You travel looking down;
Caffeine-crash fatigue;
And allergic suffocation;
Deadening the basic desires;
And wearing away your dignity;
Bringing you to study your feet;
Then you decide to turn around;
And you see a face;
No comparisons to be made;
That would be fair;
Neither helpless object;
Or inconstant nature;
But one simple example of humanity;
Unmarked by make-up;
Proposed to sculpt the perfect;
Bundled in a sheltering jacket;
This plain, undecorated woman;
Lovely without uses of art;
Passes on by;
Like all the sensuous statues;
But catches your eye;
Where the others received a glance;
Intelligent eyes un-dulled;
By the mindless need to conform;
You stop and you watch;
Attracted by something beyond the flesh;
As she passes by you;
To fade into the crowd again;

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