Part One

It was a wonderful spring morning. The sun shining, the birds were singing, little animals were throwing rocks...

Gourry woke up to the sharp pain on his left temple. He sprang up ready to defend an attack but then soon realized that this wasn't Lina's doing. Lina was nowhere to be seen and Amelia was still sleeping.

I wonder where Lina went? Oh well more sleep! Gourry collapsed back down on the ground was about to go to sleep when another flying rock hit him again.

Gourry looked up and saw the culprits. It was two squirrels up in the tree above him. They tried to look innocent but Gourry knew that they had thrown the stones at him purposely. Or at least that's what he thought.

"Hey little guys stop throwing rocks at me. It's not nice to hurt people when they are trying to sleep." Gourry gave them a little smile right before he got hit in the face with another rock.

The squirrels scampered off talking amongst themselves but to Gourry it almost sounded they were snickering.

Gourry sighed and looked around him. There were rocks everywhere! Gee those little guys must have been busy. But how could they get all those rocks up into that tree in the first place? Gourry wondered, as he looked around at all the rocks. One stone caught his eye. It was small and black with a strange turquoise design on it. What's this? He picked up to further examine it. Maybe Lina can figure out what this thing is. I'll show it to her later. Gourry put the little rock in his pocket and waited for Lina to return.

Lina lightly hummed as she carried her fishing line of fish back to camp to eat for breakfast. She left Amelia and Gourry sleeping in camp when hunger started to override her senses. Oh well it's pretty bright out I doubt they would still be asleep.

But Lina was wrong.

Amelia and Gourry were both sleeping and their camp was filled with little rocks and stones. "What the hell happened here?!" Lina exclaimed almost dropping her fish.

Amelia opened her eyes all dopey. "Good morning Miss Lina. Did you get some fish for breakfast?"

"What's with all the rocks?!" Lina said motioning for Amelia to look around.

Amelia looked and was surprised to see rocks everywhere. "What happened?"

"I don't know the camp wasn't like this when I went to fish. Don't you know?"

"I was sleeping. Maybe Mister Gourry knows something?" Amelia suggested.

As if on cue Gourry woke up. "Ooooh! Fish! I'm hungry!"

"Gourry what happened here?"

Gourry stared blankly. It was hard for him to think past his rumbling stomach. He looked around himself all confused. "Oh wait I remember! It was those little guys!" Gourry beamed. He was quite pleased with himself to be able to remember something reasonably quickly for once.

"Little guys?"

"Yeah those little rascal squirrels."

"Squirrels did this?"

"Yeah they were throwing rocks and stones from a tree. I told them to stop doing it because it wasn't nice and they stopped and went away."

Lina gave Gourry a weary look. "Squirrels where throwing this many stones and they stopped because you told them to?"

"Well not right away. They threw another rock me but they stopped after that." Gourry grinned pointing to the marks on his face.

Lina gave Gourry a weird look before just ignoring him all together and started cooking up the fish.

Days went by and Gourry still hadn't shown Lina the little back and turquoise stone. They were traveling to investigate a so-called haunted forest for a town (for a very large price of course) whom claim ghosts were the cause of their bad luck with their crops. They were checking every inch of the forest to see if they could find and truth to any of the ghost claims but they hadn't seen a thing. It looked like just an ordinary forest. The only strange thing had been that day when their camp got pelted with those rocks.

Gourry had completely forgotten about the little stone in his pocket. And it wasn't till he accidentally got separated from the others and sat down that he noticed he had it.

"Aww I was hoping this was food. I'm hungry." Gourry frowned looking at the little stone in his hand.

Is food what you seek?

Gourry turned his head around to find the source of the voice. "Who said that?"

I did.


Down here.

Gourry looked down and stared at the little stone. "You, the stone?"


"How can a stone talk?"

Because I'm a special stone.

"Oh." Gourry was still confused.

So is food what you seek?

"Yeah I'm hungry."

I can get you food.

"Really? How?"

I'm a wishing stone. Make a wish and I can grant it.

"Really? I can wish for anything I want and you can give it to me?"


"Alright I wish for a ten course meal!"


A large table appeared out of nowhere with enough food on it to feed an army. Gourry jumped for joy and sprinted over to the table and started to stuff his face full of food.

Lina and Amelia investigated the forest while looking for Gourry as well. Gourry had wandered off again and it was starting to get on Lina's nerves.

"How the hell are we supposed to get any work done when that dofus keeps taking off like that?!"

"I pretty sure Mister Gourry didn't mean to Miss Lina."

"But it's making it a little hard to check the whole place when he have to go and look for him every five minutes!" Lina stomped her foot to accent her point.

"Miss Lina we already know that there are no restless spirits wandering around this forest. Otherwise I would feel some sort of spirit like presence haunting this area. But there aren't any ghosts around here. It's just the townsfolk using a poor innocent ghost as a scapegoat for their bad farming techniques! It's so unjust to place blame on someone else just because you can't do something properly!"

Lina sweatdropped, but choice not to comment.

After about ten minutes of searching Lina and Amelia finally found Gourry. He appeared to be hunkered over something and looked like he was eating, only there wasn't a thing in front of him.

"Gourry what are you doing?"

Gourry defensively grabbed the air around him as if he was grabbing something invisible. "You can't have any it's mine!"

"What are you talking about?"

"The food! I wished for it so it's only for me!" Gourry defiantly stated and continued to stuff his face with invisible food.

"What food?! There's no food anywhere!"

"What do you mean there's food right here!" Gourry motioned to the area in front of him. He could still see a large table full of food.

"Gourry there's nothing in front of you!" Lina yelled giving a smack on the head.

"Ow! There is. It's right h -- " Gourry stopped mid-sentence. The food was gone! "Hey where did it go?!"

"Where did what go?"

"The food that I wished for!"

"Gourry there wasn't any food here!"

"Yes there was! This stone told me to wish for something and I did! I wished for food and it made it appear!" Gourry held out the stone for Lina and Amelia to view.

To Amelia and Lina it looked like just any other ordinary gray stone. Nothing special to it.

"This stone granted you a wish?"

"Yes it did. It told me that it would. It said it was a special stone."

"Gourry you mean to tell me that this stone was talking to you?" Lina narrowed her eyes at him. He's gone delusional.

"Yes it was! Here stone go on tell them!"

I did.

"See it even says so!" Gourry huffed.

Amelia and Lina looked at Gourry. They hadn't heard a thing.

"Mister Gourry are you feeling ill?"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't seem to be acting rational. Hallucinating and now you're hearing voices."

"What? Don't you hear the stone?"

"No Gourry because that's just an ordinary stupid gray stone! It's not talking nor is it special! It's just a stupid little rock!" Lina smacked him on the head again.

"It is too talking! And what do you mean gray? It's black and turquoise!" Gourry insisted.

"He's lost it. Just what we need a crazy Gourry. It's bad enough that's he spacey and stupid but crazy too? This is going to be annoying." Lina walked off not impressed.

"I'm not crazy!" Gourry insisted following Lina.

"I guess we'd better take Mister Gourry back to the town. Maybe they have some medicine that can help him."

"I'm not crazy!"

Part 2   |   Fanfiction