Characters Respond to a Cliche

--- wrote:
SeSe: I thought of something to do! Let's react to
> Clichés and stupid old
> sayings!
> 1. The best way to a man's heart is through his
> stomach

Xina: Shouldn't they be able to hunt for themselves? When I was growing up...

Xalan: When have you ever hunted? ::Xina growls::

Jolrael: Is she cooking Discordia's Chili?

Lucretia: Doesn't dad do all the cooking?

Akachi: Well, mom has hardly any taste buds.

Lucretia: That explains all the heavy spices.

Akachi: you didn't know that?

Amethyst: Umm...all I know how to make is coffee...chimera's don't need much else

Tinuviel: hmmm...::glances towards Val, reincarnated dragon sweatdrops, Xina growls, and looks at Val...dragon swallows hard::

Jezabel: umm food...ummm when was the last time I ate....oh yeah...a month ago....::shrug::...I wonder why I'm not hungry yet...

::Jezabel doesn't yet know that she no longer needs to eat, drink or breathe, or that she doesn't age, could survive anywhere from under the deepest ocean to the surface of Mercury to vacuum, at least she knows that she doesn't have to sleep.::

CoN Ryoko: Cliche? That is a proper method of acquiring a man's is unseemly to actively chase after luring them to chase you is what must be done...

Reiko: I don't cook...::glares::...I prefer FRESH food...::jaguar-girl ninja snatches up mouse and swallows it::

Karya: indeed, to think that I would lower myself to cooking...

Rakkan: You can't cook?

Karya: I've never had the need. Why, any problem with that?

Rakkan: Akuneko nobles are taught to be self-sufficient warriors...not indolent fops

Karya: grrr....that's why we nearly obliterated you when you tried to invade!

Rakkan: The plan was made by a mad man, and you had warning that we were coming

::in the background Val is running away from Tinu, who is unaware of Xina chasing after her and throwing light spears::

Rikyu: please, Kiyone's frazzled enough with all her jobs, Mihoshi, her career, Mihoshi foiling alien invasions, Mihoshi, dealing with Earth and Jurai governments, Mihoshi and everything else... think I'm going to make her cook...


Akachi Saotome -- Son of Ranma and Ryoko from "Ryoko Saotome." Concept only, he might appear in the epilouge.

Amethyst Lina Greywords Saillon -- Daughter of Amelia and Zelgadis from the "Kitsune Lina Trilogy"

Jezabel -- Happy-go-lucky-demon-girl I made for a super-hero e-mail game that crashed and burned.

Jolrael Gabriev -- The son of Gourry and Sylphiel Gabriev from the "Kitsune Lina Trilogy"

Karya -- A minor Jurai noble that has taken to serving Kiyone in "Kiyone Muyo!" Sort of a love-hate thing going on with Rakkan.

Lucretia Saotome -- Daughter of Ranma and Ryoko from "Ryoko Saotome." Concept only, she might appear in the epilouge.

Rakkan -- A minor Akuneko noble that has taken to serving Kiyone in "Kiyone Muyo!" Sort of a love-hate thing going on with Karya.

Reiko Satomi -- Ninja, Jaguar-girl, jin-child (half-elemental) with water powers, generally responsible for mage persona from getting himself in too much trouble to handle.

Rikyu -- Ryoko's son and Kiyone's boyfriend from "Kiyone Muyo!"

Ryoko Saotome -- Ranma's much younger sister, my character from the Children of Nerima e-mail game.

Tinuviel Hakubi -- Rather absent minded elf-maiden with an unhealthy and unsafe interest in science. From "Kitsune Lina Trilogy"

Val -- The villian of Slayers Try, reincarnated to a new life and hero in the "Kitsune Lina Trilogy"

Xalan Metallium -- Son of Lina Inverse and Xellos Metallium from the "Kitsune Lina Trilogy."

Xina Metallium -- Daughter of Lina Inverse and Xellos Metallium from the "Kitsune Lina Trilogy"
