A Daring Rescue! Daijobu, Amelia-sama?


navy = flashback

As everything lay in the state before birth, it is shielded and protected so that it may grow and prosper. So is the 'academy' known as Ohtori an all encompassing garden - where one truly grows up. Every student, every teacher, every shadow is a seed sheltered and protected by the garden walls, away from the outside world - a dark place filled with corruption, deceit, and misery...

The perfect place for a Servant of Justice, ne?!

But all things have their limits, Amelia Kiryuu noted, glancing about nervously. Earlier that day she had been working in the city at the homeless shelter, and had stayed longer than she'd expected. Leaving her with a nice, nighttime walk home. A very dark walk home. Amelia shivered slightly and gripped her school bag tighter, keeping her bright blue eyes locked on the Academy gates. It wasn't so far, she reasoned, trying to ignore the tapping of her heart -

Tapping of her heart? Since when do hearts tap?

She stopped and allowed her vision to dart from shadow to shadow, was that noise footsteps? Her imagination, surely.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Of course it was always better safe than sorry! She continued down the street, her pace increasing to a quick walk, a trot and finally a panicked run as the person behind her met her rhythm. She sprinted with the full fervor of a scared animal, her pursuer close behind.

Shooting around the corner, she realized - too late, that she was on the street, not the sidewalk. The approaching car's horn echoed her scream as the driver hit their brakes.

"LEVITATION!" she panicked, the quick spell being strong enough to just lift her over the stopped car. Exhausted, Amelia released her spell, crashing onto the hood and rolling onto the cement, trying to remind her lungs how to breath.

"Oh my God! Are you alright miss?!" the shocked driver blubbered, fearing a lawsuit or worse. "Are you ok? Say something!"

But it was all Amelia could do to stare at the male shadow retreating into the night.

Amidst the pleasant murmur and bustle occupying the outdoor cafeteria, Zelgadiss Kiryuu leaned back in his chair and watched his little sister calmly. "You think someone's trying to kill you?"

Amelia nodded, her blue eyes shining with excitement. "I know so! A flowerpot landed near my head, I was nearly trampled by rampaging flamingos, a bundle of logs fell beside me and I was pushed down a flight of stairs!"

Rezo glanced at the siblings seated at either side of him and sipped his sweet tea. "What bad luck."

Amelia glared at him and slammed her hand on the table in protest. Unfortunately, this had the unpredicted effect of sending a cloud of pepper into the air... "Ah-choo!"

Here we go...

Rezo blinked and blushed as Amelia threw herself across the table, sending the dishes and silverware clattering to the marble floor. Her midnight eyes swam with mirth as she spoke - "Oh, please help me, Onii-sama," she breathed huskily. She lay sprawled across the table, giving her beloved Onii-sama an ample view of chest and young Rezo an equally indecent view of leg. Rezo urked and grabbed a napkin to ease the blood flow. Damn nosebleeds.

Amelia batted her long eye lashes and continued with manipulative sweetness. "I just know it must be some horrid villain who wishes to end my Reign of Justice."

Zel sighed and stood up, brushing off his impeccable uniform. "I think you need to come back down to reality, Amelia."


"If you'll both excuse me, I have Council matters to attend to."

"Onii-sama!" she wailed angrily at his retreating form.

"He-he's so mean sometimes!" Amelia cried, her sunny blue eyes lit with tears. "He's such a jerk!" she decided, smacking the step she was sitting on for emphasis.

Rezo paused from enjoying the spring air and regarded Amelia with renewed interest. "I love hearing people's problems!"

"What was that?!"

"Er..." Rezo coughed and continued to admire the sun filled commons. "Have you done anything to anyone? Is anyone upset with you?"

"Lots of people should be mad at her, they just don't know it yet," Martina supplied, winking.

"Yeah, she never leaves a trail that leads back to her!" another of the trio added.

"I see," Rezo said, nodding in a sagely manner.

Amelia stopped her blubbering to look at her friends, confused. Silly split personalities. "What are you guys - MWAG!!"

The MWAG sound was, of course, a perfectly normal response to having a baseball slam into one's face. Didn't I mention Amelia got hit with a baseball? No? Er... out of the perfect blue sky wailed a homerun, hitting Amelia with a grand 'ol slam and sending her sprawling, face first, on the stairs.

"Sorry!" A red haired figure called from the distance. Lina ran up to the group, dressed in the full Ohtori Ross the Rosebud baseball uniform. "Went a lil farther than I expected," she confessed, grinning sheepishly. "Anybody seen a baseball?"

At the sound of her voice, Amelia's carcass began to twitch irritably. "It's you, isn't it?"

"Eh?" Lina cupped her ears - Amelia didn't seem to realize she was talking into concrete.

"The flowerpot, the flamingos, the logs and stairs... YOU VILLAIN!!" Amelia shot to her feet, Blazing Fires of Righteousness (tm) blazing brightly behind. A panicked Chibi Rezo tried to put out the fire while Martina-tachi held their incensed leader back. "IN THE NAME OF GOODNESS I WILL SMITE YOU WITH THE HAMMER OF JUSTICE(tm)!!" Did we mention that the baseball is still attached to her face?

sweatdrop "Just give me my ball back, you damn virgin!"


"You're kidding, right?" Lina pulled off her baseball hat and looked over to the shorter girl. "Why would I want to kill you, I don't have a motive."

Amelia pursed her lips in contemplation as she walked down the hall with Lina and Rezo. "I suppose that's true... but I know for a fact that Onii-sama is interested in you!"

Lina rolled her eyes. "Zelgadiss is interested in anything with legs, right Rezo? Rezo?"

Said youth was staring at Sylphiel's greenhouse, frowning. Lina and Amelia walked up to his side. "Rezo-san?"

"There's someone in the greenhouse," he stated, which normally wouldn't have been unusual except...

"But the sign says to keep out." That.

The trio crept to the forbidden fortress of glass and sun, peaking between the bushes and pressing their ears close to the panes.

Inside Sylphiel stood with her back to them, her shoulders fidgeting. She's nervous about something, Lina realized, frowning.

Amelia sharply inhaled as her brother walked up behind the Bride, speaking quietly. "Onii-sama!?!?!" She was quickly silenced so just what he was saying could be heard. Silenced meaning bound and gagged...

"Why are you taking so long?" Zel demanded.

Sylphiel's shoulders tensed under her puffy sleeved blouse. "I just can't do it."

"Oh come on, what's so wrong about killing vermin like them?"

Amelia's mouth dropped open and her eyes glazed over in pain. "Masaka..."

"Did..." Lina shared a worried glance with Rezo. "Did he just say something about killing someone?"

"You don't understand, do you?" Sylphiel questioned the lean youth. She spoke quietly, but her voice cut the stillness like a knife, her old green eyes taught with wisdom. "It doesn't matter how insignificant it seems to you, a life is a life. Maybe if we wait they'll just go away on their own."

"You can't be that naive, Sylphiel," he drawled, unmoved. "I want the killing done at once."

"Iyaa," Amelia breathed on the other side of the greenhouse, terrified. It was Zelgadiss? Her own beloved Onii-sama was out to kill her? Amelia's eyes became swirling dots - she could just see it now - Zel and Sylphiel embracing on a rooftop, throwing the flowerpot of her doom together...




"Amelia? Hello?" Lina waved her hand in front of the dazed girl while Rezo tried to fan her back into reality.


Onii-sama and...


"How dare he!" she suddenly cried, jumping to her feet. Lina 'eeped' as Amelia's sudden movement caused the small redhead to lose her balance - falling into Rezo's lap. While this elected a blush from them both, no more time may be spent on this compromising position as Amelia has up and decided to storm into the greenhouse. And when it said to 'Keep Out'. Yeesh, can't people read?


"Amelia?" A very bewildered Zel was greeting with a livid imotou.

"Oh Onii-sama, I know you're busy, but am I really in your way?"

"What are you talking about?"

Unshed tears sparkled in her kind eyes and Amelia began to sniffle, making Zel squirm. "Onii-sama, you're, you're... AN UNJUST VILLAIN!!" So saying she spun about on her heels and took off - once again knocking into Rezo and Lina, although this time he fell into her lap. Variety be thyne name.

Zelgadiss blinked. "What?"

Having scrambled from underneath Rezo, Lina launched herself at Zel, chocking him. "What kind of jerk are you?! You're the Student Council President, not the damned Godfather - YOU CAN'T JUST KILL YOUR OWN SISTER!!"

"Wa - watr you - gack!" Zelgadiss has learned an important lesson - one does not speak easily without oxygen.

"We heard you tell Sylphiel-san to kill something," Rezo supplied.

"Hai?" Sylphiel questioned, turing to face them - a can of Roach b Gone (tm) in her hand.

Lina and Rezo 'O.O-ed' and Lina deposited Zel onto the floor. "Then, that means..." They looked at each other, wide eyed. "Oops."

For her part, Amelia was doing a very good job of dramatically running down the hall. Not only did she have heart string pulling, soaring violin music, she also had yellow rose petals AND shimmering tears! That's talent people!!

My own brother is trying to kill me... She slowed down to a stop and wiped the salty liquid from her face. I wish I really were dead!

So wrapped up in her melodrama was she, that Amelia failed to take

note of all the panicked students running away from where she stood. Oh fate, why do you hate your Amelia-chan?



Surely with a pure heart I can overcome this trial of darkness...

"Run for your lives!! Runaway horse! A horse has gotten loose!!"

"Eh?" Amelia looked up just in time to see the rampaging mare heading her way. And then she proceeded to do what all young maidens do in the face of danger - she froze.

"But how did a horse escape?" Lina questioned, blinking. "The stable hands are normally so - "

"That's not important!" Rezo cried, pulling at his hair.

sweatdrop "Sorry. So, did a prince really save her?"

nodnod "Yeah, they say he saved her in the nick of time - "

Amelia closed her eyes, awaiting the end. But before she could be trampled into bite sized Justice-y pieces, a solid form slammed into her, knocking her to the ground - away from the rampaging animal.

"Itai!" she cried, opening her eyes. She greeted her savior with a grateful, surprised expression.


"You... saved me," she breathed, ignoring her bleeding hand.

"Oh no! You're hurt!" He grabbed the cut hand, making her blush. Taking a handkerchief out of his breast pocket, he mended the small wound and grinned back at her. "You'll be fine now." With that, he rose to take his leave.

"Wait! Won't you even tell me your name?" she begged.

"It's not important, but I'm sure we'll meet again. Good bye."

"Sounds just like a guy," Lina snorted.

"Lina-san!" Rezo hissed.

"I mean - How mysterious!" she cooed, her eyes all sparkly like a 14 year old in love. "Honestly, hmph. I'm going to be a much cooler prince than that!" she grinned, jumping from from behind the bush so she could keep a closer eye on her target.

"If you say so," Rezo shrugged, following Lina, keeping his one eye on Amelia. "But I never thought a 'prince' could impress her so much!"

Oh, incase it wasn't perfectly clear, Lina and Rezo were playing 'Spy-on-Amelia-Till-You-Learn-Who-Her-Crush-Is Game (tm) Fun for boys and girls of all ages!

"Yeah, she's picky," Lina agreed. "Hey! Maybe it's that one!" She pointed to the smiling, tanned youth walking the brunette's way.

Rezo arched his eyebrow, recognizing the boy as the rising star of the volleyball team. "Amelia has a crush on a jock?!"

But the two walked past one another with nary a glance.

"Nope, he's gone."

"Hey!" Rezo shook his friend. "L-look!"

Lina's jaw dropped open and she made an 'eww' noise. Amelia was cheerfully chatting with the frumpy, funny smelling Eighth grade Chemistry teacher. "She likes this old guy?!"

Mr. Old and Smelly pointed to a tree off the path and Amelia thanked the kind man for his help and skipped along her merry little way. Lina and Rezo released their breath at the same time. "Thank God," the muttered, moving to keep up.

The young Kiryuu lit up with excitement as she caught a glimpse of her savior. He was sitting under a large oak tree, reading a book of some sort - his back to her. Amelia smiled softly as she approached him, his handkerchief clutched in her hand - his name stitched in careful Kanji at the side of the cloth. He had the prettiest black hair...

"Phibrizo Tsuwabuki-san?"

Pale green eyes met her own. "Yes?" he asked, rising to his feetv-

And coming eye level with her chest.

CRASHvv Lina and Rezo fell over from their non too inconspicuous hiding place behind the birdbath. "THAT'S her prince?!" Lina cried, eyeing the little kid incredulously.

Oblivious to the outside world, Amelia knelt eye-level with the boy and took his hands in her own. "Phibrizo-san... would... would you go out with me?"

"WHAAAT?!!" Cried Lina, Rezo, and Martina-tachi (who had decided to show up for no good reason).

Dumbly, Phibrizo just nodded. Hey, they say love has no bounds, right?

Now would be about the best time to give the show's moral... but it doesn't have one! Guess another shadow play is in order.. Oh well, it's sunset anyway.

A-ko: *Bounces up and down with a backpack 3xs bigger than she is* Are you ready? Are you ready?

B-ko: *Confused* For what?

A: *Hits B-ko* CAMPING! (didn't you read your script?)

B: (Oops) *Acquires backpack of her own and points dramatically* Onward towards nature!

A: Yes, nothing is better!

B: Although the ground is lumpy...

A: And our food is overdone...

B: *Smacks arm* These bugs just won't leave me alone!

A: *Waves arms over shadow mountain and shadow sunset* But this gorgeous view makes it all worth while!

B: Of course!

*Together, they behold the majesty that is Shadow Play Nature*


A: What was that?!

B: *Already ran away.*

"I think it's good," Rezo proclaimed, tasting the cafeteria's food with culinary expertise.

Lina's head slipped from her hand and slammed onto the table. "I was talking about Amelia, not your lunch," she muttered.

"I knew that," Rezo blushed, trying to regain his scholarly dignity. His cerulean eye skittered to and fro in a conspiratory manner. "But this could get nasty..."

"I think it's good!" Lina enthusiastically cheered, hidden by the mountain she called lunch.

"I'm not talking about your lunch!"





Several moments and numerous plates later, both Lina and Rezo were properly full and quite ready to reassume their gossip. "I can't believe Amelia is dating an Elementary School kid," she groaned, hiding her ruby eyes with one hand. "Besides, that kid is, is, well he's creepy!" she shuddered. "What's she thinking?"

"Tell you the truth, I think she's really after Zel-san," Rezo commented casually, playing with his coke's straw.

"...You mean the Student Council President?" Lina questioned, her face turning the slightest shade of green.

"Uh huh."

"Really cute playboy, indigo hair, wears a perfectly pressed white uniform?"

"Yup." Her skin turned greener...

"...Her brother?"

"That's the one."

"Excuse me." Lina runs off scene and several unpleasant gagging noises can be heard




After Lina had finished emptying her lunch into the bushes, Rezo continued; "She has a 'Big Brother Complex' you know."

"I hadn't noticed. T_T;"

"Well, Zelgadiss-san is the only male who's always been close to her, so he's the only man she truly wants - anyone else is meaningless."

"Meaningless?" she asked, slightly dejected. It wasn't like she had a crush on Zel or anything! Nahh..

"Yes. As insignificant as... parsley," he finished, gravely holding up the leafy vegetable as evidence.



"Rez, you realized that made no sense, right?"



"H-hey, Lina-san! Look!" Doncha love changing subjects?

"Hm?" She followed Rezo's gaze out to the courtyard, where Amelia and Phibrizo sat comfortably under a tree, conversing and having a fine 'ol time. "They're... actually hanging out together?"

The young pianist smiled, noting the two's shared complexion and hair color. "They look more like brother and sister than a couple."

"Don't say that!" Lina shouted, again turning green.

Phibrizo smiled warmly at his girl. He couldn't believe his luck, really, the beautiful Amelia Kiryuu dating a lowly elementary student such as he! She was so pretty... even if she did seem a bit 'touched'.

Currently, she was instructing him in the Righteousness of Goodwill, something Phibrizo was very carefully blocking out. Oh well, if it made her happy... Fortunately for him, Amelia had the delightful tendency to travel opposite ends of the personality spectrum, meaning he wouldn't have to endure her lecture for too long. For example there was that one time...

"Ne, Amelia-sama, did you know we're playing tennis in gym today?" Martina asked, pulling her blouse over her mint curls.

"What?! I didn't bring a racquet!" Amelia cried, midnight eyes glinting dangerously. "Phibrizo!" She summoned, spinning around and snapping her fingers.

Phibby fell out of Amelia's locker in a tangled heap. Sure it was hot in there, but he got to watch Amelia-tachi change into gym clothes ^_^. "Your tennis racquet, m'lady," he offered.

And who could forget...

"This pop quiz isn't fair at all," Martina bemoaned, glancing sadly at her blank answer sheet.

"You're right," Amelia frowned. Snap "Phibrizo!"

Unfortunately Phibby was too busy looking at Amelia's legs to answer - him being under her desk and all.

Snap "Phibrizo!" she hissed, kicking him a little.

Oops. He stifled a groan of pleasure from where she had kicked him and held up the teacher's notes for her view. "The answer book, ma'am."

Ah, so sweet, the joys of a young man in love!

"Incredible," Rezo muttered, watching Amelia use Phibby as an easel from that infamous second floor window. "One minute she's as sweet as candy to him and the next..."

"I can't believe she's dating a kid," Lina snorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No matter how you're treated, you're always glad to be with the one you love," spoke a grave and tortured voice. Neither Rezo nor Lina bothered to turn around; Zangulus had just recently graduated from moping in his room to aimlessly wondering the school's halls. Don't these Council members ever have to go to class?!? "But that is merely one form of love."

He reached into his kendo outfit and pulled out the exchange diary he kept with Sylphiel. "The love Sylphiel and I share is known a Secret Love."


"That's SECRET Love."

"Uh-huh, nice dress, Zangie," Lina murmured, still watching Amelia and Phibrizo outside.

Amelia coyly eyed the three young men before her. Nameless Nobodies from one of her classes, no doubt. So they had to speak to her, did they? "And who are you?"

The trio facefaulted, making a rather nice THUMP THUMP THUMP sound.




She blinked her nearly black eyes. "But I don't know any of you."

"We write you love letters everyday!"

"Are you saying that - "

" - you don't remember us?!"

A cruel smile graced her lips as she analyzed the B(oring) A(verage) G(uys). Yeah, he could take 'em. Snap "Phibrizo!"

Said boy leapt from his hiding place behind the stairs, landing in front of his dear Amelia-san. SHe gave one last, scornful look to the BAGs before strutting off. "Do take care of this."

"With pleasure," he chirped, raising his fists.

"There you are!"

"We're not letting some kid date Amelia-sama!"

"We're gonna mess you up, ya brat!"

Phib's neon green eyes lit up with anticipation. "Flare Arrow!"


The dust drifted to where Amelia walked outside, causing her to sneeze delicately. Shielding her eyes, she looked up at the hazy sky, the same light blue as her irises. "How lovely, I've don't ever remember such a nice day!"

And it was a nice day, a very nice day even... please just ignore the explosions and screams for mercy.

Several moments later, 'good' Amelia returned to her Apprentice of Justice. In the war-torn courtyard, Mil lay, head smashed to a bloody pulp onto the curb, Bill's carcass floated facedown in the koi pond and Preston...

You don't even want to know.

For all the fun it had been, Phibby was a tired little boy. He fell into Amelia's arms, exhausted. "You did very well," she whispered.

"I...protected..you, Amelia-san."

"Now I get it. That's low, Amelia."

At the new voice, Amelia looked up at the boy's uniformed Lina and Rezo. "Lina Inverse?"

"Phibrizo nearly got killed fighting for your hon... your.. er... your.. well, he did a lot and all you could do was WATCH!?"

"He's learning the Ways of Justice!"

"Bull! You're using him as a bodyguard for your paranoid ass!"

Icy fire danced in Amelia's eyes as she spoke. "How dare you? You don't know what I'm going through! Do you know what it's like for the brother you've always loved to... Can you even claim to know how I feel?!"

"Amelia-san, you've got it all wrong," Rezo soothed.

"No, I've got it all right," she rebutted, tears welling up in her large eyes. "Phibrizo is my boyfriend and a Servant of Justice, he's bound by codes of honor!" she wailed, running away.

"Weirdo," Rezo muttered to her retreating form. T_T;;

"Phibrizo-kun," Lina knelt eye level with the boy, concern over her child-like face. "Why are you nearly killing yourself over her?"

A strange smile spread across his impish face and his startling eyes softened a bit. "Destiny."

"Destiny?" Lina questioned softly, weighing the heavy word on her tongue.

"Amelia-san doesn't seem to remember, but we met when we were much younger, you see..."

"Oh, the humanity!"

"The horror! The horror!"

Toddler Phibrizo was playing happily in his sandbox, cheerfully ignoring (or enjoying) the screaming elementary students running away from the wild beast.

"Runaway Bull! A bull has gotten loose!" Honestly, now how did that happen? Why does a school need a bull anyway? Steak? ^^

Still smiling, he looked up to watch the frightened masses run away from the rampaging animal. But within the crowd, a bright yellow headband caught his eye. It's owner, a pretty little brunette, had just fallen, leaving her a soon-to-be victim of the bull's hoofs.

Phibrizo frowned. For some reason or another, he just didn't want to see this girl mashed into a fine paste. Weird. "Look out!" he cried, running to Chibi Amelia as fast as his little preschool legs could carry him.

"Freeze Arrow!"

The once bull, now a bull-like mass of ice, tipped over and shattered into a million little shards. Phibrizo watched, stunned, as a indigo haired middle schooler inspected the child for damages. "Daijobu, Li-chan?"

"Onii-sama!" she squealed, wrapping her small arms around his neck.

"Come on," he chuckled, placing her on one shoulder and walking off into the sunset. "Let's go home."

"That's so cool," Toddler Phibrizo breathed, wide eyed.

"And I've been training to be an 'Onii-sama' ever since, understand?

"So then..."

"You wanted to be a big brother... not a boyfriend?" Rezo finished, perplexed.

"Excuse me." Lina rushed off to empty her stomach /again/.

"Yeah..." Phibrizo pouted. "But after all the times I rehearsed meeting her, she just doesn't seem to remember. Oh well, guess I'll have to put her in danger again," he concluded a bit too cheerfully, a large flowerpot in one hand.

"Hold on!" Rezo cried, stopping him with one hand. "You mean that the flower pot, the flamingos and the stairs were all you?!"

"What flamingos?"


"Well, other than that, yeah. It's so I can save her in the knick of time. That's how an onii-sama is supposed to act, you know."

"You little brat."

The trio urked and looked over at Amelia, who had heard the whole thing. Unfortunately for Phibby, at some point in time she had managed to sneeze again, meaning she had switched personalities and was non too happy. "WHY YOU LITTLE @(*$&#(Q*&$(*&!!" she yelled, lunging for him.

"Amelia-san!" Rezo wailed, restraining her. "He's just a little kid! Youthful enthusiasm and all - "

" - Shut the (#*&$ up!!" she screeched, bonking him on the head.


"Because of you, you little hellbrat, I called my beloved Onii-sama a villain! I - " Phibrizo sniffled at her cruel words and stepped back from the verbal assault. Hey, he's still a kid.

"Oh, the humanity!" Ah, timely distractions.

"The horror, the horror!"

"Runaway kangaroo! A kangaroo has gotten loose!"

And sure enough, one had, boxing gloves and all. Lina-tachi scrambled around in a panic, except Amelia, who just couldn't keep her eyes off the ridiculous beast a hoppin', skippin' and a jumpin' her way.

"No!" Phibrizo cried as the Kangaroo drew back its fist to strike Amelia. He threw himself in the punches's path, the blow sending him flying through the air.

"Phibrizo-san!" Amelia gasped, her eyes a swirling mixture of dark and light blue.

"Why you damn Marsupial!" Lina growled, attacking. Unfortunately, it was THAT time of the month, so her weapon of choice was... a rake. Needless to say, this was not a good idea. The Boxing Kangaroo easily tore through the tool, knocking Lina to the side.

"Lina-san!" Rezo cried, rushing up to his friend. They both froze as a shadow blocked the light, Karoo-chan glaring menacingly at them.

"We're too young to die!" The wailed, clinging to one another."

Before Karoo-chan could prove them wrong, he was hit in the head by Phibrizo's flowerpot. "Stay out of this!" he cried, sporting his own boxing gloves. Karoo-chan accepted his offer, speeding to the boy in a slightly pissed off manner. I will be Amelia-san's Onii-sama!

"Ray Wing!" Speak of the devil - Amelia flew by, scooping the youth into her arms.

"Amelia-san!" He cried, trying to avoid staring at her plentiful chest.

"It would be Unjust not to save you," she assured, dropping her spell and continuing on foot. Her swirling eyes took the slightest shade of dark as she continued. "Besides, I need people like you to work for me! ^_^"

Unfortunately, her stamina was winding down, and Karoo-chan was gaining on them. But before the rabid kangaroo could catch up to the fleeing duo, a figure leapt over the fence and blocked the animal's path. The man held boxing gloves of his own, and waited for Karoo-chan's move. vEnraged, Karoo-chan let loose a wild punch, leaving him wide open to an attack. Pressing his advantage, the blue haired man swiftly moved forward, KO-ing the beast with one uppercut.

"Shaa!" Shabby-chan proclaimed from the side, ringing the match bell that declared Zel the winner.

Karoo-chan: O

Zelgadiss Kiryuu: 1

The watching crowed cheered in joy and Amelia swooned, dropping Phibby flat on his face. "Onii-sama?"

"You went too far, Amelia ," Zelgadiss sighed, removing his gloves.

"Lina-sama!" Sylphiel broke away from the crowds and ran up to her Victor. "We took care of the vermin problem!"

"See Amelia? All that killing junk was about the insects in the Rose Garden," Rezo offered, smiling.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Onii-sama!" Amelia cried, glomping him happily. "I take back everything! Ne, Phibrizo?"


"Can we break up?"

"Um, ok," he shrugged. Hey, he was still young, he had plenty of time to win her heart.

Shaking his head, Zel began to guide his sibling home, Phibrizo trailing them from behind. "I wanna be adopted into your family! Maybe I can be Amelia-san's little brother!"

"Onii-sama, you're my one and only!"

Lina watched the procession silently, a slight fondness creeping about in her scarlet eyes. Zelgadiss Kiryuu... you are pretty amazing...

And as if he had heard, Zelgadiss looked back to the latest girl of his pursuits and smiled slyly. How much do you wish to know, what are you willing to learn... Lina?

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