Hello everyone! Well, here I am again, and here is that self insertion fic I've promised! Um, nothing new to yack about, other than that I'm not going to apologize for my delusions. wink Enjoy reading, and I'd love any and every comment you can give me. Flames will, as usual, be trashed. A very special thanks goes out to Lyn Daniels who proofread this and corrected my horrid spelling. bows Arigato Gozaimas! Another special thanks goes out to Kerry, starr, Minchan, and Alina, who read this fic and urged me to post it. You guys are the greatest!
Just a warning in case you don't already know, I'm a devote Lina/Gourry, Zelgadis/Amelia, Filia/Valgarv follower (I know he's a little kid now, but wait till he grows up!). Anyway, this story is basically going to follow the TRY series, and you'll notice a lot of quotes that are directly from the series. I meant for that, because, as you will see, I get sucked in right as the story starts. For the most part, the scenes and whatnot are still the same, with a few interludes that I added for my own amusement. wink However, after the first four or so episodes, you'll notice that they start to change slightly due to my, er, unexpected presence. Hope you enjoy!