Moonlight Sonata

Nimble fingers, large yet delicate fingers, perform their graceful dance across ivory and ebony, never missing a beat as heart and soul are played out, outpouring in a wealth of pained memory and melody. Gentle notes floating upon a current of moonlight, interposed between the rough, hard uncaring jagged notes of a heart being broken while expert fingers played on. Melody never ceasing tones intertwining in their poisoned embrace of sorrow to form the song of his broken love - without missing a beat he throws the rose on the floor and grinds it under one foot. The rose he wanted to give to her. And those azure eyes, cold and hard as the ivory and ebony they caress with their tearfilled gaze, those azure eyes stare on as the moonlit melody, a solace for an empty heart and soul, plays on.

Suddenly, a sound, a jagged interruption cutting across the melody - a door opens. The fingers stop their playing; a head swings up, startled blue eyes look to meet still tear-filled ruby ones. An unspoken word, unsaid conversation, a glance of deep understanding that tells them both everything, and the red eyes come closer. The fingers withdraw from their position on the ivory, the eyes hoping but uncertain - could it really be? A faint nod in the red eyes, a glad yes, and suddenly the ruby-eyed girl is held in the warm embrace of the sapphire-eyed man, and two broken hearts are made whole, two souls intertwined as one. And when next melody from the azure-eyed man was heard, it was a song of joy, and ruby eyes smiled, watching, filled with love. And a rose was in her hand, blooming red and beautiful as her eyes, while the sunlit message of love played on, notes transfigured into a love song by the so delicate hands and the dreamy azure eyes which, every now and then as he plays, swing up and hold the gaze of the twin rubies - and his melody never falters.
