Part 6: Black Rose

Amethyst eyes opened as a small grin crossed his face. Finally. He found her again.

It had been a year since he lost her. Surprising, how he had been able to lose her for an entire year. But that didn't matter. She was back.

Juu-ou-sama would be pleased.

Once she was over her hangover...

Red's lips twitched in anger. "Mmph..."

Naga looked at the girl in awe. "Never knew you could generate a red aura like that..."

Zel just started for the nearest anchored bit.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!" Red roared as she pulled out her dagger, launching herself at the fleeing bandit. "I am NOT a flat chested little..."

"Oh, my, my," a humored voice said. "It seems little changes in a year." A man jumped down from the trees, dressed in a priest outfit, his purple hair falling around his face.

Zel's eyes narrowed, then smoothed as his face reflected confusion. Naga pulled herself up tall, and sucked in a deep breath. "OHOHOHOHOH!" she cackled. "And who are you, my dear priest?"

He bowed. "I would be Xellos." When the man straightened again, his face brightened, though his eyes never opened. "Zelgadis! My favorite chimera. Say, how has life been since our last meeting?"

"Xellos, if that is your name..." Zel started, "I don't remember meeting you. There are some vague memories of someone who annoyed me like you do, but..."

Xellos froze. "It didn't... She isn't..." He turned around, and leaned in closer to Red's stomach.

"H-HEY!" she cried, blushing.

"Hmm... so I see..." He pulled back, and placed his staff upright. "A Dragon Sister? That is interesting. Considering who you are, Lina-chan, Dragon Spoocr, I would think you would server Shabranigdo-sama."

Red started, then grabbed his shirt. "Y-you know? You know who I really am?"

"Hm?" Xellos' eyes opened, showing cutting shards of slitted amethyst. "Oh, how stupid I am to forget the memory block!" He placed a hand behind his head. "It seems Cepheed can't influence the Mazoku. Too sad, though." The Mazoku priest teleported out of her grasp. His taunting voice floated behind, his last words, "Shabranigdo-sama won't be pleased his chosen Knight is working for his enemy..."

"Hm?" Greater Beast Xellas Metallium looked up from her goblet, her long ears twitching in curiosity. "A Dragon Sister, you say?"

"Yes, my lady." Xellos peered into her cup. "Would you like to have your cup of Mazoku Fire refilled?"

She shook her head, elegantly rising to a standing position. "No... I think I'd rather hunt about now. Xellos, would you please think about why you are commanded to watch over Lina?"

The Trickster froze, and blinked a few times. "It's not because she's the only human that can successfully call upon the Lord of Nightmare's power?"

"Of course not." Her ears rose in amusement. "Think about it, Xellos. Even the blackest rose is still a rose." Her form slowly shifted to her favorite Mazoku shape, the wolf of tentacles.

"I hate to say it, my lady Xellas," he said, confused, "but that made no sense."

The wolf's jaws fell open in a lupine grin. "It will, my priest." She sprang over Xellos' head, the hunt already burning in her veins.

The purple haired Mazoku looked down in his hand, taking note of the object that had blown into his hand when Juu-ou-sama had jumped.

A black rose, with a perfect sapphire nestled in the petals.

Part 7   |   Fanfiction