Part 2


The song "Falling Away From Me" belongs to Korn, not me (again, damn!!!) It is off of their Issues album.

navy = flashback

Today I'm feeling tired
My tongue is gone today
You flirt with suicide
Sometimes that's ok

Where was she? Was she anywhere? Why did it have to be here, maybe she was there....but then...

Lina gingerly touched her forehead. It hurt. It hurt baaad. Everything was black. She was floating in an inky void, it had no shape, no form, no features of any kind. Nothing was distinguishable, so why did it seem so familiar?

The Sea of Chaos! Her eyes opened wide. No...that's not it. This - this is my own mind She chuckled lightly, no wonder it seemed so familiar. She used to retreat here all the time.... Why was she here? Oh, I-passed out. I... think I was learning something...important...

You will always say,
I'm here standing hollow

[You where.]

Lina looked around her,startled. The void was...speaking to her?

[You show so much promise] It spoke affectionately?

"Who are you?" she asked, gathering all of her courage.

[Do you really wish to know that?]

She nodded, fearing her voice would fail her.

chuckle [That's not important for now. Do you want to know?]

"Know? Know what?"

[You are aware of what I speak]

Oh, that. "You can tell me?"

[I can tell you everything that needs to be told. That is why you are in your mind. You would fight me too much had you been conscious]




[I cannot guarantee that you will remember all that reveal to you when you reenter the physical plane. However know that I am forever with you.]

"Here with me? What is that supposed to mean?"


"Hey! Where did you go!?" Why was she so panicked at the thought of being alone? This was her mind so why was she afraid?


"Wait! Come back! COME - "

Falling away from me
Falling ... away from me

Huh? That's me! Where did the void go? She stared at the false Lina tending the campfire. She was in the forest, a perfectly normal campout on any given day. Trying to get uh, her attention, she shouted and waved her arms. No response. She stuck her tongue out and rattled off the long list of nicknames she hated. Not even a glance. Can't see or hear me I guess.

Wait a minute...

Sylpheel was sleeping next to Amelia, Zelgadiss was across from them...where...was Gourry? Lina blanched. She knew when this was, why the false Lina looked so sad. This was when they had set out for that phantom city to fight Hellmaster. Lina swallowed in fear.

Day is here fading
That's when I'm insane
I flirt with suicide
Sometimes kill the pain

She had been so scared. She didn't want to cast the Giga Slave again. She didn't want to fight Garv, she definitely didn't want to fight Phibrizo. She had just wanted to run, to get far, far away. But Gourry was her friend. She had to save him. It was why she went right?

Right? Right!?

I can't always say,
It's going to be better tomorrow

This was her life, She was constantly being chased after, stalked, shot at and feared. She saved the world countless times but what did she have to show for it?


They didn't know how hard it was. To live with the burden of this power.

Hell, the Dragon Slave was too much for most. To call upon Her. It, it shouldn't be able to be done. None of the Lord of Nightmares' creations should be able to wield Her power, it was impossible, it, was ...


It shouldn't be allowed in her hands, such power. She was just a small girl with wild hair, a big mouth and a fear of slugs and her Nee-chan. But it was almost perfect.

Order within the Chaos.

To give such power to one such as her. It was perfect.

Chaos within the Order.

It was. To give it to her. She was just a young girl, Lina Inverse. She was just Lina Inverse wasn't she?


[Very good.]


Falling away from me

[You are so close young one.]

"What am I supposed to realize?"

[What you already know]

Falling away from me

She felt power ripple around her, so foreign but so natural.


This was her mind! She could find out whatever she wanted, she controlled her mind!

My power is my mind

With a furious yell, she lashed out at the blinding darkness, tearing through it like one would cloth.

My mind my power

Panting, Lina stared at the result of her outburst. The darkness had fallen around her like shredded ribbons, only to be drawn into a vortex, condensing into a sphere of focused energy. It swirled and churned, energy crackled on the outside of it, red and gold. Without a second thought she catapulted headfirst into the fearsome mass.

Beating me down
Beating me beating me down down
Into the ground

Her first time casting the Dragon Slave. The power, the control. That spell alone put her on so many different levels.

It wasn't enough.

Screaming so sound
Beating me beating me down down
Into the ground

She... she mastered the forbidden magic, Nightmare. All those times, the Lord of Nightmares had granted her summons. But why?

All those times. Defeating the Ruby-Eyed Lord, learning the Laguna Blade. Actual possession. Knowledge. Darkstar.And then... a seal. She had sealed the Giga Slave within herself. So it... was inside her? This power, was forever inside her?

Falling - away - from me
It's spinning round and round

A man and a woman? Where did they come from? Oh, they where just images.

Both where so powerful but the woman...she had another power superimposed over her own. Gold. Black. Red.

Falling - away - from me
It's lost and can't be found

A union. A merging. Anew. They took eachother's hands and the power flowed. Why can't she see their faces? And why did they seem so familiar? The collective aura shot towards Lina, enveloping her in a sea of black, gold and red. mother

Falling - away - from me
It's spinning round and round.

Chibi-Lina giggled happily. Today her mother was taking her out. She loved it when she did that. Impatiently she swung her chubby legs, not really caring whether or not she wrinkled her purple dress.

"Are you ready Lina-chan?"

She smiled widely, she loved her mother, she was the most beautiful lady in the world. I don't remember this! Why can't I see the lady's face? "Yes!" she said proudly. "I even got ready all by myself!"

"I see," the woman said, eyeing Lina's wild hair and mismatched shoes. "I guess it wont really matter. Put on your cloak. Where is your little friend?"


Falling - away - from me
Slow it down

This city was sooo cool! IT had tons of pretty buildings and food and different people. She really liked it although the city's aura gave her a slight headache. What was the name of this place? Slelag? Sairag?

"Do you see anyone that you like Lina-chan?" Her "mother" smiled at her, slightly agitated. They had been all over! Why had she agreed to let Lina help?

"Ummm, yes. I like that one!" She pointed over at a young man staying separate from the crowd.

blinkblink-point "Him?"


"...It's a Priest of Cephied."

"I like him!"

"It's a priest....of Cephied."

"I LIKE - "

"Hush!" She clamped her hand over her daughter's mouth. sigh "I guess I could check him out later."

Grins "I think you'll like 'em!"

Her mother rolled her eyes. L-sama above, she couldn't shake the affection she felt towards this little girl could she?

Beating me down
Beating me beating me down down
Into the ground

Lina slooowly crawled out of her hiding space. Nee-chan was so scary when she was mad. And it had been an accident. She didn't mean to project the image of Luna bathing to the hormone driven youths of Zephilia...well, she hadn't meant to get caught anyway.

Brushing off her yellow sundress, she figured that Luna nee-chan would probably be less mad now. She had already given Lina the beating of her life. Briefly she wondered if her other "nee-chan" was looking for her. She always followed Lina around.

She knew that she shouldn't get Nee-chan upset like that. Nee-chan took care of her, ever since their parents had died. Lina had just wanted to help.

"A little young to be out by yourself aren't you little one?"

"I'm on my way home now. Nee-chan was mad." She said this as though it explained everything.

The man peered down at her, smiling. He had shoulder length purple hair and a bright smile. The guy seemed kinda familiar...he sorta looked like Luna. He made her a little nervous, but she wasn't really scared. "Oh, is your sister still mad?"

"That's what I'm gonna find out."

"Well why don't you come with me? We can give your Nee-chan time to cool off a bit."

"Luna nee-chan told me not to go anywhere with strangers." Turning her nose up in the air, she turned to walk away.

"Wait." He grabbed her arm, eyes open.

She looked at him, eyes open wide in recognition. "Mazoku."

"How smart you are!" He grinned. "Now lets - "

"Get. Away. From. Her."

They looked up to see Luna glaring at the man. She had a cold blue aura that danced around her as she spoke through clenched teeth. "Must I repeat myself?"

For some reason, Lina shrank back in fear. This.. isn't Luna. She felt a cold knot forming in her stomach.

"No, I heard you the first time. Thanks for thinking about me though. ^_- And why should I?"

"You can't keep her."

He snorted. "As if you really care. You just think she's another threat. You don't care do you?"

Screaming so sound
Beating me beating me

"Of course I do," she said cooly.

"Luna might." He smirked. "But what of you?"

"It is of no importance General Priest." She stepped forward. "You are a traitor."

"I just see things in shades of grey. Ja ne Lina-chan!"

Lina whirled around. Where did he go? Feeling a cold shadow, she turned around and Luna, no the Knight stood before her in all her glory. "Lina." she hissed, grabbing her arm. "Don't you ever do that again! If you come across anyone like that you Fireball them! Do you hear me? Do you!?" She cried shaking her roughly.

Lina screamed in pain, Nee-chan's touch - it burned! It was so cold it burned! "N-nee-chan!" she whimpered.

Down, down

The flashing blue disappeared in an instant. "Oh, Lina..." Luna said in horror. Where she had grabbed her was scorched! "Oh. Lina I'm so sorry!" She pulled her into a hug. "I'll never do that again! Your nee-chan really does care! I'm so sorry!"

Lina said nothing, just sobbed.

Into the ground

That was the last time Luna had been so affectionate. Lina learned the Dragon Slave soon after. She left Zephilia with someone...who was it again? She knew that they had went their separate ways.. She met Naga, she got away from Naga. She met Gourry...and Zel...they defeated Ruby-Eye. She met Amelia, they killed Koppi Rezo. They all traveled together, good times. Until....

"Gourry!" Lina cried, chasing after Hellmaster. Exhausted from the Laguna Blade, she collapsed in a small pool of her own blood.

She had watched him kill her friends. All of them. Now he was going to kill all hopes of getting them back. starting with Gourry. Her family The big sibling she neve - he couldn't.

Trust in me

She wouldn't let him. He didn't know who he was dealing with. Darkness. Oblivion. So hard to control... A beautiful Golden Lord.

Then walk away

Darkness. It was so comforting. She could stay here forever. She was a part of it, -wait....was someone calling her name?

So I pray

Gourry grabbed her, pulled her back. Family. She was going home.

Go Away

So why did she feel so empty?

Life's falling away from me

Even if Gourry hadn't come after her, she would have came back. She wasn't finished on earth yet, she just was trying to learn something important.

Like she was now.

It's falling away from me

Inside her. She had the Giga Slave inside her. What did it mean? It was awakening.....instinct.

[Do you want to know?]

Life's falling away from me

Those first memories, they weren't right. They couldn't be. If they where what about the jump in time between then and when she was with Luna? Why couldn't she remember why she left her messy haired friend?

[You already know]

"I don't want to know."

[But you already do don't you?]

"....that is a secret."

[Don't you?]

It's falling away from me

"I don't want to remember."

[for won't]


Lina's eyes shot open, lurching forward she began to shake violently.

"Lina!" Sylpheel cried, trying to push her back down. Black, gold and red electricity shot up her arms, causing her to screech in pain.

"What's going on!" Zelgadiss burst into the room, Amelia and Gourry trailing behind. "Lina!"

"Are you ok?" Gourry asked concerned, eyeing Sylpheel's burnt arms.

"I'll be fine," she said shakily, healing her burnt flesh.

"Amelia!" Zelgadiss cried, trying to get a hold on Lina. "Cast Sleep!"

"It's not working!"

"My my, what do we have here?"

"Xelloss!" He ground his teeth, trying to ignore the pain brought by the flashing energy. "Help me hold her!"

Shrugging, Xelloss grabbed her legs, a little surprised at how hard she struggled.

Beating me down

Red gold black red gold black red gold black. That was all she could see. Was she one of the colors? Which one was her? Was she any of them?


Beating me beating me down down
Into the ground

Events, memories, senses, they all assaulted her at once. Where they all her's? Yes. The answer to every question....

A concerned smile.

Screaming so sound

"What's wrong with her?"

Zelgadiss glared at the trickster. He had to be hiding something! He had to be!

Beating me beating me down down
Into the ground

Lina laughed hollowly as the energy was absorbed into her "body". She wouldn't remember a gods-damned thing would she? Nooo not with all of this. giggle you would fight if concious

How true. Besides, what fun is a quest when you already know the answer?

Laughing eyes.

Falling - away - from me
Beating me down

"...she stopped." Zelgadiss said quietly.

Falling - away - from me
Beating me beating me down down
Into the ground

She was power hungry, she'd admit that. She loved learning new things. The fact that all of this was just piddiling aroung in her subconcious was quite annoying. What was it again?

Messy hair.

Falling - away - from me
Screaming so sound

"Look, I think she's waking up!" Amelia exclaimed.

Falling - away - from me
Beating me beating me down down
Into the ground

I ... can't ... remember anymore.... what was it again? Must have not been important.




Lina opened her eyes.

Part 3   |   Fanfiction