File Five: Kirk Redmond

"So what else do we know about Kirk Redmond besides that he was the first person to go missing?" Zelgadis asked as they got in the car.

"Well he had been acting very strange in the weeks leading up to his disappearance. According to reports Mr. Redmond went from an average American taxpayer to a paranoid man that went around raving that they were out to get him." Lina said sardonically as she got behind the wheel and started the engine.


"Yeah according to Mr. Redmond there was a group a people that was out to get everyone. At some points he said it was a group of super humans, another time he said the FBI and then he settled on the idea that they were an alien invasion. Whatever this group was it was going to eventually get them all. He also claimed that they were going to get him first because he had found out they were planning. So he tried to warn everyone before they got him."

Zelgadis raised an eyebrow. "Did anyone take him seriously?"

"At the beginning, no. They all pegged him to be crazy. They all figured he had lost his mind. But after he and others started to go missing then they started to take what he had said seriously."

"Thus resulting in this." Zelgadis dryly remarked glancing out the car window at the townsfolk glaring at them suspiciously.

"Yup, great isn't it? Anyway Kirk Redmond right now is at Luferson General Hospital seeking medical attention."

"Is there something wrong with him?"

"They didn't say."

When Lina and Zelgadis reached Luferson General Hospital they were met with many suspicious and distrusting people as they went to see Kirk Redmond. It looked like even irrational paranoia had made its' way in the hospital.

After walking down the quiet halls of the hospital they were stopped by a nurse in front of Kirk Redmond's room.

"Is there a problem Miss?" Zelgadis tried to ask in a calm voice.

"I don't care what lies you brink with you, I know what you're up to. So don't think for a darned second that I'm going to take my eyes off you two not even for a second. I'm watching you." The nurse's voice was cold and stern as she let the two FBI agents into Redmond's room.

"Oh I've got chills." Lina whispered to Zelgadis sarcastically.

Both of them felt the nurse's eyes on their back as she stood outside the door looking through the window at them.

The 37 year old Kirk Redmond sat on his bed with some pillows that his back was propped against. He seemed to be staring into nothing and didn't acknowledge the two agents' presence in his room. He just sat there staring off into space being deathly silent.

"Mr. Redmond?"

Kirk Redmond snapped his gaze to Lina and Zelgadis' direction and gave them a big smile. But what was odd was that Mr. Redmond did it in such a mechanical way. Like he was a remote controlled robot.

"Mr. Redmond we are Special Agents Lina Sculder and Zelgadis Mully. We're with the FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions if that's alright." Lina asked fishing out a small notepad and a pen. Zelgadis meanwhile picked up Redmond's medical chart and started to look it over.

"Why of course I'll answer your questions. Everyone should always do their best to co-operate with the FBI and the Government." Mr. Redmond's smile never left his lips.

"Can you remember anything that happened to you Mr. Redmond?"

Mr. Redmond thought hard for a moment. "No I'm sorry I can't. The last think I remember before they found me was going to sleep. The next thing I knew I woke up outside laying on the ground covered in dirt."

"So you don't remember being abducted by aliens?" Lina asked stoically.

"You think I was abducted by aliens? Bust isn't that a little absurd?" Mr. Redmond was still smiling.

"So you don't think you were abducted by aliens?"

"Why no of course not! There's no such thing as aliens! And even if there was I doubt they'd want to abduct me!"

"But Mr. Redmond -- "

"Lina may I cut in?" Zelgadis interrupted Lina.

She gave him a cross look but motioned him to talk.

"Mr. Redmond is says here that you are on medication and that you need to take two pills an hour and half before you go to bed. Is that right?"

"Yes I do. They help me with my sleeping."

"And what do they do?"

"They're prescription sleeping medication. I have quite a bit of trouble sleeping sometimes. Without them I may go long periods without sleep. I've even gone practically a week without sleep."

"Is that all they do?"

"No I also have a tendency to sleepwalk on the few occasions I can sleep well. One pill helps me sleep, while the other helps me from sleepwalking."

Zelgadis looked down at the chart again. "Around the time you disappeared were you taking your medication like you were supposed to?"

Kirk Redmond thought hard again. "No I wasn't."

"Do you remember why?"

"No I don't remember why I wasn't taking them. I should have been, now why did I?"

Zelgadis shrugged and then closed the medical file and looked over to Lina.

Lina gave him a suspicious look before continuing on with her questions. "Mr. Redmond according to the police report you were going around warning everyone of an alien invasion. One where everyone in this town was going to be abducted. And since your abduction others from the town have been abducted."

"I told everyone aliens were coming to abduct us all? I don't remember doing that." Redmond said in confusion. But despite that he was still smiling.

"You don't remember doing anything like that at all?" Lina prompted.

"Well me mind is a bit foggy at the moment so I can't remember certain things too well."

"Like going ranting to everyone of impending danger."


"Well Mr. Redmond that will be all for now. If you remember anything more please contact me at this number." Lina said while handing Mr. Redmond a card.

"I will Agent Sculder. You two have a lovely day now." Mr. Redmon's smile broadened.

Lina said nothing to Zelgadis as they exited Mr. Redmond's room. They just walked in silence till they were outside and back in the car.

"Lina what are you thinking?" Zelgadis asked finally breaking the silence between them.

"I don't think that's Kirk Redmond in that room. I think that someone has taken him and is now posing as him in that room in the hospital."

"According to the blood work testing that has been done on the chart they prove that's Kirk Redmond in there."

"How do you know that the tests haven't been falsified?"

Zelgadis blinked. "Why would they Lina? What purpose would that serve?"

"To hide the truth."

"What truth? What is it that you think is going on here? Do you think this is mass alien abductions?"

"I don't know what's going on, I can only guess. And alien abductions, is one answer, not the one I was originally thinking off. But fine it that really is Kirk Redmond in there someone has done something to him. His mind has been tampered with. Why else would he not remember anything and act so weird for? He doesn't remember ranting like a lunatic, and now he's all co-operative with the FBI? And what was with that constant smile of his?" Lina unconsciously shuddered. It reminded her of Assistant Director Xellos Teller.

"I may not be able to explain everything that is going on here, but I might be able to explain Kirk Redmond and his strange behavior."

Lina motioned for Zelgadis to continue.

"Well he wasn't taking his prescription pills as we both found out. And more likely he wasn't sleeping as a result of it given his medical history. And you need to sleep to function properly so chances are his lack of sleep was causing him to think and act irrationally. When he finally did sleep he must have slept walked outside."

"So he's been sleeping this whole time? Yeah right!" Lina snorted.

"Well not the whole time. While he was sleeping walking someone may have kidnapped him."

"What about his memory loss?"

"According to his charts he seems to have suffered a blow to the head which would be consistent with kidnapping. And that blow to the head might be the cause of shi memory loss. And because he hadn't been taking his medication that also might have altered his memory a bit."

"Why would someone kidnap him and then give him back?"

"Well maybe he wasn't kidnapped, maybe he was mugged. And when the mugger got whatever valuables Kirk Redmond had, the mugger might have just dumped his body someplace. And it was a very hard blow to the head that Kirk Redmond had so it probably left him unconscious for quite a while. He does have a concussion."

"What about everyone else? You can't argue that everyone abducted here suffers from sleeping problems. So how can you explain the rest of them?" Lina dared.

"I know I can't. But I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all this."

"Feh." Lina snorted before starting up the car.

"Where are we going?"

"Well we were going to go see Kithmat's home before we got tangled with that missing boy problem and going to see Kirk Redmond. So we're going to head over to Kithmat's home now." Lina started to drive.

"Didn't you say you were going to tell me your theory when we got there?"

Lina snorted.

File 6   |   Fanfiction