Episode 3: CROW! We Go to Amrahly'nn.

"Then we're headin' to Amrahly'nn!" At this declaration Xeros' face blanched. "Aw, did you swallow a bug Xeros?" He took a moment to glare at me before his face resumed it's normal smiling manner. ^_^

"Ne, Lia-chan. I just haven't been there for awhile." Hmm, apparently he'd gotten into some shit the last time he'd been there. This should prove entertaining, you rarely get to see a Mazoku get nervous.

Lina looked from me then to Xeros and shrugged, whatever it was it wasn't her business. "So, Lia" ,I rolled my eyes at the shortened form of my name, "Exactly how far is Amrahly'nn from here? Will it take us awhile to get there?"

Her face faulted a little at my way too happy smile. "It's about 400 million light years from here, give or take a million." Everyone's eyes bugged at that figure. How the hell were they supposed to get there? "But, it'll only take a couple seconds using the ever handy Dimensional Jump GateTM!" A collective sigh was released before they stumbled upon yet another block.

"Where the hell are we gonna find a Dimensional Jump GateTM?" Lina moaned "Those things were supposed to have been destroyed in the Kouma Wars!" She shook her head and scuffled her feet.

"Oh ye of little faith, I smiled at her dejected form "I always have one with me in my POCKET!"

Zelgadiss glanced at me bemusedly. "Why is 'pocket' in capitals?" I looked down and mumbled something to the effect of 'I felt like it'. He smiled and shook his head instead of rolling his eyes. I had been accepted as a member of the group, the thought made me feel elated. I smiled back. "So, you gonna get it out or will you make us wait for awhile?" he asked, the smile flickering behind it.

"Give me a minute to assess the situation here babe," Zel blinked, he'd never been called 'babe' before. "I'm assuming that you have supplies n' such, ne?" Lina went over to check out the packs, then gave me a thumbs up.

"Set to go," she said around a mouthful of fruit. I nodded, there were supplies and hopefully these people could use the weapons that they had with them ... One can only hope for the best. I began searching through the pockets of my jeans looking for the Dimensional Jump GateTM and something that would make the search for my contact a little bit easier. Finding the piece of cloth I smiled.

"Cool, I got what I need together," I said while pulling out the last object I'd need. A plastic bucket to catch my vomit in. I despise getting travel sick, but one has to deal with things.

Pulling out the Dimensional Jump GateTM took the breath from Zelgadiss and Lina, Xeros sat with an impassive face. Damn, that mazoku is up to something, I thought but shrugged off. There was nothing to be done about it now, but perhaps later...

I set the device on the ground and snapped it into activation. A light glow was emitted from the center of it. For once the damn thing was working straight. I held out the piece of cloth and chanted over it for a moment before the spell took. I tossed the activated ingredient into the Gate and watched as the colored light flared up red then settled back into a calm blue. I tested the harmonics of the Gate against what the star-song told me to be correct, nodding to myself I looked at the group.

"It's ready to go!" I smilingly told them. I was pleased that it had gone so fast and smoothly. Normally, I had to kick the damn machine for an hour or just open a Gate by myself. Both options took a lot of effort and time on my part, which is why I was so pleased that the machine had decided not to put up a fight. "So, who's gonna head through first?" the moment I asked the question their eyes bugged. I blinked.

"Ano, Lia-san. We thought that you'd go first to check it out then we'd follow..." Amelia ended hesitantly but straightened at the nods and grunts of agreement from her companions. I sighed, readying myself for an explanation.

"I need to be the last to go because the Gate's attuned to my aural signature, therefore when I go through the Gate will close leaving you all stranded here." Zelgadiss' face blanched at that thought. Lina looked a little sheepish, apparently she had known that fact and had forgotten. Xeros was filing his nails and whistling an odd tune to himself, I glared at him then smiled. "Xeros-kun, why don't you go first? After all a priest of your rank should be able to ward the area for everyone else in case there's anything dangerous at the point the Gate terminates." He swallowed nervously but nodded in agreement. Apparently my argument had been too rational for him to argue against without receiving the wrath of everyone else. I favored him with Feral Smile #382.

"Well, it seems that I'll go first. Wish me luck Lina." Xeros stepped forward and gave Lina a swift kiss on the cheek. She blushed, my eyebrows flew up and I noticed that Zelgadiss was clenching his fists trying to get control of his emotions. I walked up to Xeros.

"Good luck kid!" I said while shoving him into the Gate. Zelgadiss smiled while watching the priest fall clumsily into the awaiting light. After Xeros had passed from sight Lina pushed Gourry in with a smile and a wave. I doubt the lad knew what hit him.

Amelia sighed resignedly. "I guess that I'll go next," sighing once more she stepped into the Gate. Lina and Zelgadiss looked from one to the other and shrugged. He gestured towards the Gate.

Smilingly he said, "Ladies first." Lina stepped through, waving at us before she went. Zelgadiss went through with neither fanfare or a look back. I smiled and stepped through, closing the Gate behind me.

Moments later in another place...

I the nausea rising in my guts, but before I proceeded to spill said guts across the landscape a familiar voice began berating me.

"Crow Lianna! You fruity little bitch, why the Hell are you dumping people on me?!?" raved Lusiphur Malache, the one we were looking for.

Episode 4   |   Fanfiction