


New fanart by Brad Crawford no Miko in White June.

Nothing else ... it's coming down to the tests before the finals and the finals at school right now, so I pretty much doing nothing except school, work, and the occasional online procrastination.


New fics by Shadowfire and MiniNinja in Slayers Fanfiction.

One new Rockman doujinshi in On Silk Screens. And for those of you interested, I have these doujinshi up for auction at the moment. @.o


Alot of little updates, as it 'twer.

First, two new doujinshi in On Silk Screens. One by RROC and Silverstone.

White June and Smoking Mirror both updated with fanart.

Harry Potter slash fiction (Snape/Harry -- what? I like the way the author portrays Snape in this) in the Non-Anime fanfiction page.


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