I was once a great man. I grew up in a rich family. I was a strong youth - a skilled swordsman. My home was a mansion with a garden and a fountain. A silver statue of my noble great great grandfather stood at the front gate, welcoming all who came in. My life was perfect.
I competed in fighting tournaments. Not for the money - I had plenty of that. I fought to make a name for the Liasas family. We were the greatest swordsmen in history. However, I was careless in one fight. I fought against a young man in an odd hat. He mentioned some kind of connection with Rezo, the Red Priest. I spat at his boasting and began the fight. He used some kind of magic that I've never seen before. I was defeated, and my sword was destroyed. For once, I wasn't the winner... but that would just be one of the many losses I'd take as I stepped into the future.
My family didn't greet me in shame that day, although I surely felt it in myself. My father said, "Even the best have to deal with loss. As long as you never give up, losing means nothing."
As punishment, he told me to go and by a new sword to replace the broken one. And so I did. I could've gone to the nearest sword smith and had him make me a new sword, but that wasn't good enough for me. I wanted a special sword. The man who defeated me had a magical sword, so I wanted one too. Only the best sword for the best swordsman. I visited many shops around town. Enchanters and weapon smiths all offered me great options, but none that would be good enough.
Then I walked into a shop... and finding the best sword didn't matter anymore. She had her eyes shut as she hummed a tune and tapped it out on the counter. Sure, the swords displayed on the walls were impressive, but she was just so beautiful. Her long golden hair flowed around her body like a river. The smile on her face was enchanting, but I could not tell what she was smiling about. Her figure was the kind that made other women - and some men - jealous. I'll never forget the first thing she ever said to me.
"Are you going to keep looking at me, or are you actually here for the swords?"
She caught me by surprise. She didn't even open her eyes. "Well, actually, I WAS planning on buying a sword."
She smiled back at me. "All the weapons we have on sale are on the walls, yet your eyes are still on me."
"Tell me, how is it that you are still able to see me but your eyes remain closed."
"That is unimportant." She opened her eyes slightly. Her lids revealed eyes of the most beautiful hazel.
I confidently looked through the displays until I found a sword that was adequate. She went back to her humming. There were few magic swords available. I've seen better ones in other places. There was one sword that seemed interesting. It was an enchanted sword that was guaranteed never to break. In the face of my past loss, this sword seemed perfect. I brought it to the counter.
She smiled again. "So this is the sword you choose? Good choice."
"You say that, but you didn't even open your eyes to look at it."
"I just say that. It makes customers feel good. This sword will be 1000 silver."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have that much on me right now. Could you please hold on to it? I'll be sure to buy it tomorrow."
"Of course, sir."
I really did have the money, I just wanted an excuse to see her again. The next day I went to the store with a way to impress her.
I eagerly walked through the door. "I'm back, just as I promised."
She faced up towards me, but her eyes were still shut. "I knew you would be." She seemed unchanged from yesterday. It was as if she stayed like that all night.
"I have the money," I said as I emptied a pouch of 1000 gold onto the counter. "1000 gold, right?"
I could see a sparkle in her eyes. "Oh my, sir! It's silver, not gold."
"Oh! I must have forgotten. I pay for most things in gold, you see." I could see that she was impressed.
"Well, the sword isn't worth that much. I guess I'll be taking only 100 of your gold."
"And I'll be taking my sword. But what will I do with the rest, I wonder." I paced the room. "I suppose I could buy myself dinner. I can buy an awful lot of food that I can't finish myself."
Her eyes opened again to reveal that golden hazel. "Oh, sir. Is that an invitation?"
"Of course not. I can't invite someone who's name I don't know."
"And if I told you my name was Josephine?"
"Then I'd say, 'Josephine, would you like to have dinner with me?'"
"Alas, I can't accept an invitation from a man who doesn't introduce himself first before inviting a lady to dinner."
I felt like a little boy again. I took all my money, placed the sword back on the counter, ran out the door, and walked back in. "Hello, I am Goldimer Liasas, master swordsman. My friends call me Goldias for short. And what is your name, milady?"
Through her giggles she said, "Josephine... just Josephine."
"Well, Josephine, I'd like to purchase this sword, and take you out for dinner."
"I accept your invitation, Goldias."
And so began the first step to what I thought would be a happier life. I spent most of my time with her, so I didn't fight as much. She wanted to learn how to fight like I did, however, and I was glad to teach her. I was glad we had something we could share in. I often helped her in her store. Her father forged weapons, and her grandmother enchanted them. They didn't get many customers because most swordsmen were purist. They didn't believe in using magic in combat... then again, they never lost to a man with an enchanted sword.
The time finally came. It was on the beautiful hills outside of town, when the sun began to set... I proposed to her.
Big mistake.
We soon had a child who she named Jeffrey. It was one of those traditions in her family that all the first born had to have names that started with "J". I didn't mind it too much. I was worried at first because Jeffrey was born very light. Josephine promised that she would make sure he'd grow up strong and healthy. From that moment on, she spent most of her time with Jeffrey. She also began eating more. That's how she dealt with stress.
She became very demanding and very overprotective with Jeffrey. Day after day I was disappointed with his development. Jeffrey wasn't a master swordsman! He was a master wimp! He was underdeveloped despite all his training. Even his voice reeked of weakness. A high shrill fit for a parrot. But Josephine just became more and more overprotective. She even began following him around school and all over town. She would use the skills I taught her to hit people on the head with a hammer if they even said anything bad about Jeffrey.
If that wasn't bad enough, she began to develop strange skills. I don't know how to explain it. Just that, at first, you couldn't see her, then you could! And she would smash you with her hammer! And she never stopped eating! Her figure was gone, her lovely voice was gone. The girl I loved was lost to her obsession with her own son.
It was when she started hitting me with that hammer that I decided to run away. My weakling son, Jeffrey was now more important to her than me! I told her I was going to out to buy milk. That was all I needed to run away from that life forever. Josephine was curious as to why I needed my sword to get milk, but I just threw her a stupid excuse.
"Bandits like milk. How do you think they're so strong?" She let me get away with it too.
I ran from her, from Jeffrey, and from the family that cursed me with this life. I pledged that money would no longer mean anything to me, but I made sure to stop by my home and take plenty of gold with me. I was a swordsman, not a woodsman. I've never traveled outside of town.
I felt so betrayed. If that swordsman never broke my sword, I would've never had to look for a new one. If I didn't look for a new one, I would've never met Josephine. And now I know I would've been happier without her in my life. I thought of all the other girls I was too arrogant to approach. Damn! Why was I so pompous?
I wandered aimlessly, hoping I could find that young man in the funny hat who beat me so many years ago. Although, by now he's grown... and probably grown out of wearing that ridiculous hat. Then I remembered something he said before the duel.
"Do you really think you can beat me while I wield the Demonic Howling Sword? One forged by the great Rezo, the Red Priest?"
Of course! A man like Rezo shouldn't be hard to find. And if he'd take a cocky swordsman under his wing, surely he'd take me! Yes! Imagine, a swordsman from the Liasas family wielding a sword forged by a man as great as Rezo! It was a story fit for legend. And so my quest to become a living legend began.
I traveled to many towns, asking people about him. I heard many great stories of how he cured the sick and the blind. I even saw a child look at me with hope in his eyes. Eyes that were blind before they were touched by the Red Priest. The farther I traveled, the closer I felt to him. I listened to the stories in each town, and listened to the directions they gave me of where Rezo might be. This man wasn't just a common healer, he could work miracles! Surely he would cure the curse bestowed upon my life if I could find him.
I had no intention of giving up. Even if I died trying to find him, it was a greater comfort than what await me at my old home. I had plenty of money to spend at hotels and restaurants, but I didn't always have the luxury of boarding at a town. Sometimes, the wilderness was my only room. I slept on roots and ate from trees. I even learned to hunt and fish with my sword. I even fought of trolls and wolves. All I needed was my enchanted sword to live.
It was a hard life, but I was much happier. As a rich man I thought of how unfortunate poor people were for not having any money. But now, I began to wonder how the rich could live with themselves without any freedom. Soon, I would find Rezo, and he would give me the means to show my family the error of their ways.
One day, I reached the town of Sairaag. It was a rather peaceful community. It was also rumored that this is where Rezo stayed when he wasn't traveling. And why not? Sairaag is a place known for tales of magic. Even in my old hometown I heard stories of the Demon Beast Zanifar being slain here and captured by the Holy Tree Flagoon. I was in awe of this place. The tree was so huge I could see it even though it was a good distance from the town itself.
I searched the town. As I suspected, the rumors where true. Many people confirmed that this was the home of the Red Priest. Unfortunately, no one knew exactly which house it was. I visited the temple, in search for more clues. I learned that Rezo would often go to the old ruins of Sairaag. Apparently, that's where he hid his laboratory.
I rented a room at an inn, and insisted on having a view of the path to Old Sairaag. It was no inconvenience to them as long as I had the money. I had a clear view of the path exiting the town, as well as a beautiful mansion near that path. It was a nice looking place, but not as good as my old home.
I stayed at the inn for several days. Most of the time, I watched the path and glanced at the mansion. No one ever took the path, but I was fascinated by the inhabitants of the mansion. They came and left often.
There was a woman who wore long, white robes. She had short, dark hair, but still managed to look "womanly". At night, an old warrior would come out the front door and stand watch. He was old, but his age didn't betray his strength. There was also a wizard who wore a black robe. He looked like an amateur, but I've learned never to underestimate a magic user.
Still no sign of Rezo. I didn't care if I lost the rest of my money staying at this room. I knew that he had to go to his lab some time.
One seemingly peaceful night, I was awoken was the sound of horses. Eagerly, I jumped to the window with hopes that Rezo was finally going to the ruins. But, to my dismay, it was only some activity in the mansion. There were 2 horses. One carried a wizard I've never seen before. He was dressed in a dark cloak. The other horse carried a young man dressed as a ranger. Rather handsome. He looked just like me when I was young... and eager to be with Josephine... ugh.
Another horse galloped to meet them. And the rider... It was him! The man in the funny hat! He HAS aged, and yet he still wears that stupid hat. I guess you just can't change some people. But this means, he's here to meet Rezo! Why else would he come here?
The night had grown, so I took to my bed, anxious to wake up and visit the mansion in the morning.
I woke up early that morning. I was too excited to even sleep properly. I got dressed, ate breakfast, and cleaned my sword. I left the inn, and quickly rushed to my salvation.
However, I didn't dare approach. A frightening figure stood at the front door of the mansion. A man dressed in white. He looked over the town with a face of pure anger. And his face... horrible. It was BLUE! His skin was blue and even his hair was blue. In some places, it seemed he had sprouted rocks. Then I realized that this was the handsome man from last night! What happened to him? I quickly hid around the corner of the estate to see if I could find out what was going on.
The front doors opened. A very tall man in red robes glided on through and greeted the freak.
"Zelgadis, I gave you power you wanted. Will you now do the favor I ask of you?"
The man nodded. "I will."
"You won't have to go alone, of course. Zodimus, Zolf, and Dilgear will assist you."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't introduced you to him yet, but I'm sure you'll be impressed."
"I'm sure. What about Zangulus and the wizard with him?"
"They are mercenaries. They have no real loyalty to me, so I won't trust them with something like this. You are one of the few people who really understand."
"I see. Then I'll be leaving as soon as possible."
"You may leave as soon as I've prepared your team."
"I'm in no hurry, Rezo."
Rezo?! The man in red was Rezo? I didn't understand what was going on. Why was the Red Priest being so familiar with a monstrous freak? What favor was he asking of him? My suspicions grew even more when the rest of the team appeared. Rezo sent the old warrior, and one of the magic users along. But could never believe what Dilgear was! He looked like a freak also. Somewhat like a mix between a werewolf and a troll. Disgusting! What kind of magic was the Red Priest up to?
As I watched the troupe leave, I contemplated on weather I should go on. I decided that I had come too far to stop now. Nervously, knocked on the door. It was answered by the woman I saw before who wore white robes, but this time she looked different. She now wore black leather. I'll have to admit that it suited her face much better.
"What do you want?"
She was obviously trying to intimidate me, but I wasn't about to let her. "I'm looking for Rezo, the Red Priest. I know he lives here."
"I'm sure you do. You've been watching us from your window for far too long."
I was stunned! I didn't know they could see me! "How - ? How did you - " I stammered.
"Please, come in. He'll see you."
I was unsettled at the moment. I thought I had the upper hand, but the whole time, Rezo knew about me. I walked into the mansion. The woman guided me up a flight of stairs. At the top was a dominating, glorified portrait if the Red Priest. It didn't impress me. Portraits are a copper a dozen.
She led me to a door on the top floor.
"Wait here," she said. "I'll announce you."
I just nodded, even though I was a bit aggravated. Rezo was a Priest, not a king! Why did I need to be announced? She came back quickly.
"He'll see you now." With that, she walked down the steps and out the front door.
I cautiously entered the room, and there he was. Finally, the man I've been looking for. He sat in a large chair surrounded by lit candles. The room had no windows, so that was the only source of light. I knew he was a good man, but this setting would make any man look evil. I wasn't sure if he could see me. He kept his eyes shut... kinda reminded me of Josephine... ugh.
"Greetings sir."
"Greetings, Rezo. I am Goldimer Liasas, a swordsman."
He smirked. "Well, I see we're very fortunate to have someone from a family of great swordsmen spying on us."
"It's not what you think! I wasn't spying."
"Of course you weren't. You have no reason to be spying on me, right?"
"That's right."
"Then why?"
"Well... you see..." I told him the whole story. About the swordsman in the odd hat. About my family. About why I ran away, and began to search for him. He seemed to be very amused by it.
"You tracked me down so I could make you a new sword?"
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm working on a very important project right now. I don't have the time to make you a sword, but..."
"You seem to be a very good watch dog. If you're willing to take Rodimus's place, then You can stay here and learn how to forge your own magical sword."
"The man who stood watch at night. You would know him."
"Yes, I remember. He was the bald man."
"I didn't want to sent him away with Zelgadis at first, even though I knew he would be a great asset to the team. But now that I have a possible replacement, I don't have to worry about that."
"I see that you expect me to accept."
"Do you have any other choice?"
It was a good deal... but it was also a big mistake. It seemed simple enough. All I had to do was stand outside the mansion at night. In return, the woman, whose name I learned was Eris, would teach me some enchantments.
At first, I thought my job was rather pointless. There were guards all over Sairaag. I just had to wonder why someone had to post a watch here. I was told that sometimes, monsters would come down from the ruins and harass people in the night. There were only 2 reasons for a watch. The first was because the monsters didn't want to be seen entering the town. So all I had to do was watch the path, and they would stay away. The second reason, was to fight off any creature who didn't care if they were seen. However, I enjoyed many quiet nights.
My magic lessons were tough. I had to learn so much about the Gods, the Demons, and the Elements. So much energy was put into casting magic, that I had to exercise more just to keep up. First I learned an enchantment that made things immune to magic. I enchanted my sword. I also bought some good armor and enchanted that as well. To test my skills, Eris threw a fireball at me while I was wearing it. The force threw me like a rag doll, but the armor was unsinged. She was impressed.
Next, I learned some healing spells and more enchantments. I was most proud of an animation spell I learned. It was difficult to do, but I enjoyed it so much. I was able to make things move on their own. Sometimes, during my nightly watches, I'd enchant my armor and make it dance for me for entertainment.
But as usual, my life would come crashing down. One afternoon, I saw Rezo and Eris exit the mansion. They must've thought I was still asleep, so I didn't bring any attention to myself. I put on my armor, and followed them... they took the path to Old Sairaag. Rezo was probably headed for his laboratory. I don't know why I was curious. My instincts just told me to follow them. I thought I could find out all the secrets of this place. What happened to the blue skinned man? Where did the were-troll come from? What was Rezo looking for?
I followed them silently and listened to them speak.
"Have you heard from Zolf lately?"
"No, Master Rezo."
"I see. I must be patient. That statue could be anywhere. Zelgadis has the whole world to search."
"Yes. Fortunately, patience is one of your best virtues."
"Normally... but being so close to the fulfillment of my dream, my patience wears thin."
"Much like that of a child, I see?"
"Yes... I suppose I do feel like a child again. But I also know that it could be years before Zelgadis even comes close to finding it."
"Shabranigdo has waited a millennium to be resurrected. He can wait a few years."
Rezo suddenly stopped walking.
"What's wrong, Master?"
"Eris, I'm sure you didn't mean to reveal my plan to the person following us."
I was flabbergasted! He knew I was there! In a blink, his shadow was upon me.
"What a shame," he smirked. "I'll have to suffer the loss of a watch dog that knows too much."
"No! It's not like that!"
Eris cut in. "I'm afraid it's exactly like that." The next second, I was being pummeled by freeze arrows from both of them. My armor protected me, but they still hurt enough.
I ran away again. This wasn't the Rezo I thought I knew. He was evil. And I knew people would think I was crazy if I told them that he wanted to resurrect Shabranigdo. I doubted that he could do it anyway. No man could ever have that much power. Rezo was just a dreamer.
In poor judgment, I ran back to the mansion to get the last of my gold and my sword. I guess Rezo didn't think I was important enough to kill. He didn't come after me. I just wanted to get out of Sairaag!
As I ran toward the front gates, I realized I wouldn't get far with my armor weighing me down. I had to buy a horse as quickly as possible. Near an old shed, I spotted a man with a small pot of coins and a horse.
"Sir, I would like to purchase your horse quickly!"
"The horse isn't for sale. I'm taking donations for the Sairaag Sorcerers Guild. We need funding to do more research on making copies."
"I'll pay ANYTHING for the horse!"
"Do you know what we would be able to do if we could make copies? We could make lots of horses!"
"I don't really care about that right now, nor do I have time to care!" I threw my money pouch at him. "I'm taking the horse!"
"No, sir! We need that horse-," at that moment, the pouch split open revealing all the gold left inside. The man's eyes began to glitter. "Well... I'm sure we can compensate for the loss of the horse with this AND have enough for our research."
"I'm glad we could come to an understanding," I said as I mounted the horse.
I rode out of town as quickly as possible. I didn't care where I was going as long as it was away from Rezo and Josephine. Now I had two demons to deal with.
As night set in, I gave the horse a rest and tied it to a tree. I was on a trail in the woods, but I didn't know which woods. I was lost, but that's how I felt safe.
That evening, I sat in a tree pondering my misfortune. I had no money, no wife, and no life. All I had to show for my troubles was a horse and some limited magic spells. I could've been a great man, but no. Now it's back to life in the forest. It's not a bad life. I just happen to miss the security of my youth when my wife didn't destroy me and a very famous priest didn't want me dead.
Again I would be sleeping on roots. I decided to use my magic to animate the trees around me and my horse. That would provide some protection for us. It proved to be a good strategic decision on my part.
That very night, some bandits came and tried to steal my horse. Stupid fools. I had them right were I wanted them - even before I'd woken up. They were tangled in the trees. I just laughed at them.
"You fools," I exclaimed. "How did you ever think to get past someone from the Liasas family?"
One of them called out. "You can't fool us. The Liasas are rich folk. You look like a common thief!"
I drew my sword. "A common thief, am I? Would you care to test me?"
A heavy voiced man from one of the trees answered, "I would."
Immediately, the other bandits started cheering for him. "Yeah! Go Gaulder! Get 'im!"
I ignored their applause. "So you're name is Gaulder."
He immediately drew his sword and began fighting... much like the way I did when I fought the man in the funny hat. But I had the upper hand on him.
Dodge right.
Dodge right.
Dodge left...
And with that, I had him. His moves were much too predictable for me, but I'll admit that he was good. His sword impaled the ground while my sword faced his throat. The other bandits booed their disapproval.
"Silence!" I yelled. "Perhaps we can come to an agreement." I lowered my sword and gave my hand to Gaulder to help him stand. "You want a horse, and I need some money."
The leader, who was caught by a high branch, called down, "You're not trying to SELL the horse to us, are you?"
What I said next surprised even me. I don't know why I said it. Maybe I was afraid of being alone again. Maybe I liked the way these guys were dressed. Maybe a little of everything with a touch of lunacy.
"I'll let you take the horse," I said, "If you take me along with you."
The leader sat silent for a moment. "Deal!" All the bandits cheered once again.
"My name is Goldimer Liasas. My friends, you can call me Goldias."
And so began my life as a bandit. The pay was good, but it was a heavy burden on your conscience. I didn't care much. It was a good way to work off my hatred of rich people. The only thing I didn't like was they wouldn't let me wear my armor when we were "working". Everyone had to wear the same armor unless we were alone or in the camp. The armor we had to wear was functional, but it wasn't enchanted like mine.
I became good friends with Gaulder as well. He wanted to learn all I could teach him about the sword. I wasn't sure at first. The last time I taught someone sword skills, they were used against me... that stupid Josephine. Well, I decided not to dwell on the past. We fought often to test his skills. He got better, but he never defeated me.
One day, a man walked into our camp and asked for the boss. He caused quite an uproar with everyone else.
"Who's that?" I asked.
Gaulder replied with resentment, "He's the leader of a bunch of bandits called 'the Boys'. I think he's calling in a favor that we owe him."
He told me how the Boys warned everyone about several bounty hunters coming into the area. Thanks to the warning, everyone was ready for them. But there were also rumors that the Boys are the one's who sent the bounty hunters in this direction in the first place. Anyhow, the bandits now owed them a favor, and now was the time to call it in.
Gaulder, a man named Cid, and I were sent to fulfill this favor. It sounded simple enough. All we had to do was capture a girl named Lina Inverse. I never heard of her myself, but Gaulder and Cid had quite a few stories to tell. They said she was an evil sorcerer who left destruction wherever she went. She liked to kill bandits and thieves. And she was so horrible she could scare dragons. No one really knew how old she was either. Some say she's a small breasted, skinny, short girl. Others say she's an old hag who just looks young.
Stories of this girl started spreading about two or three years ago. I found them hard to believe. I had to see Lina for myself.
We met up with a man named Diol. He was the eccentric old man who wanted us to capture her. I didn't know why the leader of the Boys wanted us to do this, but we had nothing to argue. All we could do was our job. Diol wanted Lina so he could turn her into a freakish chimera. He was just as sick as Rezo.
Anyway, Cid was a great tracker. He became the leader figure in the group. He knew just how to find Lina. We caught up with her in no time.
She certainly wasn't what I expected. She really WAS short and her hair was unnaturally bright. She also had a partner with her. A taller woman who was much more pleasant to look at, but she had a terrible laugh.
Gaulder and I drew our swords while Cid negotiated Lina's surrender. Negotiations didn't last very long. The next thing I knew, the ground underneath me had exploded. I was knocked unconscious.
Gaulder and I woke up quite a while later. We didn't know how much time had past. Cid was gone, so was Lina and her friend. What a horrifying experience. No one should ever have to meet that girl. I used some healing magic on us and we went back to the camp.
We were laughed out for even thinking of coming back after failing a mission. They kicked us out, but at least they returned my armor to me. The enchantment on it had worn off, but it was easy enough to cast another one.
So, once again I was an outcast. But this time I had company. Gaulder still thought of me as a teacher, and I was proud to teach him.
I began to think more and more about my current situation. As I did, I began to have nightmares of my old life. I dreamt of a happier time when Josephine wasn't some kind of monster. It was a time before Jeffrey was born. Then... the black tendrils of the future came and tore my life apart! I ran away from my wife because she was killing me. I ran away from Rezo because he tried to kill me.
Each night the nightmares grew worse and worse. I loved Josephine for who she was! Not for who she became. I searched for a Rezo who was a good man and a miracle worker! Not an evil psychopath who wanted to resurrect the Dark Lord. I joined a gang of bandits for acceptance! Not to be rejected again!
Arghh! Why must so much misfortune fall upon only one soul? There was only one thing left to do. Only one thing would cure my anger. REVENGE!
I led Gaulder to the ruins of a castle outside of my old town. That's were we prepared an attack on my old, cursed home. I had him wear some of the armor from a dead knight, and enchanted it for him. He didn't mind it too much. Together, we captured and tamed all the creatures who had made the ruins their home. Then I send Gaulder and the creatures out to invade and plunder my old homeland. He was all too happy to try out his new skills in combat. That is why I knew he would not fail. I was his teacher, after all.
Alas, even my quest for vengeance went awry.
Gaulder returned to the castle... as a traitor! Alongside Lina Inverse, no less. I pretended that I didn't recognize her, because if she knew she defeated me before, she would become too confident... and I already knew how strong she was. As for Gaulder... I knew he wouldn't betray me unless someone had defeated him in combat. The only way out was to fight.
The battle should've been quick. I animated the rest of the armor in the place. I had a whole army to fight them with! Gaulder tried to attack me again. I sliced through his sword easily. I was the king of the war... but...
Something happened. Lina's partner did something. The room filled with astonishing bright light. All my living armor and my enchantments disappeared! But I still had a fight in me! I could still win.
Well... I would've won... but they played their trump card.
Out of nowhere, a lanky, skinny, clumsy looking, disgustingly weak looking person flew out and called my name.
"YOU BETTER GET READY GOLDIAS! I'M GONNA GIVE YOU SUCH A HIT!" He tripped on the stairs to the throne and through a bleeding face gurgled, "I'n ya narthst nithmeir!"
I knew him well. "JEFFREY!? What are you doing here?" I backed away from him in dread. "But that must mean SHE'S here!"
Speak of the devil and she appears. That's what happened. Josephine came right back into my life. She looked even scarier than ever!
I won't go into the details of what happened next. It's too sad. I don't even want to remember. Let's just say... you can't solve any problems by running away. Remember, there's a time in the life of every problem when it's big enough to see and small enough to stick an enchanted sword in.
The writer, Goldimer Liasas, continued his life with Josephine and Jeffrey. He was very unhappy and went into the woods often, only to be found and dragged back home.
Several years later, Shabranigdo was reborn. Goldias was believed to have gone insane at the sight. He ran into the woods yelling something about going back to Sairaag. It is believed that he made it to the city at exactly same the time it was destroyed by the copy Rezo.