Of Possession and Chaos

You stay with your companions
In the company of the light
Sure in your conviction
That all you seek is right
The fire's light dances about you
And rests in your golden hair
Your flashing eyes, glowing sapphires
Are fixed in a hate-filled stare
Ahhh, that means you can sense me
My presence in the dark
Worry, and wonder where I am, Dear
Where is the wolf stalking the lark?
Sweet agitation, irritation, and fear
Grow in the emotions you feel
Your group's dinner may have ended
But I am just starting my meal...
Your reactions, Dragon Maid, amuse me
I know all your faults very well
But woe to those who seek to exploit them
I'll show them the powers of Hell!
For you see, Fi-chan, you are my toy.
I am the counterpart to your light
Dark and Dawn make strange companions
But in their chaos I'll always delight

(In that chaos is the only place I feel right...)
