Chapter 6: Next Stop, New World

Rezo had left his portal, and returned to the place where he was killed the first time, at the Tower of Shabranigdo. He was studying the Sword of Light, as he waited patiently for Lina and her friends to try anything. As he sat there, he could feel the power coming from the sword. He was just about to test the sword's power, when he sensed Lina entering the portal.

"Ok guys, REI WING!" Lina cast. She, Amelia and Naga rose into the air. Xellos and Zelas Metallium following close behind.

They flew as fast as they could, blasting chimeras the entire way through, making it to the other end of the portal faster than ever, it taking less than a day. They landed in front of the vortex which seemed to be the exit.

"Are you ready guys?" Amelia asked.

"Let's go!" Lina yelled, Xellos and Zelas nodding their heads in agreement.

Just as they began to step forward, about to make their exit, a familiar noise could be heard in the distance. It sounded like a shrill laugh, which echoed throughout the portal. The noise came closer, quite quickly, and Lina immediatly turned white as a ghost.


Lina and Naga looked around, only to see Naga's copies, all ten of them. They stood there laughing their shrill laugh, until Zelas finally got impatient and raised her hand at them. They shut up immediatly.

"Where did these clones come from?" she asked silently.

"It's a long story, from a long time ago," Lina replied, still shuddering from all the laughter.

"If they laugh again, they will be tossed to my pets on Wolf Pack Island. Be warned.."

The clones looked scared. One of them came forward and started to talk. "We the Naga foundation, heard that our junior business partner Lina Inverse was in some trouble, and we happened to find our mentor in the process! We have come to offer our help."

"The..." started Lina.

"Naga foundation??" Naga was shocked, but began to laugh herself, "AH HA HA HA HA HA HA! I told you that the clones were good for something other than getting us free food, Lina, besides, they can be of some help."

"Yeah, they can annoy us the entire time..." Lina thought to herself. Suddenly, she got an idea. If the copies of Naga could be there, then why couldn't she make a copy of herself to help as well.

"Hey, Bimbo Squad!" Lina yelled. She closed her eyes, and ripped a couple of strands of hair from her head. She put them into a vial, and handed them to the leader of the group. "Take this to the Mages Guild, in Sairaag. Make a copy of me, and bring her through the portal. She will be an exact copy of me, so she will have the memory of this happening."

"Ms. Lina, are you sure?!" Amelia asked, shuddering at the thought of another Dragon Slave chanting Lina.

"Completely!" She said. Zelas and Xellos sat back and watched Lina and Amelia argue, while Naga and the clones somehow found a glass of ale for each of them. They were off in a little group alone, standing in a circle drinking. The main clone had the vial of hair with her, and they started off after finishing their drink.

"Is she always this, strange?" Zelas asked of Xellos about Lina. "She seems as if she doesn't care what anyone else thinks of her plan."

"If you bet on that, Lord Zelas, you would win," he replied.

Naga's clones left the portal, about the same time that Lina and her friends were taking their first steps into the new world. They ran along at an amazing speed, their horrendous laughter ringing throughout the land. As they ran through Seyruun, windows crashed as the high pitched noise screeched through the town.

"AH HA HA HA HA HA HA A A AHAHA HA HA HAHA!!" As they ran, they left Seyruun at an incredible speed, as if some spell had been put on them. Coming up to a tree, they all raised their hands, with their breasts bouncing, and yelled, "DEMONA CRYSTAL!!!" Blasting the tree into oblivion as they ran through it, after it froze.

Townspeople were running everywhere as the shrill noise of the clones voices rang out. Windows were breaking, glasses were shattering, and even gold teeth in little old women were breaking out.

One woman, an old short woman with a cane, ran in front of a fire and began to erratically prey, "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP, OH PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!"

Lina and the others had stepped out of the portal, onto a grassy plain, filled with flowers. Birds flew around everywhere, and up in the distance, there was what seemed to be a black river.

"Where...where are we?" Naga gulped, visibly shaking.

Lina looked at her and replied, "I don't know...this place is totally foreign to me."

"We have entered an entire new universe.." said Zelas Metallium, "I cannot sense anything from the world we know, except for us..."

The group looked around, and saw many things that were totally new to them. The main thing being a strange machine, which commuted on the black river.

"Everyone watch out, that thing could be deadly! Look at the blue lights on top of it!" Lina shouted. "I'm gonna take care of this with one spell shot! Lord of Darkness of the Four Worlds, I call upon you, grant me all the power you possess. Flames which burn beyond crimson, and light burning from the brightest star in the heavens, come crashing down now. FIRE STORM!!!" Lina blasted a whirlwind of flames at the strange machine, which exploded after it was hit. Amelia noticed someone jumping out of it, and decided to try to stop it.

"You who stands against justice will be stopped. Shadow Wave!" Amelia caught the creatures shadow, and when she got closer to it, could tell that it was a human man that she had captured.

"Amelia get back!"

"NO! ALL OF YOU GET BACK AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" there was a loud voice coming from somewhere, and Lina looked around, seeing many more humans and vehicles like the first one, with strange blue lights, surrounding them and holding some sort of weapon on them.

"Oh no..." Lina though to herself. "This must be the legendary Earth....those machines, those weapons, those lights...I used to read about this place when I was little...I thought it was just a fairy tale."

The group stood still, waiting for someone to make a move. Xellos scanned their minds, attempting to find out the limits of their powers. He found that the weapons were no more than mere metal, ignited with blasting powder when fired.

"Lina, Amelia, Naga! You three defend yourselves. I will take care of these people." Xellos said, "Those weapons they carry can't hurt a monster like me, only humans like you."

"Monster? Man, these people are killers, but they are also plain freaks!" one of the men said, "anyway, you all just stand where you are."

Xellos closed his eyes, and began to chant, "Dark stars which pass through the eternity, pierce the flesh of this mortal. Zelas....Bleed!" He raised his staff, and a black ball of energy fired out at the men, and spread out like a line. "Puny mortals, next time you shouldn't get in my way." He finished the spell, igniting the line of energy into flame and explosions. All of the men who stood there died instantly except for one. He had his eyes closed, and seemed to be putting up a magical shield. It was the first new power that Xellos and Zelas could sense, and even Lina could sense it. It was a strong energy coming from the man.

"Ok, I knew this day would come." the man said, "I knew that one day, aliens would come here and those magic books I have been studying would come in handy. You freaks get ready to die. I call upon the spirits that reside on the darkest parts of the netherworld....come forth now and do my bidding....heed my command and come forth to destroy these strangers." The man began to glow as he cast his spell, an eerie black light.

Lina felt the power growing around her, and could soon feel the presence of many spirits surrounding them. "Uh, guys, I think we have a ghost problem here." she said, ducking as they came into view. "If I get possessed again, I am going to be really pissed off! Amelia, Naga, this is right up your alley. Go for it."

Naga and Amelia began to chant, "Light which burns in heavens night sky, blessed life and breath of Mother Earth, come forth now, and bring forth retribution to these spirits, send them to the nexus of the universe, let them be gone. HOLY BLAST!" They fired off their spell, but it didn't seem to be having any effect on the spirits. The entities kept flying around them, not making a move, but ready to at an instant.

"What do we do now?" Naga asked, shaking again.

"That's a good question.." Lina replied, she was also shaking slightly.

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