Anime |
Slayers |
Final Fantasy 7 |
Weiss Kreuz |
Vagrant Story |
Rockman/X |
Harry Potter
Star Trek |
Fanfiction |
Fanart |
MP3's |
Web Graphics |
Mailing Lists |
Online Diaries
Online Comics |
Merchandise |
Other |
Anime morethanart.org
Issendai's Lair
Bishonen Works
Slayers Slayers: Beacon of Light Amidst
The Sea of Chaos
Final Fantasy 7 out of lives
The Floating City
Shin-Ra T.U.R.K.S.
Nightmares of the Soul
Weiss Kreuz Schuldige als Sünde
Schu's Thin Mint
Bunny Doll Anime Fandom Page
Vagrant Story Rood Awakenings
Rockman/X Bob and George
Harry Potter Potions: Professor Severus Snape of
Hogwarts School
The Severus Snape Fuh-Q-Fest
Star Trek General
Star Trek Fans
ASC Archive
The Original Series
The Mint Julep Inn: The Leonard McCoy Story
The Next Generation
Doublenut's Fanfic Index
The Star Trek Relationshipper's Station
Fanfiction Theria's Anime Gateways
Madamhydra's Lair
The Slash Page Database
Fanart kitsch
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Black Cat error 404 ___________________
Cycling Anime-JPop MP3
Reflections: Anime and JPop MP3 Weekly
Web Graphics VisiBone Webmaster's Color Lab
LuminEssence Studios
Mailing Lists Rockman Yaoi
Albus Dumbledore x Severus Snape
Online Diaries Eternal Evenflow
Rockman X Light
Vava Barahana
Online Comics Bob and George
Okashina Okashi - Strange Candy
Boy Meets Boy
Chopping Block
/random ___________________
Merchandise Aestheticism
Other Ragabash's Anime WinAmp Skins
Anime Music Videos
LEO English/German Dictionary
Japanese -- English Dictionary
Darkness Rising Supports ... ___________________
Home to many things, namely Valhalla, Ruaki's website.
It's Issendai! Need I say more?
Fiction, art, and doujinshi -- both original and fanbased. I own
several of her doujinshi as well as having had a few commissions done.
Home of Theria and Sephzero. ^_^
THE site for slayers fanart.
o.O Ooo, her stuff is good. A little freaky, but gooood. Yaoi present.
More Turk stuff. Yay! ^_^ Hehehe, she writes Reno like one seriously
insane, far too wacked SOB with the cheery disposition of a dalmation puppy on anphethamines.
Somehow, that makes it scarier ...
Has some drop-dead-gorgeous-fanfics. A great Tseng/Reno
I can't wait to see the end of and some other normal fics that are just as good. ^_^
Lots of different stuff: fics, fanart, doujinshi, and just ... coolness.
More Turks!
Schuldich shrine! Most comprehensive I've found. ^.~ Ya know, I just
realized I have a thing for redheads. Reno preens
A Brad x Shculdich shrine. ^_^ Hehe, a fav pairing of mind. ^^** Of
course, I like pretty much anything that's Schuldich x Someone.
Don't believe her. It is glorious~! ^_^ The place for
excellent Weiss fics.
The fanfiction is awesome. I love the way she portrays
Sydney and Ashley. ^____^ And, of course, there's some shonen-ai and yaoi. Hehehe ...
ROFLMAO!!!!! Someone took the cast of Rockman, put them on crack, and
made a comic strip!! Bwahahahahahaha!!
An interesting Rockman X comic resides here ... lovely art and seems to
be pretty true to the series.
This is absolutely classic. It is perfectly sarcastic and cutting and
has a hilarious "Automated Detention Dispenser". ^^; My entire family was rolling on the
floor when I showed them that.
A site devoted to a list of fic challenges involving slashing Snape with
any other male in the HP universe. It is a collection of the most successful and well-written
challenges (and fics in general) that I have ever seen and I look forward to their updates
every time I check my mailbox. A must see for a Snape slash fan.
For everything else ... go here.
Massive archive for all the Trek's fanfiction.
*-* Bones' very own page! ^^** Lotsa Spock/Bones YAOI
fanfiction here, though. So watch your step.
This page collects lotsa Data fiction. Home of one of funniest
of Trek parodies: Bev's Revenge.
Any series and their couples. Nice looking link station for the
questing surfer.
This fic is the best TNG story I have ever read. Everyone was very in
character. But then again ... I am partial to Data ... even when his character makes me want
to strangle him ... In zip format.
Home of Theria and Sephzero. ^_^
drools *-* Ooooo ... she is so good!! Read her Gundam Wing
and Final Fantasy 7 fics!!
Fics, fics for everyone~! Hehe, my new default page. ^___^
Bwaha~! A search engine of slash sites with slash fanfiction. ^_^ Ah,
yes, it is all good ... even that DC slash that I still find mildly disturbing for some reason.
Ni~ce, interesting little page. Found it while surfing Fanfiction
Paradise. Love her anatomically correct wings. ^_^ And her unfinished Rockman fic is
absolutely divine. *-*
She has an intersting sketchy style that I just like.
The page itself is practically all delicious CG art. Plenty of fanart
for many series and a nice little place to visit. ^_^
Ruaki's artblog! Go! Go! Go!
This artist is comfortable in several mediums and manages to incorporate
her style into several different ways of putting pencil to paper. I'm quite impressed.
Ohhh, to draw this nice! She even has winamp skins and wallpaper
Best comics ever! There's one with Where's Waldo and Pacman.
One of the three MP3 sites I frequent and the one I got my
Slayers Sleepless Night remix! Yay! *-*
Merely a handfull are posted, but they are a good handfull.
Featuring the 216 color web-palette. Just click on a little color
square and you are treated to the color's information and contrast with other common colors.
Also at VisiBone are laminated color and HTML charts for sale. I'm considering purchasing
them myself. ^_^
If I need anything, I go here first. This place has
graphics that can blow your mind. Also features the very best in preview technology. ^_^
The index page's X-mas theme came from here. ^.~
Bwahahahaha~! I got annoyed by the absense of such an ML as this ... so
I made my own~! ^_^ We're nicely talkative ... and very hentai. o.O But it's all good
yaoi, so I can't complain.
The one and only Harry Potter couple I well and truly like now. This
probably means that I'm taking my last dying gasps of the fandom. But until that final gasp,
I really, really, really like these two together.
Wheeee~! Diary of Roo. I mean, really, what else do you need to know?
It's Roo!
Must I explain? She is brilliantly humorous and so sharp in her
witticisms that I am cut, nay chopped! and I thank her every day for it!
A source of Snape pr0n. =3
It's Harukami! It needs to other explanation!
Rockman X's page. Run by Pink-chan.
Zero's page. Run by Pink-chan.
Vile's page. Run by Pink-chan.
ROFLMAO!!!!! Someone took the cast of Rockman, put them on crack, and
made a comic strip!! Bwahahahahahaha!!
LOL! ^^; Daisuke is a 17 year old geeky-looking boy who attempts to
summon his own harem from a do-it-yourself book. Unfortunately for him, instead of becoming
the loving harem he was hoping for, they decided to ditch him and find a way home. ^^;;
Needless to say, it becomes quite amusing from there ... I love Loyal Minion Dom. Poor guy.
Definitely yaoi. ^^;; A froofy artist. A band consisting of three
dudes and a feminist (the lead guitarist and the frooft artist are together). A landlady who's
the daughter of Satan and a lawyer (I love Tabitha~!) and her new boyfriend, the assasin hired
to get rid of the lead guitarist's sis (I love Allen~!). ... And I love Allen & Tabitha
together~! >D Whee~! Fun comic!
Best gaming comic ever. No questions. Hands down brilliance. Go there
Dark serial killer humour. Very nice art style.
A boy and a coffee shop. I do so love the sarcasm all around, not to
mention the UST.
Hit the Cybershoppe, it's got stuff. This is a Yaoi based
site as well, so watch yer step.
Nice place to pick up anime and video game stuff. Very
Fast service. *-* Found my Turks poster here.
I don't know what I'd do without my winamp skins ... that's where
this site comes in ... *-* Practically every skin I have comes from here! And when
you go here, you'll see why ... >D
A place for music videos! Lots and lots of music videos! I wish my
computer was faster ...
My German class salvation!!! Whoo-hoo!
Dictionaries are wonderful things.
Xellos for President.
Valgarv for President. No, this is not divided loyalty ... why? 'Cause we of the harem
split out votes 50/50!
I'm a loyal member of the Shi˛ (ShiShi) Brigade! Ie, I support Gary/Ash (or
Shigeru/Satoshi, if you prefer) from Pokemon!
End fanart thievery. Join the club.