*Xellos is lounging in a large chair looking at a clock which reads two twenty. He looks around at the small goofy Goblins in the room. Some are chasing chickens. Others are drinking ale. Phibrizo is sitting in the middle of this in a lowered pit. He does not look happy.*
Phibrizo: *to the people reading this* GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!!!
Xellos: Now now... You can't get out of this that easily.... If I have to wear tights and a poet shirt you have to be the kid.
Phibrizo: *makes a certain hand gesture in Xellos' general direction*
Xellos: Tsk tsk. Hmm we need a song to dance to....
Phibrizo: *glares at him* Leave me out of your gay ass, sado-masochistic plans you twisted fruit.
Xellos: I'm hurt... *smiles* Now on with the song. Which all in this room will perform in!
Zolph, Nunsa, Rodimus, and Phibrizo: NOOOO!!!!
*music begins playing and Xellos begins singing... (scary ne?)*
Xellos: *to Rodimus* You remind me of the babe...
Rodimus: .....
Jaime: Say it or your meatloaf!!!
Rodimus: Damn! What babe?
Xellos: The babe with the power....
Nunsa: What power?
Xellos: The power of voodoo,
Zolph: Who do?
Xellos: You do.
Rodimus: Do what?
Xellos: Remind me of the babe - I saw my baby, crying hard as babes could cry - what could I do..?
Rodimus: *muttering* Leave him to suffer...
Xellos: *ignoring him* My babies love had gone, and left my baby blue - Nobody knew - What kind of magic spell to use?
Zolph: Gags or ropes -
Phibrizo: *singing to the tune* May I kill these dopes?
Nunsa: Spanking him soundly -
Xellos: Than baby said... *points to Phibby*
Phibrizo: Screw you...
Zolph, Rodimus, and Nunsa: Dance magic -
Xellos: Dance magic dance,
Zolph, Rodimus, and Nunsa: *echoing* Dance magic -
Xellos: Dance magic dance,
Trio: Put that babies spell on me... jump magic -
Xellos: Jump magic jump -
Trio: Jump magic -
Xellos: Jump magic jump
Trio: Put that magic jump on me... Slap that baby make him free! *music plays and all are forced to dance*
Xellos: I saw my baby, trying hard as babes could try, what could I do? My babies fun had gone, and left my baby blue. Nobody knew, what kind of magic spell to use....
Zolph: Slime and snails -
Phibrizo: *glaring evily with a smile of malice at trio* Or goblin entrails - -
Trio: O_O
Xellos: Thunder or lightning - than baby said....
Phibrizo: Kill me please -
Zolph, Rodimus, and Nunsa: Dance magic -
Xellos: Dance magic dance...
Zolph, Rodimus, and Nunsa: *echoing* Dance magic -
Xellos: Dance magic dance...
Trio: Put that babies spell on me... jump magic -
Xellos: Jump magic jump -
Trio: Jump magic -
Xellos: Jump magic jump
Trio: Put that magic jump on me... Slap that baby make him free!
Zolph, Rodimus, and Nunsa: Dance magic -
Xellos: Dance magic dance,
Zolph, Rodimus, and Nunsa: Dance magic -
Xellos: Dance magic dance,
Trio: Dance magic
Xellos: Dance magic dance -