Part 1

"Linaaaa, that fish was mine and you know it!"


Darkness was swamping the night sky, the only light was the faint flickering stars that threatened to drown in the inky blankness. They were crowded around a campfire for the evening, any town being too far way to reach that night. Gourry and Lina were fighting over the last of the slightly charred fish that was slowly becoming uneatable as it continued cooking by the fire, while Amelia dozed nearby. Zelgadis was a little away from the flame, watching their surroundings for trouble and occasionally glancing at the last occupant by the fire in case he was going to try something. Xellos' mischievous ever present smile flashed at him every time Zelgadis looked his way, as if saying, 'Is something wrong? I'm not going to try anything..' while chuckling to himself. When Zelgadis looked away again, Xellos turned his gaze towards the fire while continuing to watch the reflection of the flame dance in Zelgadis' eyes.

Zelgadis fascinated Xellos. The chimera held such hatred within his soul that it seemed to fill Xellos to the point of bursting. That is, if he could feed off of the shaman. However, somehow Zelgadis had learned to hide his emotions behind a mental blockade. Of course, with a prod here and there, Xellos could entice the chimera to throw down his shields in a fit of pure anger. Unfortunately, recently Zelgadis seems to have caught on to his plans and held his emotions under a tight rein. It infuriated Xellos, but drove his curiosity even more.

Why did Zelgadis have such hatred towards the world? Towards Rezo would be understandable, for Zelgadis' grandfather (and great-grandfather, yech) had transformed him into the creature they now beheld. A chimera made of part human, golem, and demon. Mazoku. Interesting. But towards the whole world? Annoyance and shame, surely, because Zelgadis saw his form as monstrous and hid from public view, but harboring such intense hatred? Xellos wondered what Zelgadis was like before he met him. According the little information Zelgadis was willing to give about his past, he had wished for power and Rezo gave it to him. So apparently he used to be weak, naive, and fairly stupid. How did Zelgadis act in a fight, one-on-one? Xellos had never really been around during those times, usually hiding from Filia or busy elsewhere. Depression, too. Depression should have radiated out from Zelgadis like power from L-sama, but he kept it all inside. All of it, it wasn't fair. All that depression mixed with fine toned anger; it's purity as enticing as a feast to a starving man, or just Lina.

Xellos sighed and stretched his legs out in front of him, awarding him a quick glance from the paranoid watchman. Zelgadis certainly had his secrets, and secrets were Xellos' specialty. Did Zelgadis have a family? If not, shouldn't he have been given the title 'lord' that passed down from his grandfather/great-grandfather? Not as if any lawyers could pin him down to give him that information, Zelgadis was always on the move, searching for the cure for his 'curse.' For the body of stone and hair of wire, for all the power he sought, the stupid mortal wished to get rid of! Stupid mortal, indeed, perhaps he hadn't changed that much. When was the last time Zelgadis used his demon speed? Xellos knew he had it, although he had never seen him use it. If he was partially Mazoku than he had to have inherited that little ability. And finally, the last question that played across Xellos' mind, could Zelgadis be turned towards a Mazoku life? A powerful shaman would be a fine addition to his master's servants. Especially one with connections and a heritage like his.

Zelgadis bit back a sigh of frustration as he unconsciously scanned the area with his demon sight. Why did they insist of tagging along with him, finding his cure was his own affair, so why did they come along anyway? He wished for his solitude back, so he could contemplate his life and himself. It was what he was best at, examining his reactions and emotions to find a logical reason behind each. It was almost fun, but always depressing. But he was used to it. Xellos moved slightly and he shot a look at him, biting back a rush of fear, before realizing the Mazoku wasn't doing anything. Zelgadis hated Xellos with every fiber that held his stone body together. He knew how strong Xellos was, having read the books on Mazoku lore left over from Rezo's library. He knew the power all the high-ranking Mazoku had, and feared them and hated Rezo all the more for what he had made Zelgadis. Why demon?? Why did he add demon to the mixture? Golem was bad enough, but he could live with that, not happily, but he could live with it, but Mazoku?

It was worse these days, his Mazoku side thrived on the pain and fear that usually accompanied Lina, especially when on her Bandit rampage. So, he tried to get away from them, trying to distance himself from the cause of his gradual insanity. But they always insisted on following him. Part of his mind was a constant throb, like a seagull slamming itself repeatedly against a glass window, and the glass was beginning to break. That part of his mind wanted destruction, to give pain, and it enjoyed the feeling that power gave him. He was careful now; always careful never to heal a person when he could help it. It gave that person a glimpse into the spell-caster's mind and he couldn't have that. No, his mental shields were strong, they had to be with a Mazoku following them around. Necessity breeds results. Zelgadis slammed down on the rush of anger that tried to slip out onto his face, no! he can't stand this anymore. Zelgadis jerked slightly as Amelia shrieked in horror as Xellos reached into the fire to rescue the fish that had fallen in. The serge of horror/fear filled Zelgadis up, making every nerve tingle pleasantly. The damned seagull cracked the glass further. Face carefully neutral he made his resolution, he would leave, tonight. Hopefully, they won't follow.

Xellos was slightly disappointed in the lack of reaction from Zelgadis. He had hoped that Amelia's fear would make him react, but nothing. It wasn't fair. Nearly everyone was asleep now, only Zelgadis remained as a watchman. He would switch off with Gourry in a few hours, but right now Xellos had him all to himself. He chuckled softly and phased out and in behind Zelgadis.

"What do you want, Xellos?" asked the chimera without turning around. Xellos smiled brightly, "To ask you a question, Zelgadis." He pronounced each syllable of his name carefully, mockingly. He leaned around to get a good look at his face,

"I've been curious for many centuries about this. Why are people like you so chivalrous."

"What?" asked Zelgadis, not comprehending.

"Why do you insist on doing good deeds and being so polite all the time?" well, not all the time, Xellos amended silently.

"Me personally?" was the apathetic reply.



"To keep from going insane."

Xellos stood back in surprise, he hadn't really expected an answer, at least not an honest one. Well, well.

"Now, if you would excuse me.." the chimera stood and faced him, "I must attend to nature's call." Xellos grinned and stepped back for Zelgadis to pass. Zelgadis did so, casting a quick glance at his sleeping companions, as if to fix their images in his mind. Odd, that.

I didn't say what kind of call. Zelgadis excused his lie mentally. He hurried through the undergrowth, pleased that he hadn't taken off his sword that evening. He couldn't attract too much attention from Xellos, who never slept. He hoped his friends would forgive him, but he knew they wouldn't understand. No. As soon as he cleared the forest he took a deep breath. He hadn't done this in a long time, he knew he shouldn't, it would only encourage it, but... With a quick glance behind him, he sped off at the top of his demon speed.

"HE WHAT???" the cry bounced back and forth against the trees until every creature in the wood was up and shivering. Xellos backed away from Lina, a hand behind his head, laughing nervously, "He left." He repeated. Lina advanced on him with a half-finished fireball in her hands before Amelia pulled her back, begging her to calm down. "I AM CALM!" Lina shrieked. "NOW, EXPLAIN THIS TO ME, XELLOS! HOW DID HE LEAVE WITHOUT YOU KNOWING?"

"Well, actually I did know."


"Now, now, Lina-san, calm down. I only meant I knew when he left, but I didn't know he was leaving." For sure, that is. Lina stopped as the insanity of the comment reached her through the anger haze. She frowned, "What?" Xellos sighed, "He left saying he was going to go attend to nature's call.." Amelia blushed slightly, "But apparently, he took that opportunity to take off." Xellos smiled.

"Why. Didn't. You. Tell. Us. Earlier?" Lina asked slowly. Even Gourry knew what the next remark was going to be,

"That's a secret!"


Zelgadis woke and looked around at his new surroundings, he must have fallen asleep as some point. He didn't remember when, odd. Sitting up, he straightened his tunic and made his way over to the brook and splashed some water on his face then took a long drink. Finished, he moved toward a rock and sat down next to it. Why couldn't he remember when he'd fallen asleep? What he could remember was running, enjoying the wind whipping his metalic locks around making them seem as soft as grass. Then? A sort of feeling of fuzziness. Nothing. He slammed a frustrated fist into the ground.

The sun is warm today. It feels nice, doesn't it?

"Hello." Sighed Zelgadis,

Very warm, but winter is approaching. Said the rock

"Yes, I know."

You tread lightly, brother, for I did not feel your coming. What are you?

"I'm a chimera."

I see. This causes you pain.

"Yes." Pause. "The glass is breaking."

Troublesome. The wind speaks of a place nearby, magical place, perhaps this can help you on your quest.

"Magical? Could it be the Yelowed Shrine? Thank you very much, I was not expecting help."

We must take care of our own. Can you hear the wind?


Pity, it's voice is beautiful. The earth moves, it speaks of people approaching. Three sets of feet. Moving quickly.

Uh-oh. Most likely Xellos is floating along with them. Damn.

Hurry on your way, brother. I shall contemplate this problem of yours. Perhaps if you pass by again I may offer you better advise.

"Thank you." Zelgadis said, and sped off.

Xellos entered the small clearing and sniffed the air. He approached a small rock by the brook and, glancing at the gasping trio, bent over it.

"Have you seen a man pass by here recently?" he whispered.

I have sensed many humans pass by in my time, demon-man.

"Today?" Xellos pressed.


Stubborn, naturally, as a rock, "We are searching for a chimera man. Have you seen him?"

I have seen no chimera man.

Xellos paused and reviewed the conversation, "Sensed, then?" Rocks could not lie, lying was illogical and against their nature. Silence.

We must protect our own. Was the only reply.

"So you have sensed him!" Xellos was suddenly conscious of his companions looking at him strangely,

"Uh, Xellos? Are you talking to that rock?" Gourry asked dumbly. Xellos glowered slightly,

"Yes, I am, now if you excuse me, the rock says that it's seen Zelgadis."

"WHAAT? How can a rock see anything?" Lina indicated her eyes and pointed to the eye-less lump.

"Sense then."

"But-but, it's a rock!" Amelia protested.

"So is Zelgadis, partly."

Silence. Confident that he'll not be interrupted again, Xellos turned back to the rock,

"Now, which way did the chimera man go?"


"If you don't tell me, I'll throw you into the water, where you will slowly disintegrate into sand then into nothing." He whispered.

He is of the Family. We must protect our own.

"What a nice sentiment." Xellos said and picked up the rock and started to throw it.

Waaait. Said a voice, but this one was different, softer, seeming carrying every voice in the world on its breath. The wind whirled about Xellos, flinging up his cloak and mussing his hair and spoke in an airy voice, Put the rock doooown, demon-man. It gives me good conversation. Do noooot punish it for its naaature. Xellos paused and lifted his head up, the wind had never spoken to him before.

"Which way is the chimera-man headed?"

There is a maagical place to the eeeeast. The broken man heads theeere.


He spoke of broken glasssss.

No, he spoke of breaking glass. Corrected the rock as Xellos placed him back on the ground.


"He can speak to you?"

To me. He is of the Family. Said the rock in its apathetic tone.

The wind flowed away towards the east calling, laughing, for them to follow. Xellos beckoned towards his companions and hurried to follow it.

"That was definitely weird." Lina commented as they followed.

"When did you learn how to talk to rocks?" asked Amelia. Gourry groaned inwardly.

"That is a secret." Xellos said mildly and ducked under a fireball, "Lina! That can wait! If we don't hurry Wind will leave us behind."


Xellos grinned, "Hai!"

There were groans all around as Xellos introduced another facet of his personality that confused everyone. "But if you can talk to the wind, why didn't you do that in the first place?" Amelia asked.

"That is a secret!" repeated Xellos, relishing the frustration emanating out from them, ah bliss. Zelgadis, Xellos could sense him now, the trace was faint, but it was there. Ah, my little chimera, he thought wickedly, I should punish you dearly for leaving like that, but no, that can wait. Until the proper time. He chuckled as he raced with the wind and somewhere on the edge of his mind he thought he heard, just for an instant, the sound of breaking glass.

Part 2   |   Fanfiction