Chapter 6

Lina looked up from the graves of Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun and Xellos Metallium, only to see a blond woman stand up from Xellos'. "Juu-ou-sama Xellas Metallium," she said quietly, addressing the Dark Lord.

"Lina-chan," Xellas said back, looking at the sorceress. "You know who did this?"

"Gourry and I killed them," Lina answered honestly. It was never a good idea to lie to someone who could kill you easily. "But Zelgadis... he made them suffer. We just released them from a lifetime of pain."

The Beastmaster closed her eyes. "The chimera Xellos was interested in?"


Xellas opened her eyes to glare at the girl, but let it go. "How far alone are you?" referring to her pregnancy.

Lina gulped, and touched her stomach. "Five months. If you're wondering, Juu-ou-sama, it's not Xellos'."

"I know. I saw the chimera rape you."

Lina glared at the Dark Lord, planning on roasting a Xellas. "And why didn't you stop him?" she asked, her voice deadly quiet.

The blond stared at the sky. "L-sama forbade me to. There's something going on that the Lord of Nightmares wants played out."

Lina tilted her head up too. Both the youngest Dark Lord and the sorceress started at the passing clouds. After a few minutes, the girl said, "So, did you come only to tell me that?"

Xellas chuckled. "Iie. I came to visit my General/Priest's grave, that's all."

The redhead sighed.

"You must get the blood. Your cure depends on it."

"I know."

"Be glad there's no time limit on the cure. This is taking too long."

"I need this cure. I will get it."

Chapter 7   |   Fanfiction