,
these tapestries of darkness.

The tavern of my heart,
has no days to count.
In forever-long nights I wander here and there,
in halls where death always keeps growing near.

The tavern of my heart,
is a dungeon of dispair.
Keeps love in iron and safe from reach.
Every night when it to me cries,
your name it spells in fumbling tries.

The tavern of my heart,
holds no place for you.
Your light would tear it and would burn it.
Light inside the darkness glimmer,
I AM the Unworthy Sinner. The tavern of my heart,
I could burn for you.
Ashes by ashes and stone by stone.
Would you for me step inside,
and help me tear this ugly hide?

The tavern of my heart,
would mark you in Black.
The stench of crime and cruelty of evil.
Dark waters will drown your call,
as you my angel would helplessly fall.

The tavern of my heart...

The tavern of my heart,
is cursed fate.
And to think that it could have been...A shrine to you,
Were I not me,
and were you not....


The tavern of my heart,
is a bloody place.
The men bark and the women screm.
A play of horrors,

seldom ever seen.


What character and to who, ... I know, but you choose... what you think. -_^
