"Whoa Jiras!" an Aqua haired youth of around 18, stopped his companion.
"What is it Val-sama?" the kitsune paused and turned back to the young man.
"Check out the hottie in the magic shop window! I haven't ever seen her around here before..."
"I dunno...she's not very furry Val-sama..." his short compaion walked back to see what his friend was staring at. "The red hair is nice though..." he noted, rubbing his fur covered muzzle in a pondering gesture.
"Oh course she's not furry you freak! SOME people don't like all that body hair."
"Ya know...in your former life, you weren't nearly as girl crazy Val-sama." the foxman noted, "Besides, you can't even see her face the way she's standing.
Well that was true. Her body was turned sideways to the window, but her face was directed at the shop owner, who looked like the woman was trying to eat him. Her stance clearly said, "I'm very angry and perfectly capible of making you regret that in anyway possible, including but not limited to, the removal of your 'valuebles' and then the subsiquent feeding of them to you, via an orifice other than your mouth." Her anger radiated around her as she gestured curtly with a smooth grace that suggested a magic user or swordsman. The waves of dark emotion rising off of her seemed to give her wild scarlet hair a mind of it's own, and Val found himself almost wishing he could still feed off that sort of thing.
"Wish we could hear what she's saying..." he sighed.
"I dunno Val-sama...she looks pretty pissed...and kind of familar now that I think about it..." the kitsune racked his brain, trying to remember all the red headed human women he had ever met. The only one he could come up with that would act like that (she was not tossing fireballs and other various offensive shaministic and black magic spells at the distraught shop owner, with a casual grace that didn't even require her to change stances). It couldn't be her though...she wasn't that...uh...well endowed.
"Let's wait for her to come out!" Val grinned, his amber eyes blazing with the thrill of the hunt and adolesent lust.
"BUT VAL-SAMAAAAA!!!!" Jiras wailed as he got dragged into the alley next to the shop, "last time you made me wait with you while you went after a girl, I got a bucket full of refuse dumped on me when you moved out of the way! Besides, Filia nee-sama is waiting for us!"
"Oh you're no fun anymore Jiras! Don't worry, THIS girl has better aim then the other one." He grinned showing fang and winked at his companion.
For some reason, Jiras wasn't reassured.
"Here she comes! You know the drill right?"
He sighed like a man being led to the stocks, "Hai Val-sama....EEK!" he found himself shoved directly into the path oncomming, still fuming woman.
"Hey! I wasn't ready -- Oof!" his exclaimation was cut off by his face meeting with the woman's chest. Due to the height difference, he had ended up in a rather...um...unappropriate position.
"Pervert! How DARE you?! FLARE ARROW!" she shouted.
Jiras had just enough time to recongize, and wonder at the identy of the girl before his mouth decided to become suicidal. "Lina?!...but you can't be Lina! Lina doesn't have any -- "
"Jiras -- what?...LINA?!?"
"WHAT ARE YOU -- ?!"
"WHAT ARE YOU -- ?!"
"Hi Val! wow, I haven't seen you for what...6 years?! You've really...ah...grown!"
Val would have commented that so had she, if he hadn't been so busy fainting dead away.
" -- So I decided to sell all his stuff, but the shop owner was such an "#$%$#! he couldn't even recognize valuble pre Koma war scrolls! He said they were fake! Can you believe that?!" Lina blew on her tea and took a sip. Gotta give Filia that much, she makes a mean cup of tea.
"Namagoni Mazoku!! I can't believe he did that to you...well yes it can! That! THAT -- "
"Filia your tail, he did it to ME not you...jeeze."
"Oh...heh heh...gomen Lina-san...more tea?" she picked up the tea pot and poured herself another cup.
"No thanks, that was always you and Zel's thing, besides, I'm not done with this cup yet." she answered.
"How's Val been? He was eight last time I saw him! Really freaked me out seeing him all grown up on the street like that." she giggled, "I think I scared him too."
Filia looked over at the couch where her charge was still out cold and grinned, "I'd say that is a pretty safe bet Lina-san. You have uh...matured a little since we last saw you though..."
Lina gave Filia a Look(tm), "Hey, just cause my growth was slowed down by the nightmare magics doesn't mean I wasn't ever going to grow up!"
"I know I just -- Hey Look! Val's awake!" she hurriedly changed the subject.
"Five more minutes mom...." Val groaned from the couch, rubbing the back of his hand across his eyes.
"Val-kun? Are you okay?"
"Yeah...but I had the weirdest dream...Lina showed up, and she had this great rack and -- "
" -- oh...hi Lina...guess it wasn't a dream then."