Sigh What do you expect? It's either a Lina/Zel, Lina/Xellos, or Zel/Xellos. So can you guess? Yes, it is dark. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT FROM ME?!
I can't hear anything now. Something's wrong.
My eyes open, and I see him.
I see who I love.
But why can't I hear?
His lip move, and I can understand what he's saying.
But I can't hear him.
I can't.
He strokes my cheek, and shakes his head. His lips move again.
What did he say?
"What a waste"?
Finally, I realize something.
I can't hear my heart.
I can't even feel it.
My lips open, and I can feel my vocal cords move, but I can't hear my voice.
But I know what I say.
"Zel-kun... can you hear my heart?"