It was your average chaotic morning at the pre-school where Mona worked. The children galloped about like mad ponies, happy and free. The hour which Mona cringed to think about was quickly approaching but today she didn't so much as wince. No today was THE most specialist of days ever! Mona's day off.
See the poor slightly middle-aged woman suffered from severe high blood pressure and stress caused by her hectic work environment. It was only natural her physician forced her to take a holiday now and then, before all her almondy tresses fell out, or she collapsed from a heart attack or stroke. That is why our dear child-care worker was now happily ensconced at home, vegetating in front of the tube, with a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and an iced frapachino.
"oh wonderful." she sighed, " the little hell spawns are due to arrive at pre-school about now. BWA HAHAHA well, its NOT my Problem! Heeheehee!" she giggled. "Today is going to be SUCH a relaxing day!"
Or so she thought.
Back at the center a familiar young girl with long black hair bounces, literally, into the room. In her arms is an overly cheerful, drooling baby girl. They approach the sitter on duty.
"Hello.. where's Mom?" The brunette cries.
"oh today's her day off Miss. Naga." the young woman replies, as Naga hands over the baby.
"OH HOHOHOHOHO! Well here's Amelia. I've gotta run. OH HOHOHOHOHO!!! Bye-bye sissy! Have a Nice Day!" Naga waves and bounces off again, leaving frightened sitter and many bawling infants in her wake.
The young sitter groans quietly and puts the baby Amelia with the others and returns to her post by the door in time to meet the next arrivals, a sweet semi-genuine smile plastered to her white twitching face.
"Hello Mrs. Metallium. And hello to you too little Xellos."
"Hi.. hey! Where's Mom?" Xellos pipes, "Where's my beloved Lina-chan?" He rushed, in his usual manner, and glances around. He was searching for both of the ladies as he wandered off to investigate.
"Oh today's her day off Mrs. Metallium." the young woman informed the intrigued parent.
"Hello Mrs. Gabriev! Hello Mr. Rada. Hello Gourry! Hello Sylphiel."
"Hi ... where's MoM!" Gourry and Sylphiel asked together before walking off.
the young woman sweatdropped. "Oh today's her day off." she said once again.
"Ah Hello Mr. Garv! Hello Val!" she greeted the next arrivals.
Val snorted and stomped over to the young demon boy, his father giving the young woman a look which asked 'Where's Mona?'
"Oh today's her day off." she said again and sighed as the yummy Mr. Garv departed and opened the door to meet Rezo the red priest and his young charge Zelgadis.
"Hello Mr. Rezo. Hello Zelgadis." maybe they wouldn't ask, so she hoped.
"Hi .. where's Mom? " Zel asked softly before moving off curious as to why both Lina AND the sitter hadn't arrived yet.
"Oh today's her day off." the young woman parroted feeling like it was soon to be her catch phrase.
"Ah, H.. hello Ms. I..Inverse."
"Hi. Mom's not here?" The purple haired waitress answers.
"Oh today's her day off." she said gulping.
Luna nodded. "Lina behave.. ". She commands the bouncy young red head, who gulps and begins to slink off. "AND take care of your cousin!"
"Okay, Luna." Lina sighs as another little red head shuffles up next to her. Lina's little cousin was dressed in a cute little blue dress, with white ribbons and a charming little stuffed puppy. She, and her cousin Lina, looked identical; almost like twins.
"OH My, Hello Liny! Welcome back!" she greeted the lovable red head sincerely.
"Hello mam!" Liny curtsied before scampering off with Lina. Perhaps today would be an okay day, but that would take a miracle and no "Where's Mom?".
"Well that's everyone." the young woman declared, "how on earth does Mona do that every day?"
Eventually all the little group of friends came together. All of them had searched high and low but Mom was no where to be found.
"Mom's missing." Sylphiel said.
"She's not in the bathroom." Gourry continued, gaining odd looks.
"She's not anywhere." Val snorted.
"Something must've happened to her." Xellos decided.
"What should we do?" Liny gasped.
"WE GO FIND HER!" Lina decreed.
"but.. we're not supposed to leave.." Zel intruded.
the little munchkins thought long and hard until the determined Lina got a plan. "We're gonna have to escape and I have an idea!"
They huddled together as Lina outlined their strategy. "So all we do is wait for them to put us in the napping room, then we can make our getaway!"
"That's true." Zel nodded sagely. "They never pay much attention when we're in the other room. And we can easily slip our the door when they're busy.. or even try from the napping room's windows."
"then its all set!" Val grinned, "Now lets scatter or they'll think something's up." the group nodded and separated, biding their time until the sitters would get fed up and put them down early.
A few hours later the sitters decided to try to convince the wild children to rest so they stood up to face the inevitable. "Ok kids! Lunch Time!"
All hell broke loose, as it does everyday, and it was a good thing the sitters were quite used to it by now. The children ravaged their meals like half starved beasts. The calmness of the tiny group should have surprised the workers, but they were so gratified that the hellions hadn't started a food fight for once that they paid it little heed.
Soon lunch was over, and the toddlers were at last put down to rest, early leaving the sitters to enjoy a hot cup of Java in the other room.
Lina jumped out of her cot and quickly shook everyone awake. The children scurried about, pushing their un-occupied beds and stacking them into a triangle. Satisfied with their work, Val and Zel helped the girls up first so they could open the window. Once that was accomplished Xellos and Gourry climbed up and slipped their blanket rope outside and exited first. They were followed by Sylphiel and Liny, whom slipped and fell but was luckily caught in time. Lina, Val and Zelgadis, took up the rear and their escape was successful.
"Alright! We're free!" Lina crowed in triumph.
"Now we can hunt for mom!" Val grinned.
"But where do we start looking?" Liny queried.
"How about her house?" Sylphiel supplied, ganging everyone's attention.
"Do you know where Mom lives Sylphiel?" Zel asked sincerely.
Sylphiel nodded, smiling demurely. "Yes. My Daddy drives by it every day when he takes me here and points it out. It's not that far away, a nice little white house with blue trim. But.. It's across the street."
"Then we'll have to cross the street." Xellos decreed, earning some frightened glances.
"But the street's Dangerous!" Liny squealed in fright, holding her skirts close to herself.
"I'll protect you Liny!" Val rushed and situated himself by her side, eyes all glassy as he gazed upon his long time crush.
"I'm not afraid of crossing the street!." Lina announced, though she too stood awfully close to Zelgadis. "All you have to do is look both ways and watch for the dumb cars and stuff."
"We could use those cross walk things." Suggested Gourry. "I've seem people use them once and the cars all have to stop."
"The Cross walk it is!" Lina decided and took the lead. After some time they lucked in and found the all-powerful cross walk. Boosting up a volunteer, they pressed the magic button and crossed the street without any problems. Safely on the other side the proceeded to perform their victory dance and continue their quest.
"That's it over there." Syphiel pointed, and they dashed across the lawn to Mona's residence.
"How're we supposed to see if she's home?" Lina wondered and was soon answered by her cousin.
"Simple!" Liny clapped. "We can look through a window and see if she's home!"
"We're too little to see through the windows, and I'm not sure Xellos is gonna give a straight answer if he floated up there." Zel pointed out.
"We can build another pyramid like we did at the pre-school. Only out of people instead of beds!" both Liny and Lina supplied.
They got to work, Zel, Gourry, and Xellos taking up the bottom. Val and Lina climbing aboard in the second row. Since Sylphiel was the lightest of all of them, Liny clambered on top of the pyramid and got Sylphiel up on her shoulders. Slowly, She rose up to a standing position and Sylphiel peered in through the window.
Val's face was burning brighter with each second he could feel his beloved Liny on his back. Imagine!! Just one glance up at my loving Liny-chan! he thought, picturing her soft creamy ankles, shins, knees... The idea of it all sent the blood rushing to his head and caused him to faint.
"Oh NO! There he goes!" Lina shouted as the supports collapsed sending everyone into a squirming pile.
"Ah Val-chan!! Are you Dead!?" Liny panicked over the downed boy's side.
"Nope.. but when he comes too.." Lina groaned curious as to whose foot she was looking at.
And like magic, the young boy twitched, sat up quickly, eyes popping open, and horn catching the skirt of Liny's dress. Val awoke to the sight of Dear Liny Inverse's undies, little blue birdies and all.
With a soft happy groan, and a small stream of blood trickling down his nose, Val collapsed in a swoon, once more, much to the displeasure of those underneath him.
"AHHH!!" Liny squealed.
"MOM!!" Lina Yelled out of habit. "VAL FAINTED AND HE'S BLEEDING!!"
Mona jumped, startled by some noise. "I could have sworn.." she said and hurried over to the window. Looking outside she blanched at the scene before heading outside. Deducting what must've happened she quickly herded the children inside and tended to young Val. "Oh For the Love Of All Things!" she sighed and went about helping the younglings, before getting dressed and driving them all back to the pre-school.
A familiar young girl with long black hair bounces, literally, into the room. She holds out her arms for a grinning and drooling baby girl.
"Hello Mom!" The brunette cries. "Thought today was your day off?"
"It was." Mona sighed, handing baby Amelia over. "And I swear if you laugh Naga..."
"OH I've gotta run. Bye-bye Mom! Have a Nice Day!" Naga gulped and took off.
"Hello Mrs. Metallium."
"Hi.. hey! I Thought today was your day off?" Mrs. Metallium paused, somewhat confused.
"It was." Mona sighed, handing Xellos over.
"Hello Mrs. Gabriev."
"Hello! My, wasn't today was your day off?"
"It was." Mona sighed, handing Gourry over.
"Hello Mr. Rada."
"Good Day! Isn't today was your day off?"
"It was." Mona sighed, handing Sylphiel over.
"Ah Hello Mr. Garv!" she greeted the next arrival, though tired, she still managed a light blush.
Garv looked her over and grinned his killer grin. "Nice to see you back." he winked. "Though tell me when you've got a day off next time."
".. um.. k.." Mona breathed, quite flushed at the bishy Mr. Garv's flirting. Leaving love-lorn looks behind him, Val left with his father.
"Liny! Lina! Zel! Your families are here!" Mona called from the doorway.
"Thought today was your day off." Luna and Rezo pointed out simultaneously.
"It was." Mona sighed, "But..."
"See ya tomorrow Zel!" Lina Bellowed quickly, hoping they could leave before her big sister could hear anything that would result in her being in trouble.
"OK Lina!" Zel answered just as loudly, and he waved goodbye to Lina, who did the same.
"Just what did you guys do today?" their families asked.
"oh.. Nothin'" they replied as both red priest and waitress face faulted into the tile in shock.
"Bye kids!" Mona said amused, having gotten over being hunted down and forced to go to work today.
"BYE MOM! " They answered.
Mona sweatdropped, but kept smiling. "Why do they call me that!" ::sigh:: "oh well, at least no one sued."