"Black and White"
Creator: Me!
Creator Comments: This is my second attempt at a skin and the first with the
whole thing skinned ... so I guess I did okay ... I really need to fix the buttons though, and
maybe redesign the skin a bit ... but I can do that later. ^_^
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"The Eyes are Watching You"
Creator: Me!
Creator Comments: This is my first attempt at a winamp skin, so be gentle.
The only special thing is that the balance bar is invisible.
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Zelgadis Amp
Creator: Emily
Homepage: Hunky Winamp Skins
Creator Comments: None.
Other Comments: This is one of my favorite skins.
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Gourry Amp
Creator: Emily
Homepage: Hunky Winamp Skins
Creator Comments: None.
Other Comments: None.
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SD Zelgadis Amp
Creator: Laura-chan
Homepage: The Ranma and Akane
Creator Comments: None.
Other Comments: Hehe ... this is kawaii.
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Lina Amp
Creator: Jenny Maddux
Jenny's Violinist of Hameln Webpage
Creator Comments: The little volume button is supposed have a fireball on it,
if you can't tell what it is ^_^; I know this skin has a lot of floating things, but lines
would have interfered...
Other Comments: None.
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Amelia Amp
Creator: Jenny Maddux
Jenny's Violinist of Hameln Webpage
Creator Comments: The funny thing about this skin is that I don't even like
Amelia that much...
Other Comments: None.
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Slayers Alpha
Creator: Fibrizo
Homepage: None I know of.
Creator Comments: None.
Other Comments: This amp is posted without permission ... but only because I
can't find and don't know the creator's email address.
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Zelgadis Amp
Creator: Ola Rönnerup
Homepage: Anime and Manga Archive
Creator Comments: None.
Other Comments: None.
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Zelgadis Amp
Creator: Zrana
Homepage: Zrana's Realm
Creator Comments: Copy&paste & paste & paste & paste & paste & copy &
paste .... My first try at making a skin. A successful one too, deshou?
Other Comments: ^_^ Very cute.
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"Hints in the West"
Creator: Kanzeyori
Homepage: None
Creator Comments: The coloring is a bit weird (and is it me, or does Zel look
like an American-Indian and Caucasian mix with one parent caucasian and one that was a mix
too??) but it's a bright and sunny pic. ^_^ The original fanart (really gorgeous) was drawn
by Cloudia and is also stored in the zip file.
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Creator: Kanzeyori
Homepage: None
Creator Comments: Ummm, this one is al ot more blatantly shonen-ai than the
other one ^^;;;;...but it's more of the sappy-sweet/cutesy genre... eyeballs skin
...really really sappy. But everything is skinned, from the minimized equalizer to the
playlist to the minibrowser. The original fanart (really gorgeous) was drawn by Cloudia and
is also stored in the zip file.
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Creator: Kanzeyori
Homepage: None
Creator Comments: Ain't it just sickeningly cu~u~ute?? ^-^ It looks best when
both the equilizer and the main window is opened 'cause Zelly dearest is kinda chopped in
half ... I made it that way tho, 'cause I think it looks interesting when everything is
minimalized and his eye is just staring out at you ... blinks okay, I'm bad at
descriptions, you're just gonna hafta download it and see ... The original fanart (really
gorgeous) was drawn by Cloudia and is also stored in the zip file.
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"White Dreams"
Creator: Kanzeyori
Homepage: None
Creator Comments: Balance is unskinned (wouldn't want to mar Xel-kun's face,
now would we??). Everything else is skinned, volume, Mono/stereo, eq/pl button, equalizer,
with matching playlist and minibrowser. Yay. ^-^ I looove how the equalizer area turned out,
the on/auto buttons and the presets and the equalizer bars and everything. I think this skin
in general turned out amazingly well...
Okay...I'll stop boasting and just shut up now. ^-^
The original fanart (really gorgeous) was drawn by Cloudia and is also stored in the zip
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Creator: Kanzeyori
Homepage: None
Creator Comments: Includes everything except the mono/stereo thing (tho I doubt
anyone would mind...). The shuffle button is Zel's mouth, frowning is "off" and smiling is
"on", the repeat button is the spinning ying/yang symbol. This is kinda an answer to "White
Dreams"; instead of a dark skin it a really bright/light skin with really muted shonen-ai
(esp. with the equalizer off...).
The original fanart (really gorgeous) was drawn by Cloudia and is also stored in the zip
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