Terror and Coffee
Creator: Jane Fa Ker
Homepage: Tragic Angels
Creator Comments: I'm just getting to the delicious parts in the series and
Schwarz is only just coming out. First time I saw Schuldich was like WHAM! Man this guy is
gorgeous! And I just have a thing for tall slender redheads. Not to mention that I love
everything about Youji, hence I also love his main opponent (and his main "lust" interest in
yaoi pairings). There's something unbelievably sexy about the way he's biting that stick of
gum (I'm right, right? It looks like a stick of gum!) Okay, I'm starting to ramble again.
I'm sorry about the way the equalizer bars covered Farfarello's face. I didn't intend
for it to be that way, but it just ... happened. So tehre's nothing I can do about it. Ah! I
don't care. Schuldich is too sexy here and that's the bottom line!
Other Comments: Heeeeeeeeeeee~ A Schwartz skin!
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Dead Alive
Creator: Jane Fa Ker
Homepage: Tragic Angels
Creator Comments: Brighter and has more color than the Schwarz skin. Bad side:
numbers partially cover Aya's eyes. And I noticed it too late. Damn.
Other Comments: None
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Dead Alive
Creator: Bloody Mary
Homepage: Tragic Angels
Creator Comments: Made this skin for my classmate, PJ, who is totally in love
with Aya. Looking at him, who wouldn't be in love?
Other Comments: None
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Us, Sinners
Creator: Bloody Mary
Homepage: Tragic Angels
Creator Comments: Ooohh! Schuldich's such a man!
Other Comments: Heeeeeeeeeeee!
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Shredded Flower
Creator: Ney Naoe
Homepage: Farfs Realm
Creator Comments: ...errrr.....he is mine?
Other Comments: This is one of my favorite skins.
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