Lina slowly raised her head. Ohgodspleasedon'tletitbeherI'mgoingtobesodead... Oh so slowly, her eyes scanned up the body clad in a waitress uniform. Finally, the reached the face. It'sherI'mdeaditwasn'tmyfaultokthebathingthingmightbebutIdon'tdeservetodieI'msodead...
Luna Inverse smiled at her. "It's been a while, Lina," she said as she sat down.
The redhead whimpered slightly. "I'msorryneechanIdidn'tmeantoditpleasedon'tkillme..." she babbled quickly.
Luna shook her head, taking another sip of her coffee. "That's past, Lina. I think you've grown past that." The waitress came by with Lina's mug, and said hello to the fuchsia haired girl. Luna nodded back. "How have you been?"
"Fine," she said faintly. Lina bit her lower lip, telling herself it wasn't the time to act like a bandit in the path of a Dragu Slave. "W-why are you here?"
She laughed. "I work here, Lina!" The Knight of Ceifeed chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, Lina... Actually, I'm wanted to talk to you. About your heritage."
Lina took a sip of her beer, and said, "Oh?"
Her sister nodded. "I know you're the slayer. I knew ever since you were born." The Knight put down her mug. "He's a vampire, isn't he?"
The girl blinked. "Who?"
"Don't play stupid with me," Luna said, lowering her head, her version of narrowing her eyes. "The chimera. He's a vampire."
Lina gulped hard. "Zel... Zelgadis is... Yeah. He's a vampire."
Her sister lifted her head again, and finished her coffee. "I thought as much. My break is almost over. Lina, be careful."
Lina blinked as her neechan stood up, going back to work. "But what should I be careful about?" she whispered. "What?" She sighed, and took another sip of her beer.
"Lina-san!" Amelia's voice rang out. The Slayer looked over, and saw the princess walking over to her. "A-are you alright, Lina-san? You're so pale..."
She placed a hand on her cheek instinctively. "Oh, I-I just saw someone I never thought I'd see again."
"By the way, imouto-chan," Luna said, walking by, "you don't get a discount on the food here." Then, her neechan walked over to a table, taking the person's order.
"Um, yeah." Lina blushed slightly. "My neechan. A-amelia, I'm not going to be in bed for the next few days late in the night. I-it has to do with my heritage."
Amelia stood up. "Well, then! I, Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun, must help you in what you must do!"
The redhead allowed her head to hit the table yet again.