Z: In the Eyes of the Creator


Dear Journal,

It awoke today. Sliding open it's gemstone eyes, it looked at me and Eris for the first time. I believe it was truly pleased to see us, even though we programmed that reaction into it. Eris was ecstatic at our sucess. After several years of research, searching, and tedious construction, we finally finished the project.

Using the technology found in an ancient manuscript, along with Eris's Kopii magics, she and I have manufactured the perfect being. I call this being the Zerinian Elemental Life-mate after my murdered grandson, Zerin. We call it Z.E.L. for short.



Dear Journal,

Eris has taken a maternal bent to Z.E.L. by dressing it up beyond the automatic anti-nudity device we installed and taking it into town when she goes shopping. I must admit that I have taken to the creation myself and find it difficult to continue calling it an it when I designed it to be male. The Z.E.L. has his "father's" (Zerin's) hair and eyes and his "mother's" (Zerin's wife's) build and features. He could be mistaken for their son ... which is what I designed him to be. I find it amusing that in essence I am both his "great-grandfather" and "grandfather".

When Eris returned, she hugged me and practically screeched that she had enrolled Z.E.L. in school. When I protested, she explained it would keep the townspeople from asking uncomfortable questions on the origin of the Z.E.L. if we were to treat it as Zerin's son. After seeing her reasoning, I agreed. Tomorrow, is Zelgadis's fisrt day at school.



Dear Journal,

The nano technology that gives Zel life was tested today after he was beaten up by several school hoodlums because of his eyes. In this I realize my first mistake: Data absorbtion by sliding said data over the retina of the eye. When Zel created the data train, the students labeled him demon and have tormented him since, even after Eris and I rectified the problem.

Zel's fight was unusual. He didn't fight back although he is perfectly capapble of crushing them like insects. Zel told me that he was weak and couldn't fight them. This unfounded belief must be a flaw in the programming, although Eris and I have yet to find the glitch. Luckily, the nanos worked perfectly and repaired the damage to him quickly. They're formerly doubtful function is now no longer a question. They are vital for both allowing his growth, movement, healing, and offensive/defensive abilities.



Dear Journal,

My lack of sight begins to bother me. I can heal those who are blind and I can create a seeing creature, but I cannot fix my own. So I'm leaving Eris and Zel today to continue my search. Hopefully, I'll return with success.



Dear Journal,

The second phase of Zel's growth occured today. Upon my return I found him practicing savagely in an effort to "become strong". The flaw still persists. Hasn't Eris bothered to look for and fix it?! I suppose it isn't her fault, even after all this time the glitch still eludes us.

Anyway ... Phase Chimera passed as planned. Zel believes that I caused his "curse" even though it was simply the nano evolution to the second stage of development. Zel now has magical abilities as well as innate protection and his speed has been tripled. He has recieved what he wanted: strength. Hopefully, I will be here to see the third phase.



Dear Journal,

I have made my deals with the devil for the cure to my eyes, may Ciefeed give me strength. I have also sent Z.E.L. out in search of the vital component to my cure. It's a pity he hates both me and Eris now. The former glitch has evolved as well, warping his formerly docile personality. Once I can see, I will remove it!



Dear Journal,

The component was found in the possesion of Lina Inverse. And the Z.E.L. A.I. has rebelled against me. This does not prevent me from using him as necessary. The fail safe, at least, still functions perfectly, he could not kill me if he tried, no matter his strength. The programming has also allowed me to track his automatic radio signals and follow him and the girl.

Oddly, he seems to have developed some sort of attatchment to Lina, attempting to help her escape my clutches.



Dear Journal,

The holographic projector built into the Z.E.L.'s eyes allowed me to trick Lina, her allies, and even Zel! into believing that I can destroy town after town unless they meet with my demands. My only fear is not failure, but that Zel will realize I'm using him. If he discovers it, he might be able to fight it.

I spoke with Xellos this evening, outlining the A.I.'s abilities and limitations as of now, as well as the third phase: the Demonatrix. He smiled, wagged a finger, spouted his secret crap, and happily made off with all the design specs. Just as I expected. He and the Beastmaster will be the only ones who can possibly use the A.I. at it's full potential, unlike Eris, who has become too maternal to it.

I will meet them tomorrow and buy time with the fail safe controls inside Z.E.L. May my spell be successful.


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