Final: Abandonment

"I come to you
and bare my soul
And you leave my
Broken heart behind"

He stretched as he woke, knowing instantly that Pharaoh was no longer by his side by the lack of warmth. His eyes slowly opened, regulating the light filtering into his optics. At the desk where he had first seen Pharaoh the first time he entered the Egyptian's quarters, the golden-eyed Robot Master set about, creating black-lined life on parchment once more. But this time, he wasn't using the usual long handled brush, but what appeared to be charcoal. Magnet yawned, the back of his hand rubbing against a cheek.

"What masterpiece are we creating this time? Another sacrifice?" He asked.

"No." Pharaoh replied calmly. "It's a regular picture."

That made Magnet perk in curiosity. "Oh?" He had commented several times on Pharaoh's artistic skill, always complaining whenever one was burned in ritual for Min. But he never really expected him to actually do a regular piece. "When did you start doing those?"

A small smile graced Pharaoh's lips. "Today. Woke up half an hour ago and the position you were in... it screamed to be captured. I was hoping I had enough time to finish it before you woke up."

"Hm." Magnet shifted again. "Did I move too much? I hope I didn't ruin it."

"No, it's all right. I already had the basic sketch worked out. This is just the shading and details here."

"Can I see?" He asked, slipping off the bed and padding up behind Pharaoh.

The sketch was done entirely of charcoal, the bed filled in by quickly etched lines. Magnet himself lay on his back, one hand brushing gently the edge of his lips, the other rested lightly the back of the wrist against his forehead. The light shaded lines streaked through the dark areas of his hair and skin, small blemishes for the indentations of his ribs, and muscled that rippled as he sighed.

"Mmm. Oushi, I'm jealous." Magnet said, wrapping his arms around Pharaoh's neck, hands smoothing down the rift chest. "You have such wonderful, talented hands."

They shared a tender kiss, Pharaoh pressed his nose against Magnet's neck, breathing his scent deeply. "I've been meaning to ask... why do you keep calling me Oushi?"

"Why do you keep calling me Mags, or Maggie?"

"Do you not like it?"

"I didn't say that." Magnet chuckled, blowing against Pharaoh's temple.

"You have a beautiful voice," he admitted, "I love to hear you sing, laugh, scream, anything to hear that voice. 'Maggie' is just short for Magpie."

Magnet smiled, "Aw. That's sweet."

"So tell me. Why 'Oushi'?"

"Several reasons." He said. "I did my research. Min, whose symbol you wear, is also called 'Menu-ka-mut-f', which translates as 'Min, Bull of his Mother'. And since you also happen to be hung like one," he grinned lecherously, "brings about the name 'oushi', bull."

"Ah. For a moment, I thought it was for a pun."

Magnet paused, running the name over in his mind, and then laughed. "Yes, you're delicious, as well." He said pulling at the earlobe gently. Pharaoh tilted his head, letting the other lap at his neck, running pearly teeth against the tanned skin. He let out a shallow moan, rubbing his face into the dark red strands as they floated with feathery touches.

They kissed again, the near inaudible sound that came from Pharaoh's mouth drawn out by the skillful, undeniable warmth of Magnet's tongue. He could feel the elder's intention as he pressed against his bare back.

"A bit early for it, isn't it?" He asked, breaths coming in soft pants. Magnet said nothing, just continuing to suckle the junction of Pharaoh's neck, making only the occasional heated, wet sound. Pharaoh shivered as he hit a particularly sensitive spot, quivering in wonderful shock. "Mmmm... Save some for later, Maggie. Wily has a couple jobs for us."

"I have a job for you right now." Magnet replied, fingers trailing down the taunt abdomen and tracing the hem of sand colored pants.

Pharaoh half turned in his seat, capturing the other in what was almost an aggressive kiss, pulling him down on his lap. Magnet squirmed slightly, the khakis a much different texture against his bare skin than he was used to.

Hands trailed down his back, the curve of his spine and passed the small of his back. He kissed Pharaoh one more time before his lips were replaced by a finger, stopping the other out of curiosity.

"Ah... how would you like to try... something a bit different?" Magnet asked, the other hand running over the fine muscles in his arm.

"Like we've been doing every day for the passed week or more?" He playfully asked, the finger falling into his mouth as he spoke, nibbled upon by seeking teeth and curled about deliciously by a questing tongue.

Upon Magnet's insistence the two had grown beyond what was once their usual methods. It had brought out something new from the both of them, an open mindedness Pharaoh had never believed he had and from Magnet, the kinky side of him that had never had the chance to come out before. Every night a different style of union that grew to something different. Sometimes oral, dual oral, self-gratification, performance, bondage, whichever strange method Magnet felt to use at that moment.

"Do you?" Magnet repeated, his lips coming off from the wet collarbone to hover enticingly over Pharaoh's lips, his tongue giving it the barest of flickers.

Pharaoh sighed then shivered. "Of course."

Magnet stood up, taking Pharaoh's hand as he walked back to the bed. With another kiss to distract him, he pushed Pharaoh onto the bed, straddling his waist.

He gave out a soft moan as Magnet shifted on his lap. "Haven't we done this one before?" He asked. Magnet merely chuckled against his chest, running a tapered finger against his side.

"No. We haven't gotten to the fun part, yet." He leaned forward, silencing the lips with his own. "Hush. Let me do all the work."

Magnet nuzzled the slight dip just below the collarbone as Pharaoh rumbled his approval. He traveled lower, sucking at each sensitive cluster, blowing against the moist spots, watching him quiver and moan. He lapped at the dip between ribs, then where it transitioned to the smooth, rippled plains of the stomach, trailing down the middle.

Long fingers moved down the tanned sides, pulling lightly against the pants, then up the hem and around, meeting in the middle just as Magnet set one last kiss against the trembling navel. With precision and no wasted time, he popped the tab of the soft material, catching the zipper with his teeth, pausing every once in a while to nuzzle the slowly expose skin with his cheek, his breath.

Pharaoh let out a shivering breath, tense with anticipation, body clenched as he tried to keep from bucking from impatience. It was wonderful agony, the wait, the few, maddening touches he had to stay with. He swallowed hard, moaning against the velvet cheek of the older robot as the clothing slid down his body, inch by infuriating inch.

He gasped at the light touch of fingers against his burning skin, letting out an encouraging sigh. He loved the way Magnet toyed with him, it drove him mad with desire. He couldn't take it, bucking his hips against the hand and when it pulled away, he wasn't too proud to keep from touching himself. But his hands remained pinned by his side as he tried to move them, a plea dying in Magnet's mouth as he rolled himself up Pharaoh's chest like a wave, a refreshing fount that he begged for like man dying of thirst.

Magnet, on the other hand, wanted to savor this moment. Once it was done, who would know the next he would get a chance like this. To have the most influential, the most untouchable robot to date spread beneath him, begging for even the barest hint of a touch to fall onto his greedy body. He purred, running his cheek and nails against Pharaoh's chest, moving down to his waist, running nails against the slight folds, watching him laugh silently against the feel. And then further down, to follow the trace of heat, of sensitive skin...

Pharaoh gave a small cry as a wet heat descended on him. Each time it would take him by surprise, the skill of the hot-cool plates lining Magnet's mouth and throat, how his tongue would swirl and pull. Oh, but it was heaven there, the sinful place he could never get enough of. He raised his hips, trying to receive more, wanting release so badly.

He felt idly a hand tracing down the small of his back, further to the deep crevice that had before only been touched, never explored. But now, small pinpricks of pain pressed against him, forcing their way into the most hallowed of places. He let out a cry, almost painful at the sensation.

"Shh... it's okay." Magnet assured him, nibbling at the lower lip, slipping his tongue back in to dance away the pain with Pharaoh's. He protested slightly against the mouth having moved, but wrapped his strong arms around Magnet's thinner frame, trying to force the pain out of his mind.

For a moment, as the fingers within him moved and stretched, all there was to know was the pain, and then... then something happened, they pressed, rubbed against something settled deep with in and everything else was dispelled. He jerked, his cry sharp in the still air. Every movement the fingers made, every time they brushed against... that ... oh, oh God... he couldn't help him. It was the most wonderful feeling he had ever experienced, the lips on his neck, the body that rubbed against him so right... everything was so perfect, he wanted to give in just at that moment. He wanted to live in that sensation forever.

He growled, nearly crying when he felt Magnet beginning to move back out. A strong hand pressed against his wrist, keeping the fingers deep in place.

Magnet chuckled. "Come now, Oushi." He whispered. "It'll only feel better, trust me."

After a moment, Pharaoh finally relented and the fingers and their wonderful presence abandoned him, leaving him bereft and alone. He nearly cried, begging to feel once more. And then something else pressed against the same entrance, too large, too demanding to be sheathed.

It was too uncomfortable, too painful for him to deal with and he tried to pull back, but Magnet gripped his arms tight. "Trust me. It'll feel better. It'll be wonderful."

But God... God it hurt! Stretching his body more than he thought possible, he believed he would break before he would be able to fulfill the demands of Magnet's body.

And then... and then...

His tip brushed against that spot once more, every nerve in Pharaoh's body alighting at the same moment, burning with ecstasy.

He cried out, tears slipping down his cheeks. Oh, how could anyone not love this? It was too much to describe, too much to imagine. He couldn't capture it in any feeling, only living in it as it was.

How could anyone not enjoy this? Rape, they said? No, this wasn't a violation. This was too wonderful to be dirty. How could anyone say that it wasn't something that they wanted, how could they say that they didn't want to be touched like this? How can anyone want to reject such a wonderful, consuming feeling?

Blindly he reached out, groping a hand against Magnet's chest, shoulder, then bringing his head down to kiss.

There was something burning in his mind, something stronger than the desire, something that begged to be released from its confines, that demanded to be said...

"M-Maggie... Maggie..." he panted, wincing from the overwhelming emotions as Magnet slowly began to move against him, within him. "Oh God... Maggie..."

"I'm here. Don't worry, don't think."

"Maggie, I... I..."

Say it.

Speak it.

Let go of everything that's building deep inside.

Let go of this control.

Embrace this madness.

Embrace the sensation.


"I love you..."


The pause was imperceptible, but Pharaoh felt it in the thrumming rhythm of his soul. His eyes watched Magnet as he hovered above, a curled smile upon his lips as he lowered himself down, a darker playfulness in his eyes.

Just there?

Or something he had never noticed before?

He leaned down, movements still in their same, gently rhythm, slowly growing steady.

He leaned down, sweat and scent making Pharaoh heady, marking him as not his own.

He leaned down, and he whispered...

And he whispered...

He whispered...

"I don't care."

His heart had been balance on a taunt string, shaking and quivering under the force of hope. And the glass cut upon the string, shattering, tearing through him inside, making him cry out.


Not his heart.

Magnet was driving in and out of him, not much faster than he had before, but the act, the intention behind it... it was just too painful to bear.

Each push, each touch was like an invasion that tore him apart from inside, turning each moment that would have once been like dripping ecstasy upon each greedy nerve to something dirty, violent. Something that made him shudder.

He didn't know if he cried, if he pleaded. He couldn't remember losing his strength, trying to push Magnet away from him, out of him. He didn't recall when he bit his lip to keep from screaming, when he had to bite his knuckles after the skin had broken through, blood smeared over his chin, against Magnet's mouth as they kissed. But it wasn't a kiss, when he plundered Pharaoh's mouth, taking only what he wanted.

All he remembered was what Magnet said as he left, his essence clinging to Pharaoh's dark in a white cobweb, disgusting and revolting.

"You told me before... if I wanted to have you, to take you. To have you fall in love with me only made this conquest all the more sweeter."

It took nearly a week for Pharaoh to finally gather the strength to set foot outside his quarters once more. He was different, the world was different. Rock had defeated the first of Cossack's robots, Wily had become frustrated at Pharaoh's absence and stripped him of all authority... and Magnet...

Magnet had retaken his place as the most feared, most powerful Robot Master.

Without a sound, without look at any of the others, Pharaoh entered the mess hall, finally driven by hunger to do what heartbreak forbade him.

As he passed, none of the other Robot Masters stood in his way, afraid of what may be going through his mind after a week of speculation.

In the mess hall, at the table Pharaoh had frequented with his fellow enforcers, with Magnet... he stood, unable to move as he watched the group he had created, the group he had led and protected, under the careless reign of the one he had thought to love.

From his position as head, Magnet saw Pharaoh and smiled.

And smiled.

He froze.

The same smile that had made him feel as if he could take one the world made him weak, afraid. It sent terrible shivers down his body.

But Magnet just smiled, leaning forward. From out of the opening of his shirt fell a heavy pendant held by a thick wrap of leather.

A metallic circle set upon by a crescent.


Absently, Pharaoh put a hand against his chest, the disappearance of the familiar weight suddenly becoming apparent.

His surrogate father had forsaken him.

His supposed lover had forsaken him.

Even his God had forsaken him.

What was left of the man, when those he held dearest to them turned their backs on him?

What does he have to cling to with hopes and dreams and prayers...

When they've all been crushed before his eyes.

Magnet's blood red eyes just smiled, tauntingly at him, a leather strap clutched mockingly in his tender mouth, daring Pharaoh to take back what had once been his.

What should have been his.

And what would be.

He would have back those that he had lost, taken back what should rightfully be his.

Min and Magnet watching him, laughing from beyond his grasp.

But one day, they no longer will.

And that would be the day he would seize them once again.
