Part Eight

*Xellos Is gazing into a crystal with an image of the four walking through the forest. It suddenly focuses on Lina. He looks into it intently with a smile and opens his slitted amythest eyes*

Xellos: Look Sarah - *We find a pissy Hellmaster sitting on Xell's lap looking into it also* Is this what your trying to find? *Phibby glares at Xell* So much trouble over such a little thing - but not for long But soon she'll forget - she'll forget everything - Just as soon as Gourry gives her my present.

Phibrizo: As if he'll even remember it...your luck he'll probably eat it himself...

Xellos: Well if she does eat it than she'll forget everything...

Phibrizo: Including you.

Xellos: *smiles* Not if I can help it. *puts Phibrizo in the lowered pit in the middle of the room and orders goblins to watch over Phibrizo*

Phibrizo: When this is all over it will only be the choice of who to go after first... Jaime or Xellos.... *grumbles*

(short part ne? ^_^ )

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