New doujinshi in On Silk Screens in P2 and P3.
Okay, so I'm now officially in Germany instead of in the US. =3 Points for the working internet access. I have some small updates that I set up ahead of time since I'll be here for eight weeks. Don't expect them to be big or interesting. I just felt bad that I would be gone for so long.
New doujinshi in On Silk Screens in F1.
New doujinshi in On Silk Screens in G-0, P1, P2, and P3.
New author in Slayers fanfiction.
New player in Match Point, as well as two new openings for those interested in joining.
Running a little late this week, but that's because scanning 36 doujinshi was a pain. New doujinshi in On Silk Screens, pages F1, F2, F5, P1, P2, and P3.
New page! Match Point has docked under the Darkness Rising umbrella. Woot!
Also changed how my email is displayed in the hope of foiling spam bots.
Running a day late this week. New author in and new fics by Asgeras in Anime@Fan.Fic.
Next week, instead of new fics, the Match Point homepage will be moving from Northmark to here.