Part 18: Two to One

This was good, right. And for at least a moment all their worries seemed distant and unimportant. What mattered at the moment was that this chance at life would not be lost.

In the background the flow of air seemed to be a pair of sighs, as of relief.

Mihoshi stared at the blank screen in a small amount of confusion.

"Is something wrong, Mihoshi?" Kiyone asked.

"Ryo-Ohki isn't accepting calls," Mihoshi said. Kiyone narrowed her eyes and looked over. "Didn't Washu say there was no way to block this out?"

"Ryo-Ohki is a living being," Kiyone said. "So maybe it changes the rules a little."

"Should we be worried?" Mihoshi asked.

"She probably just wants to be left alone," Kiyone said. "There's nothing we really need to tell her anyway."

"If you think so," Mihoshi said, then brightened. "Maybe she's doing something with Ranma?" She smiled brightly. "You think?"

"Mihoshi," Kiyone said. "That isn't our business."

"I just hope she's okay," Mihoshi said.

"I'm sure she is," Kiyone said.

"Look at what we did," Ryoko said quietly.

"What?" Ranma asked, not catching the thread of humor in her voice.

"We can't very well anull the marriage now," Ryoko answered with a slight smile.

"Oh," Ranma said, then he smiled, catching on. "Guess we'll just have to stay married then."

"I guess we will," Ryoko said, and then sighed. "You don't feel guilty about this?" Ranma frowned at the question and considered it.

"I don't know," Ranma said. "I kinda think that Akane would be yellin' about how stupid I was being all the time. Ya know, like on the show, 'don't waste what I've given you, baka.'"

"Yeah, same here," Ryoko said. She paused a moment. "I think that was part of it, too."

"That your Tenchi would want you to be happy?" Ranma asked.

"Yes," Ryoko said. "And I didn't want to be a zombie the rest of my life."

"I thought I was the zombie," Ranma said.

"Yeah, well," Ryoko said, tracing her hand along the floor. "Takes one to know one. Maybe I should tell Ryo-Ohki to let calls come in again."

"Wait a minute," Ranma said, looking around nervously. "She was watching?"

"Good morning," Sasami said encouragingly as she entered the hospital room. Her sister rewarded the effort with a brief, polite smile. "They'll be here tomorrow."

"Ryoko, Mihoshi and Kiyone," Ayeka responded. Her younger sister nodded as she sat down. Ayeka remembered Sasami excitedly reporting of Nagi's capture to her only a few days before. It had been a somewhat chilling discussion for the first two minutes.

Ayeka had been shocked at the initial enthusiasm with which Sasami had approached what sounded to be a rather painful and humiliating experience someone else had been put through. There were things she couldn't remember, but she was been quite certain that Sasami would never wish pain on someone. She was very, very glad when Sasami had quickly revealed that her enthusiasm was because everybody left was safe. That nobody had died this time.

Ayeka couldn't truly remember the bounty hunter, and Washu wasn't interested in educating Ayeka on the missing chunks of her life yet. What she knew about Nagi was acquired by pretending to know what people were talking about and listening. So she guessed that Nagi had something to do with Tenchi's death, and everything else that had gone wrong. But it was an intellectual knowledge that left her unconnected to the person emotionally, and as a result, unsatisfied with the woman's capture.

She would probably never be satisfied.

"Onechan?" Sasami asked. Ayeka blinked and looked at her sister.

"Hmmm," Ayeka said in response. "Oh, I do apologize Sasami, my thoughts wandered. You were saying?" She didn't have to feign interest in what Sasami was saying very often, it was how she learned about her past.

"Umm...Washu said you took a walk yesterday," Sasami mentioned.

"Yes," Ayeka said, distastefully. Granted she was recovering faster under Washu's care than she would have expected otherwise, but she still did not like to think of her rather pathetic physical state. "I shambled about on a cane, like some decrepit old woman."

"You're getting better though," Sasami said. "It won't be long before you can be up and around." Her tone was hopeful but strained, something was worrying her.

"Is there something wrong, Sasami?" Ayeka asked. Sasami flinched and sighed.

"Mihoshi and Kiyone told us something," Sasami said, hesitating. "That you might not like." She knew enough of her sister to know that Ayeka might see this next peice of information as a betrayal. Still, Sasami felt she was following the spirit of Washu's rather stringent concerns regarding rude surprises this way. The alternative was to spring it on her tomorrow.

"What is that?" Ayeka asked cautiously.

"Ryoko married someone," Sasami said soothingly. Ayeka narrowed her eyes and sighed. Sasami was surprised when there was no violent outburst about betraying Tenchi's memory. The elder princess shook her head and considered the information slowly, carefully.

The paths of her thought brought her to things she'd rather not consider. She did have clear memories of both Ryoko and Tenchi. A large number of clear, unfoggy memories considering her predicament and the amount of time she had known Tenchi. She did have a strong emotional tie to both of them. And despite Washu's best efforts she did know they had gone to battle to rescue her. Ryoko and Tenchi. Tenchi had died and Ryoko, by all reports, had nearly done so as well.

She had to wonder why Ryoko had risked her life and the life of her loved one to rescue a rival. There might be holes in her memory, so didn't know for certain, but she thought that the Ryoko she knew would have tried to take Tenchi away from danger. Even if she herself tried later, why would she let Tenchi come. Unless...

"Oh, Lord Tenchi..." Ayeka whispered.

"Onechan," Sasami said nervously. "You're not...going to fight with Ryoko are you?"

"No, Sasami," Ayeka said. "I do not believe I will."

"That's good," Sasami said. She sighed again. "I can't stay too much longer, Onechan, is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Nothing specific," Ayeka said, unconcernedly.

"There's Jurai," Ryoko said tensely.

The rings of defense satellites were gone, by Ryoko's hand, and had not yet been replaced. There were, in fact fewer satellites in orbit than even Earth had. The serene glow that it had had when Ryoko had last been here was muted somewhat, though not much. They were on the wrong side of the planet to see where the palace had been, where the damages were heaviest.

"Ryoko," Kiyone's face flashed into view.

"What do you want, Kiyone?" Ryoko asked.

"Before we start dealing with the landing zone," she said. "Why don't you come on board. No sense having two ships on approach, and I'm certain Ryo-Ohki would appreciate the rest."

"Miao," was the cabbit's echoing reply, sending Ranma into momentary convulsions. The only thing that kept him mostly under control, while surrounded by cat-like sounds, was knowing it was Ryo-Ohki. "Something wrong?" Kiyone asked.

"No," Ranma said tightly. "I'm fine."

"Sounds good," Ryoko said quickly. She paused. "What was the last word on Ayeka?" She'd seen the news herself, but she was betting that Kiyone knew more.

"She's recovering very quickly," Kiyone said. "She's walking on her own now. She's using a cane, but she's out of bed at times. Sasami says that Washu is going to let her out of the hospital in another week or two." She frowned a moment.

"What is it?" Ryoko asked.

"Mihoshi told Sasami about Ranma," Kiyone said. "I didn't know if you wanted that to be a secret or not, but thought you should know the cat was out of the bag." Ranma shivered.

"Can you not say that word?" Ranma asked.

"What word is that?" Kiyone asked.

"I'd don wanna say it," Ranma answered.

"Well, how can I not say it if you don't tell me what not to say?" Kiyone asked.

"Just don't say it!" Ranma insisted.

"Cat," Ryoko interrupted. "Ranma's afraid of cats, okay?"

"Ohhh kay," Kiyone said. "Anyway, we're ready for you to come over."

"Maybe we'll be talking over one of Sasami's meals by the end of the day," Ryoko said hopefully.

"She's got a few responsibilities these days," Kiyone said.

"How they do that?" Ran-Ran asked as Ranma, Ryoko and the cabbits popped into existence in front of her.

"Now you behave," Shampoo insisted quietly in Mandarin.

"Or I will tell Musk you interested," Ranma added seriously, narrowing his eyes.

"When did you learn Mandarin?" Shampoo asked fixxing her eyes on Ranma.

"College," Ranma said. "Good for reading scrolls in old pervert's stash."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Shampoo asked Ran-Ran.

"Ummm, it slipped my mind," Ran-Ran said.

"We'll talk later," Shampoo said.

"What are they saying?" Mihoshi asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Ryoko asked. "I don't speak the language."

"Oh, sorry," Shampoo said, returning to Japanese. "I was just reminding my sister to behave herself, and Ranma was saying something that goes past profanity and verges on blasphemy."

"For an Amazon, maybe," Ranma said with something of a vicious smirk.

"That's the point, isn't it," Shampoo asked, frowning. "I have explained things to her, she WILL behave herself." She glanced down to Ran-Ran who pouted.

"We're next in line," Kiyone called back over the intercom. "Mihoshi get up here for the landing."

"Well, gotta go," Mihoshi said, standing up and walking forward to the cockpit.

Sasami waited impatiently for the ship to land. Her friends, her family, were on that craft, and she wanted to see them. The small-seeming craft landed, and slowly, too slowly, taxied into a parking hangar. Sasami nervously switched her attention to the doors leading to the hangar.

"Calm down, your highness," Azaka said. "It will only be a few minutes more."

"I know," Sasami said, nodding.

She didn't calm down, though. She continued to shuffle nervously and impatiently until a familiar silver-haired woman passed through the doors. Several people jumped in surprise at the sight, as the more usual passengers came in through the doors normally behind her.

"Ryoko," Sasami said, smiling. Now that Ryoko was back, she was almost afraid that she'd wake up and find herself beside Ayeka's bed. Ryoko still missing and her sister still fading despite Washu's best efforts.

"Hey kid," Ryoko said. "Still doing everybody else's work?" Sasami hugged the ex-pirate tightly. Ryoko smiled and patted the girl on the back.

"Lady Ryoko, it is good to see you well," Azaka said respectfully, bowing to the further surprise of Sasami's more official attendants.

"Yeah," Ryoko said. "Well, somebody insisted."

"Hey Sasami!" Mihoshi yelled out. Sasami released Ryoko and looked past her to see Kiyone and Mihoshi.

"Everybody's here," Sasami said happily, though it was touched by a bit of sadness. She noticed, at last, the three strangers that were in the party and looked at them curiously. Especially noting the young man that had been in the news reports. "Oh, hello, you must be Ryoko's...husband."

"Yeah," Ranma said. "That's me. My name's Ranma, you're Sasami?" Sasami nodded and then looked up, questioningly, toward Ryoko.

"It's a long story," Ryoko said. "I'll tell you later."

"Okay, and who are your..." Sasami started to indicate the two Amazons when one of her officials cleared his throat.

"Your highness," the man said. "Your presence is needed at the clean-up sight." Ryoko frowned at the man. Ran-Ran perked at the use of the honorific, though Shampoo merely nodded as her suspicion was proved.

"She's no fighter," Ran-Ran said in Mandarin. "Why is she the ruler?"

"Not all countries are ruled by the warriors," Shampoo esplained back.

"That's right," Sasami said wearily.

"Hey, lay off her," Ryoko said. "She's just a kid, she works too hard as it is."

"She has to make an appearance soon," the man protested. "Morale is..."

"Morale is high since Nagi was recaptured," Kamidake interrupted. "Princess Sasami has plenty of time to spend with her friends."

"Of course," the man said weakly. "If you say such things, they must be true."

"That's all right," Sasami said. "Ayeka will be taking control soon anyway." She sounded both hopeful and worried in that statement. "They'll get your rooms and everything and I'll be back to talk to you real soon, okay?"

"I guess that's fine," Ryoko said, not seeming to think it was fine. "But don't let them push you too ragged, Sasami."

"I won't," the little girl promised. "See you in a bit okay? Nice to meet you Ranma."

"Okay," Ryoko said as Sasami was escorted out of the area by Azaka and most of her attendants. "She works too hard."

"If you'll follow me, Ladies, Gentlemen," one of the remainder said. "I shall take you to the rooms you'll be staying.

"This is her house?" Ranma said, surprised. "I thought it was an airport or something." Shampoo and Ran-Ran nodded somewhat similarly as they followed the servant to their rooms.

"I suppose this would be Princess Sasami's place of residence in time," the servant said. "Though Crown Princess Ayeka will probably dwell here, at least until the main palace is repaired."


"This is what that guy called 'sparse'?" Ranma said looking about the guest room with a trace of disgust. It was a near monument to the fortune and power of one of the oldest families in the galaxy.

"They're Jurai nobles," Ryoko said, lounging comfortably on the bed and frowning up at the ceiling. She was not one to be annoyed with lavish luxury, as Ranma apparently was. So that wasn't bothering her, she was thinking of her coming "discussion" with Ayeka.

"Well, well," a familiar cocky voice said. "The prodigal returns." Ranma turned around as Ryoko sat up and both looked to the door to see a little red-haired girl leaning against the door frame.

"Washu," Ryoko said. "I was wondering when you would show up."

"Who's this?" Ranma asked.

"Only the greatest scientific mind in all this universe," Washu said, standing away from the doorframe, and walking in.

"Where are the dolls?" Ryoko asked. Washu shrugged.

"I thought that would be a little much," Washu said. "Don't you think?" She approached Ryoko and looked her over curiously.

"What are you doing?" Ryoko asked, nervously. Ranma tensed ready to act if he had to. Washu held out her hands and summoned one of her key pads and started typing a few keys.

"Just checking something," Washu said. "Nothing to worry about."

"With you there's always something to worry about," Ryoko said. At that a circle of light appeared over her. Ryoko looked up and sweated, getting a little more nervous. Last time she'd seen that she'd been a kappa for an hour. Trying to move proved futile, she seemed to be frozen for the moment.

"Hey!" Ranma snapped and started forward, only to slam into a solid, invisible something and find himself hanging upside down a few feet away.

"Come, come," Washu said, pausing to smirk. "Let the doctor do her job." The light above Ryoko faded away after she spoke, shortly before Ranma smacked into the floor, and Ryoko found herself able to move.

"Okay," Ryoko said angrily. "What did you do?"

"Just a quick check up, Ryoko," she said. "And looks like everything is fine and healing well. No trace of the energy feedback I expected to find."

"Energy, what?" Ranma asked.

"You probably noticed while trying to use your powers," Washu said. "The Dark Jurai attacks produce a feedback in someone using normally aspected Jurai power. It's like a poison. Kamidake might have survived his other injuries if it weren't for that, or vice versa. He seemed to be recovering fine the first week, but eventually the complications proved too much."

"I thought he was dead," Ryoko muttered. "Otherwise why just one of them with Sasami." Washu nodded.

"Ayeka caught some in the fight as well," Washu said. "And it interferred with my treatment of her as well. Until I figured out how to flush her energy field. If she had taken a direct injury, from Kagato no less, then I probably would have failed. It still might cause her problems later."

"What about Ryoko?" Ranma interrupted insistantly.

"Ahhh, he's worried about you," Washu said, smirking again.

"Get to the explanations, you little runt," Ryoko snapped, leaning down angrily in Washu's face.

"Yes, I was afraid that Ryoko would be likewise 'poisoned'," She paused. "Especially when I saw how you handled Nagi. I almost expected to find you basically crippled, by this point feeling wracking pain and probably unable to metabolize food. I guess you don't have enough Jurai in you for a foothold though." Ryoko sat back heavily on the bed, swallowing nervously.

"They had to take away my powers for a few days," Ryoko said. "I was hurting for a month before that, and the wound kept reopening."

"They," she glanced to Ranma.

"A doctor I know," Ranma said. "She got hurt when she tried to blast me so I had him block her chi until the wound healed. She's going to be okay right?"

"You flushed her energy field," Washu said, ignoring the question.

"I guess," Ranma said. "Block her powers and let the chi rebuild itself naturally, right."

"How'd you know what to do," Washu asked.

"There're lots of chi poisoning moves," Ranma said, shrugging. "Ain't my thing, too slow. But been hit by other stuff not so bad. The Doc knows most an' how to stop em though. I only know the gist of it." Washu looked over Ranma for a moment.

"I might have to pay this doctor friend of yours a visit," Washu said. She turned to Ryoko. "Well, Ryoko, looks like you were lucky. Mixxed blood and access to people that actually know more about something than me."

"You can actually admit that?" Ryoko asked.

"There has to be something left to learn," Washu said tsking. "And there's always going to be somebody that knows something I don't. I just know more things than everybody else."

Washu stretched out and walked out the door to the confusion of the occupants. A moment later she stuck her head back in the room. "I'm going to check on Ayeka, you coming?" Ryoko hesitated a moment.

"Yeah," she said. "Just give me a moment." Washu shrugged and turned back into the hallway, stopping and leaning against the far wall.

Ryoko considered the, now, fast approaching meeting and took a deep breath before standing up off the bed.

"Want me there?" Ranma asked.

"You watched...Tenchi's death with me," Ryoko said. "This can't be as hard." She didn't sound too certain. "Let's go."

"Physical therapy time, I see," Washu said as she found Ayeka. The princess had her back to the door and was at the moment trying to hold her arms out straight with small weights in each hand. A nurse stood nearby just in case.

"Physical torture you mean," Ayeka muttered, though the statement lacked the old vehemence her insults used to possess, as if it was said merely for form. She let the weights dropped and turned around. "Certainly you have a..." she paused and stared for a long moment. "Ryoko."

"How're you doing, Princess?" Ryoko asked nervously.

Then Ryoko saw something she never expected to see directed at her from Ayeka. A small, sad smile.

"It is good to see you," she said. She glanced past Ryoko and saw Ranma. "And this must be your husband that I have heard about." Washu blinked in surprise.

"Somebody's been talking to you," she said disapprovingly. Ayeka nodded and shifted around in her seat to more easily face the newcomers.

"Wait, your not mad at me?" Ryoko asked, confused.

"Tenchi would have wanted you to be happy in any case," Ayeka said quietly, frowning. "I have blank spots, I'm sure you've been told about that. But I am certain that Tenchi would not want to have hurt you, even if he had lived."

"Even..." Ryoko repeated confused. Wait, she must be certain that Tenchi chose her over me! She almost protested out of long habit. Fortunately Ayeka spoke before she could.

"You'll forgive me if I do not stand to greet you," Ayeka said formally, directing her gaze on Ranma. "But I am still recovering you see. I am given to understand that we have you to thank for Ryoko's continued existence." Ryoko twitched a little, this was hardly the Ayeka she knew. She was formal, yes, and stiff, yes, but the Ayeka she knew had a lot more spirit.

Let her think that, Ryoko thought to herself finally. That fight doesn't matter anymore.

"My I ask your name?" Ayeka asked, she had heard it before, but it was polite to let guests introduce themselves. Ranma stepped forward to stand next to Ryoko.

"Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Martial Arts," Ranma said, giving a polite bow. He looked to Ryoko's momentarily annoyed face and gripped her hand encouragingly.

"Perhaps while you're here you can participate in a tournament," Ayeka said haphazardly. "Ryoko is a Hero of the Jurai for helping Lord Tenchi rescue me." Washu flinched again and gave Ayeka another surprised look. "And again for capturing Nagi, I suppose since you helped in that regard...that would make you a Hero as well."

"If you say so," Ranma said.

"Take a seat," Ayeka said. "Both of you, I would like to know something of what I missed and what I've forgotten. If that is okay with Washu, of course."

"I'll listen in," Washu said. "But it sounds like you know the biggest ones anyway."

Sasami joined them soon after, as they were talking to Ayeka about things that had happened in the past. Kiyone and Mihoshi weren't far behind. Ranma relaxed as the friends discussed old matters, generally only talking when someone asked a direct question about him. It reminded him of his own friends, and recent discussions. Times when he had been quiet and non-participatory for quite another reason.

But Sasami was called off on government business, and the police officers had duties of there own and so Ryoko and Ranma were the last, besides Washu, to leave. Only leaving when Washu started insisting it was time for Ayeka to rest.

"Thank you for talking with me," Ayeka said. "Today has been most educational."

"Could you stop with the act, Ayeka?" Ryoko asked. "It's me you're talking to, not another Jurai noble."

"I suppose you expected me to rant and snap like some rabid beast," Ayeka said.

"Well, yes," Ryoko said. Ayeka shrugged.

"I was going to," Ayeka said, narrowing her eyes. "My first response when..." she glanced at Washu and then back at Ryoko. "I was told about your situation, Lady Saotome, was just along those lines." Ryoko was actually comforted by the spark of anger she saw in the Princess's eyes.

"So what changed your mind, then," Ranma asked, saying the question for Ryoko.

"It seemed pointless," she said shrugging. "If our earlier encounters were often childish, we had the excuse of being children. I do not have that excuse now. Besides, not all of those memories were of battles. Though, I suppose, my memory can't be trusted."

"No, we didn't always fight," Ryoko agreed.

"And, as I said," Ayeka added. "Tenchi would want you to be happy."

"You too, Princess," Ryoko said. Ayeka smiled slightly, though it didn't touch her eyes.

"Perhaps," she said. "But not yet, I think. I shall see you again, of course, a Jurain trial is short, but you'll still be here some time."

"Don't give up, Ayeka," Ryoko said. "Sasami would never forgive you."

"Of course not," Ayeka said. Ryoko and Ranma started out the door when Ayeka called out again. 'Oh, and Ryoko?"

Here it comes, Ryoko said tensing, almost hopefully. "What is it Princess?"

"Perhaps, before you visit Tenchi's tomb," Ayeka said. "You can wait for Washu to release me. I would appreciate being with you when we both attend for the first time."

Ryoko hesistated, she had been planning on doing that much sooner, but she nodded. She did owe Ayeka that right, she supposed.

"Will do," she said.

It was another month before the trial was finished. A month that saw Sasami finally step down from active participation in government and Ayeka to take her proper position again. Rumors and jibes about how effective a brain damaged Princess would be were quickly silenced afterwords. Talks ranged from who the Princess would marry to the idea that she might take the Imperial Throne on her own.

Ranma, Ryoko, Kiyone, Mihoshi and the Amazons stayed on for another month after that, but eventually they all had to return to Earth.

"Do come and visit sometime soon," Ayeka said, she still made use of the cane to walk. "I shall try to visit myself occasionally, but I now have a number of duties."

"It's only a month from her to Earth, right?" Ranma asked. "That ain't much."

"Yeah," Ryoko agreed. "We'll visit when we can. But we should be getting ready soon."

"Well there is one matter to attend to," Ayeka said.

"What is that?" Ryoko asked sharply.

"A favor I was asked to attend to, two actually," Ayeka said. "First, Sasami wishes to return to Earth. She hasn't said anything about it to me, but she does. I think perhaps she would make a good ambassador, don't you? If we ever reveal our existence to your governments that is."

"So we're taking Sasami back with us?" Ryoko asked.

"If she will go, yes, I'd appreciate it," Ayeka said. "She would be happier there, away from all this."

"The second favor," Ranma asked, suspicious of that part.

"Oh, just another ferrying request," Ayeka said. "There are some passengers that would like to make a return trip back to Earth with you, I hope you don't mind."

"There are more terrans here?" Ryoko said, disbelievingly.

"Yes, quite a few," Ayeka said. "They arrived by chance today, and after they handle there business they would require travel back. I thought that between your two cabbits and that 'shuttle' Washu built for Kiyone and Mihoshi, you should have no problems."

"What business do they have here?" Ranma asked, thoroughly confused.

"Come along," Ayeka said. "It should be getting started soon. We can sit through it then you can all be off." Ayeka started limping down the hallway. Ranma and Ryoko glanced after her and then at each other before following her.

"Isn't this the grand hall?" Ryoko asked as they approached a huge set of doors.

"Yes," Ayeka said, smiling. She still seemed quite subdued to Ryoko's mind, but Ayeka proved that she still did have plenty of spirit, even if she generally only applied it to ruling now. The Princess opened the doors and walked in, with the couple behind her.

The first thing they noticed was that the Terrans who had business here all seemed to be one of Ranma's friends.

"Hey, Ranchan," Ukyou shouted from the front of the room, standing next to Ranma's parents. Ranma only barely noticed that his mother seemed to be putting on a little weight, but was too confused to put that together. "About time you showed up."

"What? Is this?" Ryoko asked, blinking.

"I understand you have not yet had a wedding," Ayeka said. "Merely a civil marriage. I contacted Lord Ranma's parents and his mother indicated that his father had an interesting idea for a surprise wedding. Somewhat unorthodox, true, but then so are you."

"This is a wedding?" Ranma repeated.

"Yes," Ayeka said.

"For us?" Ryoko added.

"Yes," Ayeka said tightly. "And I believe it is time to get started." Ryoko and Ranma, still glancing about in some shock didn't seem to be reacting. "That means rise up to the altar and proceed with the ritual."

They both blinked and then laughed nervously in response to Ayeka's continued efforts to get the idea through to them. They walked nervously to the altar, where Ayeka took a place at Ryoko's side, and Ryouga stood up next to Ranma.

"Oh, the city offices are open," Ryouga said, drawing a pair of unamused looks. Then the ceremony was started, and everything seemed to be a blur, mostly because they were trying to follow along to a Jurain wedding ritual without having any rehearsal and in Ranma's case, no experience with one, until...

"And now rise," the Jurain priest intoned solemnly. "You who were once two are now one. Ranma and Ryoko Saotome."

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