The sun rose over the mountains that dotted along the east side of Lina's world, doing absolutly nothing to retify the coldness that was instilled inside of her. The birds were just waking as Lina opened her curtains to greet the sun for the first time today. No matter how faul of a mood she was in, the site of the suns birth always amazed her in the same child-like fansy. beautiful
It was shaping up to be a beautiful day, all-in-all. And Lina hated it.
Sighing, she turned away from the window. Why, when I feel so terrible, does this day have to be so beautiful? Bird chriping; Sun rising; Bah humbug. There should be a law against this..
"Lina! Lina! Come out this instance!" Amelia shouted while banging on her sisters door. "You can't stay in there forever!" Amelia piped down after this initial assault, trying to allow any noices from the room the filter through the door.
No response. Amelia decided to take the drastic course. "If you don't come out right now, I'll.. I'll call Zelgadis and tell him about your fifth grade 'adventure'! And don't think I won't!"
Amelia leaning against the opposite wall, grining at the sound of shuffling feet. Lina cracked open the door and assessed her sister. "Long time, no see, Lina. Ready to come out of your self-induced pit of torture?"
Lina's eyes narrowed to small slits. "You wouldn't dare tell.. would you?"
Amelia's eyebrow arched. "Would you like to try me?"
That does it. I've had enough of her prissy-ness, Lina scowled. Letting out a growl, she grabbed her sister my the nap of her shirt and threw her on the floor of her room. "I'm sick and tired of your shit, Amelia! You absolutly no idea how I feel!"
Amelia's eyes narrowed and she sat up, mach dusting herself off. "Oh come off it! You knew that Xellos was a womanizing jerk as well as I did. But you choosed of overlook it. I can't pity someone like you," she spat angerly as she stood up. Just because Lina was her older sister didn't mean that she'd allow such.. such.. idiosy to go on around her. It made her sick.
Lina turned her back on her sister. "That isn't far, Amelia. How was I to know? Am I suppost to now be a mind reader too?"
Amelia's hands became clenched fists. "How could you not know? Why? Because you have bad judgement? Because you know you should have gone out with Zelgadis instead?"
Whirling around angerly to face her sister, Lina shouted, "There you go. You call me pathetic and yet you follow Zel as if you're a love sick dog. How can you talk?"
"Well, at least I have some sense!" Amelia retorted.
Lina snorted. "Please just leave me alone."
Amelia sighed and threw up her hands. "Your hopeless. I suppose if that creep came back begging, you'd take him back, wouldn't you? How could you allow yourself to believe that you were in love with him?"
"I just.. I just wanted him to love me!" Lina shouted at her sisters back, stopping Amelia. "Love me for me. I mean, I'm not pretty; I'm not rich; and yet he seemed to like me. I just thought it was real. Is that so pathetic?"
Amelia shook her head and left, leaving Lina alone to her thoughts.
What's wrong with me? Goddess, what am I to do with myself?
What is wrong with me? Xellos mused over this drink. Xellos yawned and looked at his watch. When did it get this early? How long have I been out? The club had long sense quieted down, but showed no signed of quiting.
A hand weighed down on his shoulder then, interrupting his thoughts. "Come on, buddy! Don't be so glum," Val slurred with a grin. Taking another drink, he spurned, "There is more fish where she came from. Better looking ones, too."
Xellos sighed and turned away from his drunk companion. "I just thought.. I just.. God! I'm hopeless! How could I ever agree to something so stupid!"
Val laughed. "That you are, my friend! That you are! But you have to admit that it was fun while it was going on. Now that's my kind of fun." He swung around and staggered towards the upstairs section of the club. "While you indulge yourself in self-pity, I'm going to take my prize money and have some fun." Grabbing one of the giggling house girls, he walked off.
Xellos crumbled on the bar table. What am I to do? I had a one in a lifetime chance and I blew it...
A voice broke his thoughts. "Why don't you just ask for forgiveness? Oh, and please sit up while I wipe off that area please." The bartender grinned while wiping and removing the empty glasses from the table top.
Sitting up, he eyed the bartender warily. "You wouldn't understand. She could never.. love.. me. Ug! What did I do?" A hand ranked through his hair.
"Sending a girl some flower never killed anyone. Neither did telling a girl how much you care; that is if you truely care for her.. And if you were ment to be together, then it'll work out somehow. If not, then you won't spend your life wondering about the 'what ifs'." Grinning at the young man, the bartender walked away to finish her job for the night.
Xellos got up. Hey, what the hell.. Couldn't bury me any deeperin the grave, could it?
Ding Dong. Mrs. Inverse went to see who was at the door. A young man holding a huge vase of flowers was waiting outside the door frame. "May I help you?
"Ahh, yes. I'm from 1-800-flowers. I have a delivery for one Ms. Lina Inverse. Are you her?" He looked at her.
Mrs. Inverse shook her head. "But I'm her mother and I can sign for anything you need."
"Please Sign here then." The young guy held out the board and pointed to the dotted line. "And here are the flowers. Have a nice day!" The man said as he turned to leave.
I wonder who would be sending my little girl flowers... "Lina, honey, something just arrived for you. Some beautiful flowers," Mrs. Inverse called through the door. "Why don't I just leave them outside the door for you, dear."
Lina got up from the chair and walked to the door. Flowers? Who'd give me flowers?
Opening the door, she glanced at her feet and proceded to pick the flowers up and bring them into her room. Well, at least they are beautiful.
Let's see who they are from.. Fumbling with the card, she opened it up and read the few short lines.
Why that jerk! She thought angerly as she crumbled the card in her fist. If he thinks he is getting off that easily, he has another thing coming to him! How dare he insult me! This means war!
Picking up the flowers, she left her room and walked across the hall to her sisters room. "Amelia, are you there?" She called, banging on the door. "I have something for you!"
"What is it?" Amelia asked annoyed, opening the door only ever-so-slightly.
"Here!" Lina grinned and held out the flowers. "I got these for you, my wonderful sister!"
Amelia stared down at the flowers. "Ahhh... What did you do?"
Chapter 5 | Fanfiction