A Week With the Girls: Part 2

Day 2...

Up the wall. Over the hedge. Through the tunnel. Down the hill. Around the pit. Pull up to the ledge. Run the wire. Duck. Jump. Roll. Kick. Dodge. Focus. Watch the... PAIN!"

Jessie grabbed her arm, biting back a cry as the blood welled between her fingers. She stumbled slightly in her pace, but continued running, trying to watch the flying projectiles hurling around her. Her original game plan had been to hold back a little, come in near the end. It wasn't an option any longer. This was a fight to survive. She continued to run forward, blind to the surroundings that did not directly effect her. At last, the end was in sight, the red ribbon marking the spot still intact. She felt over whelming relief as she broke through the line. She knew she should walk around so she wouldn't be stiff after all this exercise, but she couldn't help it. She collapsed to her knees and closed her eyes, breathing heavily.

"Not bad, Jess. Not bad. 10 minutes 42 seconds. Looks like you are going to be the only one to make it today."

Jessie forced her eyes open and gazed past Captain Yates, the drill instructor. She saw through blurry vision the rest of the female members of Team Rocket. Some of them were sitting on the sidelines. A few were receiving medical attention from the health tent. Most were sprawled on the ground, exhausted. Jessie had been the only one to make it though the course. She forced a smile.

"No problem, Cap'n," she slurred, feeling the world starting to fall around her. She swallowed hard and gave her a 'victory" sign. Yates nodded and walked away. Jessie, not feeling the energy to move, continued to kneel on the ground, wondering if she should pass out or throw up. After a moment, it seemed to be a matter of which one to do first. She was aware of somebody coming up towards her as she fell forward on to her hands.

"You okay, Jess?" asked Kytty, concern in her voice.

"Not tonight, James. I have a headache," mumbled Jessie, falling over into a dead faint.

Day 2, Late Evening...

Jessie woke up feeling stiff and cranky. She was in her bunk, a sheet loosely dropped over her. Throwing it off, she stretched her legs, hopped out of the bed, and staggered over to the open window. She leaned on the ledge, breathing the fresh, clean air. Nobody else was in the bunker. The sun was setting over the compound, giving everything an beautiful orange - red tint. Everyone must be at dinner, thought Jessie as she put her hand to her still upset stomach. Food was definitely out of the question.

The compound was like any other you would see. It was a circular flat area, shielded by trees all around. There was a large open space in the center where the training and drills took place. There were four buildings, one at each compass point. On the north end was the gatehouse - the only way in and out of the compound. High walls encircled the entire area. On the west end stood the dinning hall. It was a square, aluminum building filled with tables and chairs with a small kitchen in the back. One the east side was the learning center. Another square, aluminum building filled with tables and chairs, but this one also had computers, books, resources, chalkboards - the works. It was a regular college all in one place. It also served as a general gathering place and recreation facility. Finally the south side was where Jessie stood now. The bunker was basically three large rooms holding upwards of 300 beds, all in stacks of five. All of the ladies were fortunate to get lower bunks - they barely filled up one room let alone three. The whole compound could be disassembled and on the move in less than twelve hours, if necessary.

Which, given the nature of the organization that owned it, sometimes was.

Jessie ran through her calisthenics, wincing as her body argued back with pain. Tough. If she got anymore stiff, James would have to come pick her up with a tow truck. She smiled to herself. Now that was something she could think about.

James. Jessie wondered how he was holding up. Everyone knew, men were impossible when left alone for too long. And James still had a leg injury to boot. Men were such babies. After the first week or so of bed rest, James had started whining. "I'm hungry Jessie," "My leg hurts, Jessie," "I'm bored, Jessie," and so on and so on. Hopefully, he wouldn't get into too much trouble while she was gone. Jessie closed her eyes as she continued her stretches, relishing in the peace that surrounded her.

"Oh man, ohmanohmanohmanohman. JESSSSSS!!!!"

Kytty came charging into the bunker at full speed, causing herself to slam into a wall in order to stop. Jessie looked at her friend. Kytty was shaking with energy, her eyes darting over to Jessie's bed, not even noticing her by the window.

"God, Kit, what's wrong?"

"You have got to see this!" yelled Kytty, grabbing Jess's arm and dragging her across the compound to the learning center. As they rushed through the door, Jessie saw nearly everyone at the camp gathered around a small TV. A number of people threw her looks that she didn't understand until Kytty pushed her through the crowd and in front of the TV where a newscaster was talking.

"...hostage. Apparently, the young boy, Michael Roquet, was uninjured in the most terrible of situations." A picture of a sickly boy with blue hair that was all too familiar to Jessie popped up on the screen. The scene changed to an imposing looking detective, standing outside the hospital.

"Details are sketchy at this time. Apparently, the nurse didn't get a very good look at the perpetrator and the boy was too distraught to answer many questions. We don't know anything concerning motive. We'll keep looking. This case will be solved."

The scene returned to the news castor who straightened his papers and smiled at his co-anchor.

"On to other news, a new breed of pokémon has apparently been discovered outside of..."

Jessie put her hand to her forehead and winced. Idiot!! How could he be so stupid! Almost getting caught like that. Kytty laughed and slapped Jessie on the back.

"He's a keeper alright, Jess!" she hooted. Kytty started laughing hard. A number of the other women joined in and Jessie found herself smiling.

"He certainly is," she whispered.

Day 2/3, Late, Late, Night...

"Psst...Jess, wake up!"

Jessie woke up slowly and groggily looked around. Kytty crouched over her bed, a huge grin on her face. Jessie saw up on her elbows and rubbed her eyes.


""We're gonna do it tanight, Jess!" whispered Kytty excitedly.

"Do what?" asked Jessie, her mind a fog. She squinted at the clock on the wall and groaned when it she saw it read 2am. She threw her pillow at Kytty and pulled the covers back over her head. Kytty yanked them back down and started to drag Jessie off her bunk.

Jessie started to protest, but was forced to stop when Kytty put her hand over her mouth, ensuring her silence. They walked outside of the bunker. Gathered in the courtyard were a number of people Jessie knew, all of them being old hands in the Team Rocket Organization. Suddenly, Jessie remembered.

"Oh, that's right!" exclaimed Jessie, slamming her hand into her open palm. She grinned at Kytty a twisted evil grin that matched her friend's. The other girls waved them over. Standing in a tight huddle, they began to plan.

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