Lina: *walks up the stairs and enters the escher room which is humongous.* O_O My - TOBY?!?!?!?
Phibrizo: *voice* LINA?!?!
Lina: Sarah !
Phibrizo: DOH! Sarah!??
Lina: I'm coming! *runs down many stairs and finds herself on different plains and levels* I'm gonna be sick! @_@
Xellos: *voice singing* How you turn my world you precious thing...
Lina: *freezes in her tracks at what he says* O.O
Xellos: You starve and near exaughst me. Everything I've done, I've done for YOU... I moved the stars for no one...
Lina: *blinks and face changes* Xellos - *whispers* Its him singing...not his charach - *blushes and shakes her head seeming to try and ignore that thought.*
Xellos: You've run so long you've run so far...
Lina: *runs and turns a corner and finds herself five feet from Xellos*
Xellos: *looks into her eyes, opening his own much to her shock* Your eyes can be so cruel... Just as I can be so cruel...
Lina: *backs up a step from him watching him warily and goes back the way she came finding herself on the opposite side of the room now*
Xellos: Oh I do believe in you... *Lina continues to run up stairs and through doorways* Live without your sunlight... *watches her sadly* Love without your heartbeat... I-I-I can't live without you....
Lina: *closes her eyes tightly and continues trying to meet up with Toby* I did not hear that I did not hear that I did not hear that... * after five minutes she sees Phibrizo below her* Toby!
Phibrizo: Quick you only have a little time left, Jump!
Lina: ARE YOU NUTS?!?!?!?!
Phirizo: Do you want this not to end?
*Lina closes her eyes tightly, and jumps. As she jumps everything disentegrates around her leavinng chunks of ruble from the escher room floating around her as she floats to the ground and lands softly.* Lina: *turns to the doorway where she senses someone is watching her*
Xellos: *enters, slowly coming out of the shadows, he is wearing his normal trickster priest outfit except its only in deep blacks and purples. His deep black/purple cape swirls around him sinisterly and makes him look very handsome while at the same time very eiree.*
Lina: *looks at him in a bewildered shock* Kieri -
Xellos: *opens his slitted eyes half covered by his hair*
Lina: Give me the child.
Xellos: Sarah beware... I have been generous up until now... But I can be cruel... *face twists into one of coldness*
Sarah: *incredulous* Generous? What have you done that was generous?
Xellos: *half shouts* Everything! *regains control of his temper* Everything you have wanted I have done. You asked that the child be taken, I took him. You cowered before me, I was frightening...I have reordered time! *Paces around her making her turn around so she can keep both eyes on him. He is nearly two feet away and is stalking around her as a panther would its prey.* I have turned the world, as well as my own, upside down! And I have done it ALL for YOU! *stops and faces her looking into Lina's eyes who is trying to remember its only a play.* I am tired of living up to your expectations of me Li - Sarah.
Lina: *takes a deep breath* Through dangers untold and hardships unumbered I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city to take back the child that you have stolen - *begins walking toward him ever so slowly and he backs up a small step for each step she takes*
Xellos: I ask for so little... Just fear me and everything could be yours...
Lina: For my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as -
Xellos: Stop! *pulls out a crystal before her* Look Sarah, look what I am offering you - Your dreams - *looks as if he is pleading with her*
Lina: And my kingdom as great... *stops as she realizes she has lost track where she is and has no idea what line is next.*
Xellos: *notices this* Just fear me, love me... *Lina looks up at him in shock as he says this* Do as I say, and I will be your slave.
Lina: *thinks to herself, 'He's giving back as much as he's asking for...' *
Xellos: *Holds out the crystal to her and steps closer to her * Please... Love me...
Lina: *Looks at it and goes slightly out of the charachter shes playing* You - You have -
Xellos: Power over you...*Lina watches him in surprise as he moves closer to her* Aishe -
Lina: *looks at him in shock as he leans down wrapping his arm around her waist and pulls her close to him*
Xellos: - teru. *leans down and kisses her deeply and she wraps her arms around him hesitantly and kisses him back gently*
Everyone off stage: O_O
*Amelia passes out, Sylphiel goes wide eyed and Zel and Gourry get a murderous look on their face.*
Jaime: >.< I shouldn't of done this play -
Zelgadis: This is demented...
Gourry: He's a mazoku!!!
Jaime: Oh brother... *looks to the two kissing* Well I suppose Labyrinth needed a cheerier ending anyway...
Lina: *breaks the kiss and after Xellos whispers something in her ear she blushes deeply than nods and both dissapear*
Minna: o.O Where did those two go?!?
Phibrizo: *smirks* I don't think we want to know.
Zelgadis: Hentai.
Phibrizo: Me a hentai? I wasn't suggesting anything! *whispers* I know... Anyway YOUR the one who took it to that kind of level Mr. Sexually Deprived One. If your mind just happens to be there, and you need an outlet why not use Jaime or Amelia? *smirks evily as Zelgadis blushes crimson and Jaime sports a murderous look*
Jaime: *whips out a hammer like Akane Tendou/Filia * DIE!!! *starts attacking phibrizo*
Mina: *watching the Phibrizo bashing* that HAD to hurt... *lifts up their head watching a projectile fly through the sky* Man he flies far...
Jaime: *sweatdrops and turns to the audience, mainly the ones stairing at the monitor hurting their eyes* And umm... They all lived Wierdly Ever After.... The End!
Amelia: Wierdly Ever After?
Jaime: Ah...heh heh...
Jaime: Well that was fun wasn't it?
Phibrizo: I want my body back!!!!
Zolf: I want this goblin make up off now!
Amelia: I want to be a main charachter next time!
*all charachters start bi***ing at Jaime*
Jaime: And I want my own Xellos. Whoopie.
Mina: o_O
Zelgadis: I knew you were wierd... but I didn't know you were psychotic...
Jaime: Oh guess what? I bought a pin that said 'Super Sado-Masochistic Explealodocious'!
Everyone Minus Gourry: o.O
Zelgadis: Where on earth are Lina and Xellos? They just dissapear and now we're left to finish this up!
Jaime: I didn't seriously think those two would go together like that....
Phibrizo: *rolls eyes*
Jaime: Anyway I finally managed to finish this all off even if it did take four months thats a record compared to some people... and a record for some of my other stories...
Phibrizo: And it will be a miracle if anyone who read this reached this part of the story without hitting the 'back' button, Quit/Exit , or died of boredom...
Jaime: hey... *sniffs* T_T
Zelgadis: Ok now that hell is over with I'm going home, and I'm going to sleep and rest and lock myself away with my books...
Dilgear: Hey I just realized... I never got my part in as the worm! You skipped me!
Jaime: Its not my fault that Lina decided not to follow the script...She flew right over you and I couldn't very well go in after her...
Dilgear: Its still not fair.
Jaime: Ok then, thats a wrap. Comments and cruelty toward my story/play welcome. Email me know the rest. Ta-ta!
Zelgadis: What would really be sad that if this part of the entire story you wrote was the most fascinating....
Jaime: *hits him over the head with a vase* Quiet you.