Finally, finally, finally! Star Well is completely checked and updated! All my links should now work, not mention that there are plenty new ones. This means that even though pretty much every section on this site has been updated, it's only the links that have changed ... but still, have a look around and see what's new to go and visit. It's only taken me what? Six months to finish this update? ::dances::
On some minor notes, I've removed the DR ML link because I've gotten rid of the ML. Also, I've changed "Email" to "Contact Me" and added my livejournal that line.
In Archive@Darkness.Rising we have a new author under Anime@Fan.Fic.
Updated White June with a new author in fanfiction.
In Smoking Mirror: minor changes made to Chapter 2 of Cloud^'s fanfic.
In Archive@Darkness.Rising we have a new author under Anime@Fan.Fic.
Coming up next week is an update for White June.
New author in Smoking Mirror.