"Thank you." said Jayble.
"Your welcome, I guess." replied the shopkeeper, "Can't say I've had much call for Thalmanian herbs, though. What are you going to use them for?"
"One of the Master's friends is very sick. We need these to help her." Jayble smiled innocently.
"Well, glad to know I could help. That'll be four hundred gold pieces." said the shopkeeper.
Jayble groaned. He only had four hundred gold pieces left. "How am I going to get back?" he thought miserably." With a heavy heart he handed over the rest of his gold.
"Have a nice day." the shopkeeper called as Jayble left the store.
"Oh well." Jayble sighed, "I'll just have to tighten my belt for a few days."
"I'm starving!" Jayble screamed at no one in particular. "I haven't eaten in two days, and it's still a long ride to Sairune."
"You wouldn't be starving if you hadn't bought those herbs." a ragged looking man stepped out in front of Jayble.
Jayble pulled his horse to a stop. "Excuse me, sir?"
"If you hadn't spent all of your money on those worthless herbs you could have all the food you want." the man smiled, showing his yellow, rotting teeth.
"I needed to buy those herbs." Jayble explained, "A friend of my master is dying, and these herbs can save her." Jayble paused. "How did you know I spent the last of my money on these herbs?"
"I know everything, boy. I know that your name is Jayble, you serve a freak named Zelgadis and you are trying to save Princess Amelia of Sairune." the man's smile melted away.
"How do you know all this?" Jayble asked.
"Never you mind, boy. All you need to know is that you can't go back to Sairune."
"Why not?!" Jayble fingered a knife under his robes.
"It would not be nearly as...beneficial to you. I can give you what ever you want, boy, just give me the herbs!"
"No, I gave Master my word!" Jayble protested.
"That fool can't give you anything! I can make you rich, boy. Women, power, anything, just stay here!" the man's eyes flashed with crimson light.
"Goodbye!" Jayble kicked his horse, sending it running past the strange man.
"You will regret this, boy!" the man screamed, his eyes blazing. "You will rue the day you refused me!"