Uninvited is a nice dark spooky song by Alanis Morisette.
A new moon.
A very dark night.
Like anyone would be
And a voice from the darkness where the moon had been.
"It's decided, Lina."
I am flattered by your fascination with me
"You will join our side
you'll be so powerful -
you'll be with us
- you'll be with me...."
"What? I'm not doing that!"
Like any hot-blooded woman
"You wanted my talismans, Lina
and now you have them
look how powerful you are ....
Don't you want the rest?
Don't you want more?
Don't you want all of it?"
I have simply wanted an object to crave
Fierce hunger in those red eyes.
"... dangerous, I'm too powerful already...."
What restraint. He smiles.
But you, you're not allowed
"It's what you were meant for, Lina.
To be with us."
With me.
You're uninvited
"It won't happen!"
An unfortunate slight
Another smile.
"Not the easy way...."
Shadows rise up to envelop her;
she is a light
Must be strangely exciting
Quick grasping tendrils approach her;
she is a blade
To watch the stoic squirm
A host of impossible strength surrounds her;
Must be somewhat heartening
she is chaos incarnate.
To watch shepherd need shepherd
The last resort:
a voice from the darkness.
But you, you're not allowed
"Be with us, Lina...."
be with me
What's that in his eyes?
You're uninvited
Mazoku don't love, ever.
They crave.
They yearn.
They ache.
They lust,
but never, ever love.
An unfortunate slight
A personal attempt, now.
"Come with me!"
Like any uncharted territory
Fire in those crimson eyes
"I will not be a
like you!!"
I must seem greatly intriguing
Wanting, and never loving
"I won't rest until you are...."
You speak of my love like
Hunger in those violet eyes
You have experienced love like mine before
"That settles things!"
The power blooms in her hand, bright and deadly.
But this is not allowed
He spreads passive arms, no defenses
terrible honesty in those violet eyes
You're uninvited
"I won't resist you, Lina ...
I can't"
An unfortunate slight
- hesitation/shock -
what is he doing?
- brilliant death still growing in her hand -
I don't think you unworthy
Mazoku never love!!
I need a moment to deliberate
She blasts him. Hot tears in those crimson eyes.
He is true. He falls at her assault, eyes closed, teeth bared.
No mercy, Lina; I can't afford it
She blasts him again, repeatedly. The wind tears the water away from her
face, but there is always more.
He smiles as she takes him apart.
His eyes stay closed.
He was ordered not to hurt her.
He was unsuccessful.
Trickster! You never loved ANYONE!!
He has no lungs now, but he moves his lips
there is still ... longing ....
on his face,
one droplet lands -
One final merciless barrage:
screaming/killing/annihilating -
what am i feeling? WHAT AM I FEELING?
(it's streaming from those ruby eyes)
and she's finished/alone.
It's a new moon, a very dark night
gleaming wet stars in those cochineal eyes....
In the distant darkness,
his fragments smile at each other:
excellent decision!