
Hatred I

I hate you so much I want to die,
I hate you so much the metallic taste of evil burns in my mouth like darkfire,
I hate you so much I am immobilized by the rage that consumes me
I hate you so much the pen does not pause in the placing of words
I hate you so much I want to scream
I hate you so much emotions are in turmoil, a never-ending rush of thoughts raging like a summer storm in my mind,
I hate you so much that I plot your destruction at every waking moment I live
I hate you so much that the mere sight of you makes me want to be sick

I hate you so much that I hurt myself in my helplessness.

Hatred II

I revel in your hatred,
I feed upon your thoughts,
You cannot begin to comprehend the extacy of your rage,
I am your opposite, and therefore I am drawn to you like the hunter to the prey,
I am so much a part of your soul that you unknowingly accept me,
I embrace you only to destroy you,
You are my pawn,
You are my toy,
You are my puppet that blindly dances at my will,
Without me you are weak,
Without me you are nothing,
Without me you are the useless shell of a man that once was.

You need me, and you hate it.

Hatred III

I look on, indifferent,
With cool confidence,
Slowly merging with you,
You shy away from me,
But I continue moving with the stubbornness of your race,
I am like the skin you wear with so much hatred,
Covering you with my cold embrace,
Smothering the fire that is your soul,
Steel grey clam overcoming ice blue resistance,
You unknowingly help me achieve my goal,
It will be you who crushes the dying embers,
I will use you, than throw you away,
I do not live, yet I will not die,
Not until I have taken you, destroyed you, become you,

You hate me, but I just don't care...
