Part Five: Ano... We'll Name It... When the Next Movie Comes Out!

*RECAP!, the chibi xels have tied the stunned bishounen to the floor, but Xellos has reformed into his original fruitcakey self*

Xellos: Come on guys, it'll be fun!

3 bishounen: *turn blue, well in Zelgadis' case, bluer*

Xellos: I won't hurt you TO much!

*for no apparent reason, it begins raining lemons*

BR: I STILL don't understand the lemon bit...

FA2: You will....*evil grin*

FA1: *blink*

FA2 *makes popcorn*

FA1: you sick, demented pervert! four at once?!

FA2: *grins evilly and offers her some popcorn*

FA1 *shudders, then takes a handful*

FA2: ^_^v

BR: Oh my......

*Minna runs about frantically dodging lemons, except Rezo and Kopii, who, being hit one to many times, disappear into a seperate pocket dimension*

Zacchi: now there's an interesting lemon

Nezuumi: don't even go there!

Filia: *gets brained with a lemon* ITAI!

Moniker: these lemons are frozen solid

Phoe: well, *shrugs* you know, always hard, and all that...

Minna: *blink*

3 Bishounen: *because they can't dodge, get knocked out by the raining citris*

Xel: *pouts* AAW! but I didn't get to have any fun!

Phoe, Zacchi, Ribbon: *all pout*

Moniker, Silk, Nezuumi: *smash the pouters* Hentai!

Phoe, Zacchi, Ribbon: I~~TA~~I~~!!!

Phoe: Chaos feather of DOOM. PLUShIE!!!



Moniker, Silk, Nezuumi: eep!

Xel: ^_^

Val: *who has regained some conscienceness* oh SH..

BR: You said it.

*Minna become hyper, fried plushies* (includes the casters of said spell, since they forgot to control it)

All is quiet in the pocket dimension...

...too quiet...

*suddenly the rampaging 50 KopichibiXels that have been plaguing email space lately appear and fall upon the hapless plushies*

Plushies (except xel): O.O AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

*in their terror, they gain the ability to move and run as fast as their kawaii plushie legs will carry them*

Moniker: *Sarcastically* thanks _so_ much, Phoenixfeather!! *dodges a particularlly amourous kopichibixel*

Phoenix: Annnoooooo.... Well, at least it's chaotic! ^_^

Zel: whymewhymewhymewhymewhymewhyme?!!?!?!?!?!

Chibi-Belgarath-cameo: I don't know why you! why does everyone always ask that? *gets trampled by the hoarde of kopichibixels chasing Zelgadis-plushy*

Filia: Namagomi-Mazoku-tachi! *starts swinging the mace at random, narrowly missing most everyone in her rampage*

Zacchi and Ribbon: WAAHHHH! *runs like hell* WAAAHHHH! *dodge* WAAAAHHHH!

Nezuumi and Silk: *underneath a pulsating pile of kopixelchibis* what did we do to deserve this?

Tarou and Valgarv: (in unison) Get off us you &$^#@*!$^)!@ !@#^ fruitcakes!

FA1: *attempts the fend off the KopichibiXels who somehow managed to get into Ficcy Author Space (known as FAS)*


KopichibiXels: Sore Wa...Himitsu desu!!(tm)

FA2: maybe we should get out of here, before they manage to mobs us too...

FA1: *drowning in Xels* too late *sweatdrop*


FA2: Lets run like hell *pulls FA1 and BR out of the hoarde and runs screaming for the hills*

FA1: but we're already in the hills

Fa2: fine! *runs screaming for the flats* far far away, from the ficcy fic.


FA1&2:..*grins evily* wanna bet?

BR:...Maybe I should have stayed back with the ChibiKopiXels...

And the moral of the story is... Choose one!

Moral #1: Fruitcakes are fun ^_^

Moral #2: Inserting random bishounen will spice up any fic!

Moral #3: There's no such thing as too many dustcloud fights

Moral #4: Beta Reader=Cannon fodder ^_^

Moral #5: We are the Game Operational Directors, you may refer to us as... G.O.Ds!


Author's Notes

wow, you made it... congrats!

Formerly-plushified-minna: gasp... wheeze...

Phoe: stupid ficcy AUTHORS!

*sounds of dark plotting*

FA1: uh-oh

FA2: this could be bad

BR: *attempts to escape*

FA1&2: OH NO YOU DON'T!!! *spiritual hammers the traitor*

BR:..weeeeee...pretty colors....*thunk*

Phoe and Moniker: *laugh evilly in unison* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We shall have our REVENGE! *disappear, taking the minna with them*

Ficcy authors: Note to self, never piss off your Avatars. *BIG SWEATDROP*

BR: *starts identifying the birds circling his head*..ooooh...Goldfinch...*thunk*

