Part One: Inversed

Zelgadis sat inside the tent he was sharing with Gourry silently while the others were out fishing. They asked him to go along but he refused as soon as he remember the Lake Dragon ordeal so he decided to stay back at their campsite. He sighed as he thought the usual about finding the Clair Bible, the cure he wouldn't give up on and looked out of the tent as Lina, Amelia and Gourry approached. Just they were about to greet him, he noticed something fall in front of him and he glanced up at the sky which had started to crack. Lina raised a brow at Zel, looking up to see what the big deal was and she dropped all their fish.

"HEY! Look at that you guys! The sky is cracking like ice!" Lina shouted, pointing at the sky just as it shot a beam of light down on them. When Zelgadis opened his eyes, he was surrounded by trees and animals but everything went blurry after a few seconds then it got dark. Somewhere in the world, a woman looked up suddenly and departed with her scythe, her crimson hair swaying in the breeze.

"Over here! This way Rudy!" A girl called, waving her arm until a young blue haired boy appeared at her side. The boy called Rudy tilted his head at what he saw, two men and two women laying in a clearing. He looked at the girl and shrugged.

"What's the big deal Cecilia? Maybe they were drunk and passed out here." Rudy said, shrugging again while Cecilia glared at him.

"You usually get drunk in a bar Rudy! If they were drunk, they wouldn't have passed out here, they probably wouldn't have made it to the door anyway." Cecilia mumbled, jabbing her index finger in Rudy's face. "Look! If you aren't going to take me seriously then go back to Adlehyde!" She shouted, stomping off to the group in the clearing. Zel came to again, he sat up and looked around the same green forest he had seen before only there was girl kneeling by Lina.

"....Who're you and where are we?" Zel asked as he sat up, looking at the girl out of the corner of his eye. Cecilia jumped a little and turned to face him, somewhat surprised.

"Oh! You're awake! I'm Cecilia Adlehyde...the princess of Adlehyde. This is Filgaia." Cecilia replied, smiling a little at him. A few hours later, Zel and co. were resting in bedroom in Adlehyde castle and being treated like royalty while they waited for Cecilia to return with her friends.

"So what do you think of this place so far Lina?" Gourry asked, finding mostly everything the same as their world except much more ocean. Lina looked up from her meal and gave him an odd look.

"It's just like our world. Mountains, rivers and the whole works as well. I can't wait to see what kind of magic this place has!" She exclaimed, snickering to herself. Just then, Cecilia returned with Rudy and another man with long blonde hair and a blue ribbon tied into a pony tail. She gave him a shove, forcing him to stumble forward a little.

"Erk...I'm..uh..Jack." He said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. He wasn't really good at introducing himself. Cecilia giggled and gave Rudy's bottom a swat, forcing him forward as well.

"....I'm Rudy Roughknight..." Rudy said quietly, also not the social type. Hanpan jumped out of Jack's pocket, running around a little before stopping in front of Amelia.

"Don't forget me Jack. I'm Hanpan, the wind mouse. I'm Jack, Rudy and Cecilia's traveling companion." Hanpan squeaked, hopping onto Amelia's shoulder while Jack rolled his eyes.

"I'll introduce myself first. I'm Zelgadis Greywers." Zel mumbled in his usual tone and by miracle, everyone heard him. Lina glanced at Amelia who had been scratching Hanpan behind his ears.

"I'm Lina Inverse." She said quickly, Gourry watching a clock in awe until Lina elbowed him.

"Ow! Don't do that Lina! I'm Gourry Gabriev, Lina's guardian." Gourry whined, rubbing his arm. Zelgadis signaled Amelia that it was her turn to introduce herself.

"Eek! I'm Amelia Wil Tesla De Sayruun. Princess of Sayruun." She chirped, already aware that Cecilia was also a princess. Jack and Rudy looked at her skeptically but Cecilia just stood there silently. Later that night, Amelia sat on the balcony that was above all the courtyard and sighed. Even though she didn't show it, it seemed like Cecilia was also taking liking to Zelgadis...but Cecilia wasn't the only one. Off in the Demon's Lab, Lady Harken stood silent as she watched the redhead, blonde and lastly...the chimera. He was different, he had...power, passion and every else Lady Harken desired more than human suffering. She had to find a way to use that power for her own benefit.

"Manipulate him. Make his allies become his enemies. That shouldn't be too hard." Harken cackled with an evil grin, returning to her quarters unaware of what she was getting into.

This was rather interesting Zelgadis thought as Jack flew the Gull Wing toward the ancient arena.

"You sure you want to go here? Your opponents will be pretty tough...there is also a chance that you could fight 'him'." Jack explained, looking at Zel as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Who do you mean when you say 'him'?" Zel asked, watching the ground move rapidly.

"Boomerang." Jack replied, getting another odd look from Zel.

"Who the hell is Boomerang?" Zel asked again, reaching for his sword as the arena came into view. Jack didn't say anything, he just landed the Gull Wing near the arena and tapped the Juggernaut against his shoulder.

"You'll see'll see. Just don't make me look like a wuss." Jack joked, getting a smirk from Zel.

Part 2   |   Fanfiction