Foreign Pages


Everything listed is only what I can deduce, I'm not 100% sure.


Gabo and Kody's Slayers Page - Italien (?) pics
The Great Competition of Phiria and Xelloss - (Italian) competition
Il Magico Mondo di Slayers - info, character info, music, pics, fanart, mm, links - Italien
Noosphère - Boburo - (French) winamp skins
Phiria e Xelloss...una strana coppia... - Italian? Pics, Firia/Xel shrine,sounds, fanart
Slayers -- Italien (?), pics, character info, spells, fanfiction -- some of which is in English **NEW**
Slayers - pics, info, gifs, magic, links, music - Japanese
The Slayers Home Page - Spanish?, pics, character info, fanart
SlayersLovers ML - Spanish? ML
Slayers Page - part Spanish
The Slayers Temple - music, pics - Italien (?)


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