Uhhh, ummm (scared) ok, this is my first fic. Please don't flame me or anything. I don't mind critiques though.
They Slayers don't belong to me (damn) Neither does the song E-motion Sickness. It's by a wonderful and talented Australian band m=named Silverchair from their Neon Ballroonm album. On to the fic!!!
navy = flashback
Erupt again ignore the pill
It hurt. He knew that she had never been openly affectionate to him, even he could tell that. But still he thought that... how could she.... how could she and why did it hurt so much?
"Gourry, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure Lina!" he said smiling as he followed her into the woods away
from camp. He threw his hands behind his head in a carefree manner and
grinned at her. "What on your mind?"
"We've been through a lot together haven't we?"
"Yep!" He said proudly.
"And, well, I wanted you to know that you are my best friend and...
that's it."
"That's great Lina! You're my best friend too!"
"Ack!" She facefaulted on the floor in frustration. "Gourry weren't
you listening!?"
"Sure I was! You said that I was your best friend, and that was all you
had to tell me."
"No Gourry, that's not what I meant."
He felt his stomach clench. That was what he was afraid of.
I won't let it show
He had really been listening, it just wasn't something that he had wanted to hear.
"I can't say that I follow you?"
"What I'm trying to tell you is that we're just friends and that's all
we'll ever be!"
"I - can't say that I belive you Lina. I mean we get along real well
right? I mean we fight every now and then but it's just harmless teasing
isn't it! Lina, you put me over the whole world and - "
Oh by Cephied, that look in her eyes. She was serious!
"Gourry,"she said softly "I never said that I didn't care for you - "
" - THEN WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?!?!?" He knew he must be
scaring her, this wasn't like him. But you could strike a nerve with
anyone, even him. And she had just hit a very sore spot. "TELL ME WHY! IT
DOESN'T'T MAKE SENSE!!" In his frustration, he punched a nearby boulder,
succeeding in only hurting his hand, but not caring. "IT DOESN'T - "
" - GOURRY STOP!" She cried, throwing her self at him, hugging him from
behind, her small arms wrapped around his larger frame.
To sacrifice the tortures
"Please,"she had said when he had calmed down.
"Please understand that this is for the better, i have my reasons."
"Then what are they?" He asked bitterly.
"Gourry, we reach out for each other because we're both missing
something." She talked very slowly and evenly, just to make sure that he
understood. "we're both running Gourry. We're running from our past. our
families, ourselves. We're both looking for the same thing in a way. When
I met you, I found the family I never had. The unconditional feeling I have
for you makes you into my big brother. I know I remind you of your little
sister, the one that died. Gourry, we're so desperate for family that our
feelings are starting to get hyperactive."
He remained silent,he didn't want to think this much, it always hurt
too much and got him no where.
"It won't bring her back."
He was so confused, was that the reason he was so close to Lina? Was
it just a malnourished craving for sibling affection that brought them where
they where today?
"I promise... to be the best little sister I can."
"Lina, I, I understand." He didn't, he didn't at all. "Just leave my
alone right now ok?"
"Okay. Thank-you gourry." She hugged him tighter. "And I know that
you'll find someone that loves you the way you deserve to be."
And the she had left. Gods that hurt.
Orchestral tear cash flow
A rustling in the bushed made him turn his head. There stood a very concerned Sylpheel. "Daijobu, Gourry-sama?"
"I'm fine Sylpheel."
She took a deep breath. He was always handsome, but the moonlight gave him a nearly regal appearance. She took a step towards him. "what happened?"
His wall snapped, he needed to talk to someone, he couldn't take it anymore. "Lina.. she...guh...."
Gourry'sama was crying!? She rushed to him and he clung to her like a needly child. He rambled about all that had occurred and she had just listened, stroking his hair comfortingly. It was unusual for her to be the strong one, especially sense she was so emotional herself. But for tonight, for one night, she was going to be strong for her dear Gourry.
Increase Escape Defeat
It's all that matters to you
"Thank-you for listening Sylpheel."
She smiled gently at him, still stroking his hair. 'Anytime Gourry-sama."
He looked up into her beautiful green eyes and smiled back, the first time since his outburst. Sylpheel... she had always been affectionate to him, but he never realized just how much he enjoyed the gentle priestess' company. It was nice for someone to listen to him and not call him an idiot.
And as he fell into sleep's warm embrace he had one, pure thought come to his mind. "I could be happy... with someone like her."
Cotton case for an iron pill
Hidden in the shadows, a small figure watched the two as they fell asleep in each other's's arms.
"They'll be sooo embarrassed if someone catched them like that!" she thought with a grin. Still smiling, lina turned and headed back to camp.
Distorted eyes
She really hoped that they wouldn't be too angry with her. it was for their own happiness after all. She had meant what she said, Gourry was the sibling she never had.
It wasn't that she didn't love her sister. She did, she loved Luna-neechan. But there was something...
She wasn't scared of her sister for no good reason. (Not that she wasn't intimidating), but for something that happened rarely. Sometimes, Luna's very presence brought an unexplainable fear. A gentle touch would cause her a searing pain, as if Luna was hot iron. There was no logical reason to it. She didn't want to know why. It was always when Luna's eyes turned ice-blue, when Cephied took over...
But that was ridiculous right!? After all, Cephied was an ally to all humans.
when everything is clearly dying
She didn't want to think about this anymore. It hurt her head. Rubbing her temples, she continued towards camp.
Burn my knees
Burn my knees
Did she love Gourry? It depended on your perspective. Was he a great friend? Definitely. Could it have gone further? Who knows.
She didn't know how many people knew this, but Black magic pretty much killed the aging process.
She didn't want to watch Gourry or anyone else grow old. That was selfish, she knew. Besides, she had channelled Nightmare magic on several occasions. Hell, she had hosted the Golden-Eyed Lord once. No one had ever done that before, so there was no way she could know the long term effects. The way she saw it, she was either going to live a ridiculously long period of time or die very soon. And belive you me, Lina Inverse had absolutely NO intention on going back to the Sea of Chaos anytime soon.
All my friends say...
It was obvious that she cared about him. Any blind idiot could see that. And maybe if the circumstances had been different it would work out. She wanted him to be happy, she also didn't want to get in the way of someone who could ultimately make him happier. Sylpheel's feelings where genuine, Lina always realized that. Maybe they would marry each other and grow old together. Sylpheel's white magic would certainly cancel out any effect the Dragon Slave had on her. Or maybe they'd both find someone else, life was funny like that.
Emotion sickness
She walked into the campsite and smiled as she thought of her friends. She loved being around them, they made her happy. She would die for them and knew that they would do the same. But did they know? Did they know about her sleepless nights? Her gut feeling that something was wrong? Her fear that the something was her? No, probably not. But she didn't really want them to.
Emotion sickness
Addicts with no heroine
Amelia. She smiled as she gazed fondly at the smaller girl that lay in sleep. Amelia was always supportive, always there. Despite her idealistic rants she was a sweet girl and a damn good sorceress. "She'll be an amazing queen," Lina thought with a smile.
Xelloss. Lina didn't know what to make of the Trickster. He had betrayed them in the past and still no one knew what his real agenda was. But there where times... times when he seemed to care... well, for a mazoku anyway.
Zelgadiss. Poor guy, he was so torn apart. he really wasn't a horrible monster but he'd never realize it. But sometimes, she could break in and force him to be somewhat happy. She had made him laugh. That was a special moment for her. Now it was her goal to make him laugh as often as possible, to bring him out of his shell so to speak. Hey, where was Zel?
"Zel!" She hissed whirling around. "Don't scare me like that!"
He looked at her for a moment with a slightly amused expression on his face. Then he shrugged and his mask was back in place.
Distorted eyes..
When everything is clearly dying
"... I was scouting the area," he said quietly. "And I saw what happened."
"You did?" she asked a little nervously.
"Why did you do that?"
"I thought you loved him."
Burn my knees
Burn my knees
"He's like family Zel."
"It's because of your aging isn't it?"
She was a little startled, he was right to the point wasn't he? She was also a little surprised that he had known about that little known fact. "I'm impressed that you even know that. And yes that is a reason, among other things."
"Lina... just how old are you?"
"Oh wipe that look off your face! I really am seventeen I think."
"You think!?" He asked puzzled.
All my friends say
All my friends say...
She bit her lip, she shouldn't tell him this, but it might be for there own good. "Don't you dare tell the others, not yet." She had dropped her voice so low that had he not had such sensitive hearing he wouldn't have caught it. "Ever since I sealed the Giga Slave in me something's been wrong...I...have memories I don't think are mine, know things I don't think I'm supposed to know..."
"Lina," he said concerned. "Tell me about it."
"No," she said simply. I've been thinking enough tonight, I refuse to talk about it any more, so please don't ask right now."
"Only if you tell me later."
"I can do that,"she said smiling. "Good night." She turned and walked to her bedrole.
Get up
Get up
Get up
But Zelgadiss wasn't done there was still something important that needed to be said. "Wait. Lina?"
'Yes Zel?"
Get up
Get up
"What do you really plan to do!? Be alone the rest of your life!?"
Get up...
She stared at him, a little shocked at the outburst. He usually never showed any emotion at all. What was s=making him so upset? "Do you?" she countered.
"This isn't about me!"
"We're not still talking about Gourry are we? Look, I like Gourry, i could be happy with him, but he's not my soulmate and I'm no this so we'll move on!"
"Well, then what are you looking for?" he asked, turning his head away.
"Excuse me?"
"Don't make me repeat it Lina."
Is he blushing? shaking the disturbing thought from her mind she said, "Honestly? I'm not sure, he could be anyone. But I need a kindred spirit. I need someone who will stay with me for the possible centuries that I might be alive." Good night Zel."
Won't you stay right here
"A kindred spirit" Zel thought climbing into his bed roll. It only made sense that she would want to be with someone who would live as long as her.
Maybe he... nah.
"Wonder what she meant...memories that weren't her's? Who knows what that Nightmare magic had done to her. He shifted a little, trying unsuccessfully to get more comfortable. Lina wasn't acting like she normally did. It unnerved him when she dropped her loud facade. It made her look so vulnerable.
Emotion sickness
Addicts with no heroine
He could be with her for centuries. He thought glumly, his thoughts switching to self-pity. In this form anyway. Rock doesn't age and he could use protection spells to keep away erosion and and... and who was he kidding. He didn't deserve anyone like this. But if he found his cure, he would never be able to remaster any black magic, he was too frail in his original form. "I'll bet L-sama had a real good laugh when she created me. Either that or she was stone drunk. Neither where pleasant thoughts. Sighing, he continued on his fruitless quest for sleep.
Good things will pass
My my, tonight had been especially tasty. Xelloss leaned against the tree, quite content with the feast the silly little mortals had been providing him.
Earlier with the swordsman, ah that was delicious! But then the Priestess had comforted him... Xelloss pouted then brightened. 'I'll bet Lina-chan planed that." The Chimera, now he was an all you could eat buffet! ^_^
"So what will you do now little Chimera?" he murmured opening his eyes. "Will you forgo your cure to be with her and face possible rejection or will you vanity lead you to find your cure only to be too frail to support higher level magic?" Ah, this was a very good night, too bad the Princess had stayed asleep the whole time.
Good things will pass
"lina." He looked over at the sleeping sorceress. He knew her fears. He knew about the memories. He knew why it hurt to be near her older sister when Cephied was in control. "But how much do you know Lina-chan?"
With no excess lessons learnt
She really had no idea. Why she is as strong as she is, who she is... what she is. His grin grew larger.
E-motion sickness
But he knew... and it made for a rather grand secret don't you think?
He'd let her be for now. She could think what she wanted. Soon, she'd realize everything, even if she didn't want to know.
Lessons learnt
He quietly teleported away, thinking only of how happy Zelas-sama would be when she heard his report.