Part 3

Lina and Thrythlind sat across from each other with a large fire between them. They were both sopping wet, shivering and casting witherring glares at their respective partners. At random the sound of chattering teeth as replaced with a sharp sneeze or two.

"Unimaginative..." Thrythlind grumbled.

"...spoil sports." Lina finished. They went back to warming themselves up at the fire.

"So what are you two looking for?" Zelgadis asked as he sipped from his tea cup.

" that was stolen from us," Reiko said, after pausing in ripping a hunk of near raw meat from the drumstick in her hand. Both were thinking something like this "Ha! I knew we couldn't have personalities exactly alike!"

"A book," Amelia repeated. "What kind of book?"

"W-w-w-we'd r-r-rather not talk about it," Thrythlind said.

"Hmm, it must be very important."

"We just want to get it back..." Reiko started.

"M-m-m-may-be b-b-b-burn it," Thrythlind suggested. Reiko snapped a look at him.

"Hmm, it must be something really important," the wheels were turning in Lina's head.

"WE DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!" both outworlders shouted.

"Whoah, Deja vu," Gourry said.

"What are you talking about?" Zelgadis asked, also wondering at the value of this stolen book.

"Well didn't you and Lina just..."

"ANYWAY," Reiko interrupted. "What kind of demon are you four looking for?"

"We seek a hideous monster that comes in the night and makes fools of the defenders of justice and attacks young maidens, it is a hideous creature with strange magics that feeds of perversity!" Everybody stared at Amelia, even Lina and Thrythlind stopped shivering for a moment.

"Oh-kay," Reiko said, eyes widened, arms stretched, her fingers flexxed for a moment revealing sharp claws.

"That's what the rest of us always say," Zelgadis responded. "Perhaps this demon is the same one that stole your book?" Reiko looked to Thrythlind and shrugged.

"S-s-s-sounds like him." Thrythlind said.

"Hey, by the way, do you know whether or not there are two 'monsters' around here?"

"Just heard of the one, why, what would the other be like?"

"Lying, mischievious, appears and disappears, random, silly magical effects and cat ears and tail."

"W-w-well I w-w-would haaaave sssaid Xellos until you aaadded the e-e-e-ars and t-t-t-t-t-tail," Lina noted.

"Hmm, since we're looking for the same creature how pray tell do you think we'll find this monster?"

"W-w-w-well," Thrythlind noted. "W-w-w-what weeeee reall-l-l-l-ly need is-ssss aaaaa buh-xom y-y-y-y-young wooo-man to use as bait. It haaa-sss t-t-t-to be ssssomeone that-t-t-t-t loo-oo-oo-o-oksss liiiike an unsuspecting innocent, you n-n-n-n-n-know a really naiiiive girl in a....frilly...white....dress..." There was a silence and everybody turned their heads towards Amelia.

"What is it?" Amelia asked quietly.

Part 4   |   Fanfiction