An emotion I thought was beneath me to feel...
Like, I would ever have a reason to feel...
An emotion that I'd feel when I look at
I see the way they act around each other...
The way they
The way they
The way they
...with each other.
I shouldn't be jealous.
There can't be anything happening -
They have nothing in common -
Is what I though before
The stolen
They went from friends to
Something more.
For a moment, I thought we had something -
A shared
A secret
Blush -
But I could never act on my feelings.
Keeping it hidden.
Waiting for that right moment.
I came
Too late.
Now they have the shared smile and secret blush.
While I watch
In Sadness.
What is left now?
I have nothing...
And you have
Each Other.
That's not true.
You have each other...
And what do I have?
I just had this idea one night. This soliloque? poem? can be refered to any of the 'Slayers' characters. Lina. Sylphiel. Gourry. Amelia. Zel. Filia. Xelloss. Val. Eris. Rezo. Martina. Naga. Zanglus. Luna. Zelas. Heck, even the rest of the Mazuko Lords and all those others. Ceiphied. Lord of Nightmares. Aqua. Lei Magnus... Okay, maybe I'm going over board but I'm trying to prove a point.
Just about anyone.
Geez... What was I thinking when I wrote this thing?