"How did this happen?" Ryouga asked confused. Ranma and Ryoko were both too annoyed with each other and the situation to note the good humor leaking into the question. As the conversation continued, Okonomiyaki kept appearing and disappearing in front of Ranma and Ryoko.
"You wouldn't believe it," Ryoko said grimmly.
"This is Ranma," Ukyou said hopefully. "This sort of thing used to happen to him all the time."
"He's been married before?" Ryoko looked back at where the martial artist was repeatedly letting his head drop repeatedly to the counter and bounce back up.
"No, just a lot of fiancees," Ryouga said. Ryoko's glare at Ranma deepened.
What kind of womanizing jerk is he? If Ryo-Ohki had heard that thought she would have face-faulted.
"That is NOT happening again," Ranma said, sitting up. "This isn't one of the damn panda's promises its a clerical error."
"All I know is that because of HIM," Ryoko spat. "I have to wait a week to finish something. And I have to put up with HIM babysitting me the entire time."
"I ain't the idiot walking around with hole in my side," Ranma countered. He looked at Ryouga. "You still have my camping gear, right?"
"Wait a minute," Ukyou paused. "You're staying with her?"
"For a week, until we get that damn thing taken care of," Ranma jabbed a finger at the marriage license in Ryouga's hand. He paused and faced Ryouga and Ukyou. "Sorry about this, I know you were expecting my help with the wedding." Ryouga and Ukyou stared in silence at him for a moment.
"Don't worry about it," Ukyou snapped suddenly.
"Yeah, we didn't really..omph" Ryouga glanced at his fiancee's elbow, now back at her side. "I mean we'll figure something out."
"Are you a martial artist?" Ukyou asked, not expecting the answer.
"No," the Nerimans face faulted. "Why?"
"That's different," Ukyou said. Ryouga, in picking himself up noticed something.
"Uh, is that a tail?" Ukyou leaned over the counter for a look.
"Yeah, what about it?" Ryoko asked, confused as to why that would be an issue. Ranma was giving Ryouga a narrowed eyed glare.
"I was wrong," Ukyou said, unintentionally cutting off the comment Ranma was about to make. "Nothing new here."
"Are you sure you're not a martial artist?"
"No, I am not a martial artist," Ryoko repeated tightly. Ranma was giving her a "yeah, right," look but nobody noticed.
"Miao." There was a deep grating sound and everybody looked to the furrows that Ranma had just dug into the table with his fingers.
"I wish she would stop that," Ranma muttered.
"That rabbit meowed," Ryouga blinked. Ranma stood up and deliberately straightened. Ukyou gave Ryouga a look and nodded towards the living section of the restaurant. "Uh, you mentioned camping equipment."
"Yeah, where is it?" Ranma asked.
"I think its the closet, yeah," Ryouga started walking. Ranma irritably followed and turned him around.
"That's the store room!"
"Uh, sorry," Ryouga laughed, nervously.
"Idiot," Ukyou and Ranma said almost at once. As soon as the two guys entered the back of Ucchan's, Ukyou turned to face Ryoko.
"Was he acting like that before you met him?" Ryoko blinked at the sudden and hushed question.
"How would I know that?"
"Oh, good point." Ukyou deflated a little, and thought about the situation. "I wish I knew what did it."
"He doesn't normally act like that?"
"Uh...never mind," Ukyou said, backing off. "He just hasn't gotten mad in a long time, not shouting mad anyway."
"You mean he isn't normally such an asshole?" Ryoko blinked.
"Of course n..." Ukyou paused for a moment. "Actually, that's the one thing that never changed about him." Ryoko smirked.
"Knew it," Ryoko smirked.
"Miao, miao," Ryo-Ohki shook her head in disappointed manner.
"What do you mean by that?" Ryoko glared at the cabbit. Ukyou considered this, went back the kitchen and came back with a pair of glasses of water. Before either Ryoko or Ryo-Ohki could react Ukyou had dumped first one and then other glass on the cabbit.
"Miao!" the cabbit sputtered and shook herself dry.
"Why'd you do that?" Ryoko asked, confused.
"Just checking something," Ukyou said.
"How should I know what she was checking?"
"Word of advice," Ukyou said checking to make sure Ranma was still gone. "If you hear Ranma start meowing, splash him with water."
"Ohhkay," Ryoko blinked. The sound of an opening door drew their attention to Ryouga coming back into the restaurant. He came through the front door.
"How'd I get here?" Ryouga asked, confused. Ukyou rolled her eyes.
"Where's Ranma?" Ukyou asked. Ryouga looked sheepish until the other martial artist came back to the restaurant from the house section, wearing his old backpack.
"Right there," Ryouga said quickly. Ranma looked at him and blinked.
"That's lucky," Ranma said. "Thought you'd have to postpone the wedding."
"Again," Ukyou added dryly, glaring at the embarrased lost boy. Ryoko had given up trying to figure things out.
"Can we leave now," Ryoko snapped. "The sooner we get this started the sooner its done with." It was blatantly untrue, but she didn't particularly care. Ranma favored her with a glare but didn't say anything.
"Try not to tell anybody else about this," Ranma said wearily. "Tell my Mom I went on a training trip or something."
"Sure," Ukyou answered quickly.
"Are you two coming?" Ranma asked, giving Ryoko a turn to glare. He waited for Ryoko to stalk angrily out past him and then followed. "Wish we had a faster way to do this."
The space pirate looked at Ryo-Ohki sitting on her shoulder, and considered telling her to transform for a moment. She decided against it, despite the pleasure she would have of seeing the jerk squirm in surprise. It would be better not to draw attention for a while.
"Its like he used argue with Akane all the time," Ryouga said. Nobody noticed Ryoko glance back in curiosity for a moment.
"Hey, that's a shrine!" Ranma said surprised as he looked up the second flight of stairs.
"Yeah, so?" Ryoko asked.
"I didn't expect someone like you to live at a shrine," Ranma said, by way of explanation.
"What do you mean by someone like me?" The Saotome mouth continued unaware.
"Then again considering the shape its in that makes sense," he noted. "Doesn't look like anybody's done anything here for months."
"No one's BEEN here in months!" Ryoko shouted as she tossed Ranma into the lake. As the satisfying sound of a jerk martial artist splashing deep into the lake played in the background, Ryoko sat down on what had been the Masaki porch. The house was gone of course, she didn't know if it existed anymore.
"Damn it, what did she do that for?" Ranma muttered, as she squeezed her chinese tunic dry. "What did I say this time?" Ranma looked down at herself before putting the relatively drier tunic back on.
Ranma stomped up from the lake to that odd courtyard where they had been when Ryoko had thrown him. She paused as he heard the woman talking to her cabbit.
"...nothing," Ranma made out as he approached. Before she "accidentally" snapped a twig, Ranma almost thought he had seen a television, near that cabbit, or whatever. The image vanished before she could get a good luck at it, so he shrugged it off as a trick of the light.
Ryoko whirled on Ranma and immediately moved her hands to gather power before she remembered that her powers were shut away.
"Who the fuck are you?" Ryoko demanded.
"Who do you think!? Did you toss anybody else wearing chinese clothes into the lake?" Ryoko blinked and stared.
"Congratulations, you win the prize" Ranma said sarcastically.
"That's impossible," Ryoko snapped. "Ranma's a MALE jerk." She watched the blue-haired woman walk to where Ranma had set down his camping gear and retrieved a thermos.
"Yeah I'm a GUY," the young woman said emphatically. Then she suddenly seemed contrite. "Oh, sorry, haven't dealt with anybody that didn't know about the curse for a while."
"Sit down, idiot, you're supposed to be resting." Ryoko blinked and growled.
"Joke's over Ranma!" she shouted. "Get out here and join your girlfriend." Ryoko watched the girl freeze for a moment. The she took the thermos and poured it over her head. Ryoko blinked and sat down trying to figure out how the woman had just turned into the jerk she'd come up here with.
"Miao?" Ranma jumped into the nearest tree.
"Quit that!" Ranma snapped, before landing back on the ground.
"Okay, what was that?!"
"I told you its a curse," Ranma said. His tone of voice as he continued made it obvious that he'd long ago gotten bored of explaining this. "There used to be this place with all these springs, a different thing had drowned in each one, and if you fell into a spring you'd take the body of whatever drowned there. I fell in the spring of drowned girl." Ryoko thought back to the chef girl splashing Ryo-Ohki with water and suddenly it made sense.
"Sounds like something Washu would come up with," Ryoko said, then she smiled viciously. "You really are a fem-boy." Ranma glanced at the eager look in Ryoko's eyes and smirked.
"I invented that game," Ranma said. "I ain't going to fight you."
"You couldn't take me if I DID want you to," Ryoko growled.
"Where do you sleep?" Ranma asked.
"Used to be a house here," Ryoko said, quietly. "But think'll sleep in the shrine, What about you?" The word "you" was virtually spat.
"You're going to be up there?" he repeated. "I'll settle for this." Ryoko growled at the implied insult.
Ryoko woke the next morning to the steady sound of blunt impacts. They came one after another, with enough speed that it almost sounded like one long, steady roar. The individual impacts were only barely discernable. Ryoko couldn't comment much on this.
Last night Ryoko had taken to her normal method of holding off dreams. She had drunk herself unconscious. At the moment she was only barely aware of being awake due the sensation each impact sent through her skull. As the thudding hit a pause she irritably stood up and started to walk outside.
"Where is the bastard?" she asked herself. Ryoko looked around for Ranma, but couldn't see him anywhere. "Must be finished with what ever it was." As Ryoko turned to shuffle back to bed, Ranma started practicing with his Amaguriken.
Ryoko huddled into herself, gripping her head and plotting various vengences on a young martial artist. As she did that, a concerned cabbit tracked down the source of the noise. She found Ranma punching into an impact crater in the center of a random tree's huge trunk.
"Miao!" Ranma stopped pounding on the tree and skittered up into its leaves. Ryo-Ohki was no longer surprised by his tendency to jump at the sound of her voice, but it still confused her. As Ryo-Ohki watched the beleagured tree snapped under the strain and crumbled to the ground along with a screaming Ranma.
"Would you quit that!" he growled upon climbing from the debris.
"Miao? Miao! Miao miao!" The cabbit started pointing back towards the shrine. The meaning was obvious.
"What now?" he sighed before leaping down at a moderately wide distance from the cabbit. He found Ryoko hanging over the edge of the shrine doing her best not to vomit on the tiles. Ranma sighed and approached her slowly as she finished.
"Hey," he said softly. "Are you o.....erk!?" Ryoko hauled him down to the ground and turned to glare at him.
"Please. Be. Quiet!" she whispered hoarsely. Ranma sniffed the air and regarded the space pirate a little irritably. She then let him go and stood up and began shuffling back to the bed.
"Drunk?" he asked flatly.
"Hangover," Ryoko corrected. "Let me guess, you don't drink."
"Not if I can help it," Ranma said, standing back up. "But I'll keep the noise down for now."
"Thanks." As soon as he heard the woman snoring again Ranma reluctantly looked down at the cabbit.
"Okay, where is it?"
"Miao?" Ranma didn't know what the rabbit-thing had said, but he caught the gist of the "what are you talking about?" comment.
"You know what I mean." Ryo-Ohki sighed. Ryoko was really going to be mad about this.
"Good morning." Ukyou nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Nodoka's voice.
"Good morning, Saotome-san," Ukyou said nervously. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, since your fiancee and my son are on a training trip, I thought you might be able to use some help," Ukyou sweatdropped as Nodoka allowed herself into the restaurant. "Ryouga indicated that he was acting much more like himself."
"Is that what Ryouga told you?" Ukyou asked. Nodoka turned around and regarded her carefully.
"Is that not what happened?"
"Ukyou, ummm...where am I?" Nodoka looked toward the voice and then turned back towards Ukyou with an arched eyebrow.
"Well, not exactly," the chef said. "He's...uh..." Ukyou remembered something Ranma had mentioned. "...keeping an eye on a patient for Kasumi and Dr Tofu."
"Then why didn't Ryouga just say that?" Nodoka folded her arms and gave Ukyou her "mother knows all" look as a wind blew through the scene. As fate would have it the wind picked up a much abused piece of paper and carried it past the Saotome matriarch's face.
"Uh oh," Ukyou said as her best friend's mother snatched the paper and looked at it.
"Oh dear, my son went off and eloped," Nodoka said.
"It was an accident, they're..."
"How manly of him!" Ukyou face-faulted. "He must not have been nearly as bad as he seemed. I wonder how long this has been going on."
"Why do you keep moving the closet?" Ryouga called from the back.
"Uh, Saotome-san," Ukyou said. Nodoka turned toward her. "They just met and got in the wrong line at the municipal building. They're going to get it anulled in a week."
"I'm sure he made a plausible story," Nodoka said cheerfully. "Do you know where they went? I'd like to meet my new daughter-in-law."
She's hopeless, Ukyou thought from her newfound position on the floor. "Umm, let me go find Ryouga before the jackass gets lost again."
"Certainly," Nodoka nodded happily as Ukyou went to look for her fiancee. About ten minutes later she was treated to the following noise.
"Oh dear," Nodoka sighed. "That wedding might never happen."
"RANMA!!!" Ranma smirked at the enraged sound. Apparently Ryoko had checked her stash.
"I'm a little busy right now," Ranma answered without turning around.
"A little busy, my ass!" Ryoko snapped as she hit the top of the stairs to the shrine. Ranma turned his head to look up at the very angry silver-haired woman. "Where's my sake?"
"How should I know?" he shrugged returning to his lotus position.
"Who else is around to take it, you little bastard!" Ryoko started down the stairs at an angry stalk, and forgot that her powers were blocked. "So where...SHIT!!"
The space pirate suddenly found herself having to run down the stairs in an attempt not to fall. It didn't take long for her feet to trip themselves up, bringing to a painful crash into the steps. She would have continued falling, except that was pretty much the same instant Ranma reached her.
"You all right?" he asked.
"Put me down, pervert!" Ryoko shouted, snapping a fist into Ranma's face. As a result the fall started again, with an extra participant. They landed in pile with Ryoko on top. "Thanks for the help, fem-boy."
"If you hadn't hit me we wouldn't have fallen!" Ranma yelled. Ryoko stood up, noticeably favoring onside. Looking up Ranma saw why. "Ah man, you're bleeding again." Ryoko looked down, saw a darkening spot on her blouse, and growled.
"Good!" she snapped and started to walk away. Ranma stood up and considered his options.
Ryoko's chi flow might be different, but her bodily systems probably worked near enough the same to a human's to try something. Ranma moved up as silently as he could.
"Get away from me, jerk!" Ryoko turned about, lashing out with a punch. Ranma easily directed it past him and reached a hand up to tap both sides of Ryoko's throat were he could see blood vessels pulsing slightly underneath.
Ranma wasn't which side was the effective touch, and he didn't care. A sudden boost of oxygen to Ryoko's brain, bolstered by stress and fatigue, sent the space pirate into a faint.
"She really needs to work on her technique," Ranma said disapprovingly as he set her down. Ranma looked up to see a concerned cabbit hop up in front of them. "DON'T SAY IT! Just see if you can get me some bandages from my pack." Ryo-Ohki nodded and rushed for his pack.
Ranma worked fast, more because Ryoko would be waking up soon than because he thought there was a medical need for speed. It took him maybe two seconds to pull up the edge of her blouse and jacket, pull off the bandage, and confrim that the wound and opened a little, but that Tofu's stitches hadn't broken.
"Mmf!" Thanking the kami that Ryo-Ohki hadn't sounded at all cat like with the sealed bandage in her mouth, Ranma took replaced the bandage.
"No, she's not seriously hurt," Ranma told the overly worried cabbit. "So stop looking at me like..."
"JERK!!" The next thing Ranma knew, he was looking down at the fast approaching lake.
"Why me?" Ranma-chan wondered as she dragged herself out of the lake. She started back for her camp when she found herself staring again into Ryoko's yellow eyes. She opened her eyes to say something, then looked confused.
"Wasn't your hair blue last time?" Ryoko asked.
"What is it this time?" Ranma asked wearily.
"Green," Ryoko said. "This is part of the curse isn't it?" Ranma nodded.
"At least it's not blonde," Ranma muttered, sighing.
"Ohhkay..Where's MY SAKE!?" Ranma narrowed her eyes and jabbed her thumb behind him.
"You through them in the lake?"
"Nope," Ranma said. "I just threw them, didn't watch them land."
"I really hate you." Ryoko growled.
"You think I'm enjoying this?"
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere a black pig finally returned to consciousness surrounded by broken glass. He remembered the first sake bottle shattering on his head and activating his curse. Then there had been a salvo of five or ten of the damn things, maybe more after he missed a dodge and was knocked cold.
Ryouga spared on more glance about his environment and sat down to think.
When did Ukyou add a garden?
"Tenchi!!" Ryoko snapped awake, sat up, reached out, and remembered. The pirate slumped and worked to catch her breath and hold the tears in. Looking up she noticed Ranma standing her there and glared at him. "Enjoy the show, hope I didn't wake you."
"I wasn't asleep," Ranma told her. "Who's Tenchi?" Ryoko growled and then smirked viciously, remembering that Ryouga-person's parting comment.
"Who's Akane?" Ranma remained silent. "An old girlfriend, did she get fed up with you leave or something? I don't blame her, I don't see how anbody could..." Ryoko stopped as she saw Ranma start to glow, and felt the temperature drop several degrees.
"She was...taken," Ranma said after a long moment. Ryoko noted the sudden uninflected tone to his voice.
"So was Tenchi." Ranma nodded, and Ryoko watched as the glow faded and the temperature returned to normal.
"I shouldn't have said that," Ranma said quietly.
"Me either," Ryoko admitted. They remained quiet for a moment in shared grief. Then Ryoko was up in Ranma's face again. "But this WOULDN'T have happened if you hadn't tossed my sake!"
"Wha...NOTT AGAAAINNN!!" Ryoko listened with satisfaction to the sound of the splash.
"Why'd I do that?" she asked herself before turning back to find her bed. Out in the lake a young woman was asking a similar question.
Nagi examined the blue planet below her carefully. She wouldn't have expected Ryoko to come back here. It was too obvious, much too obvious. She hadn't even given herself the chance to heal that wound.
"What are you playing at Ryoko?" Nagi asked as she held orbit. She frowned, there had to be a trick somewhere. It would be better to be cautious than to be dead.
In all likelyhood Ryoko knew about Nagi's premature departure from the battle. Nagi hoped so, vengence would make Ryoko fight harder. Nagi wanted this kill to be a truly legendary accomplishment.
"Tomorrow, Ken-Ohki, tomorrow we pay her a visit," Nagi snickered.