Chapter Three: Death and the Three of Swords

"Oh!" Daeg exclaimed upon finding that there was company. "I'll set an extra plate." She bustled about happily, which startled Zelgadis slightly.

"Over this way, my friend." Zolf lead him to a small round table nearby, on which lay a medium-sized leather bag. They sat down across from each other, and the green hared man carefully withdrew a parcel wrapped in dark ble silk. The sign of five roses decorated each card's back, every one beautifully rendered to near perfection.

"Shuffle the cards." Zolf instructed, holding them out. "As you shuffle, project your energy into them." Reluctantly, Zelgadis did as the diviner instructed. If Zolf or any member of his family found his skin tone or texture disturbing, they didn't show it at all.

"Very well." He accepted the cards from the chimera, laying each out gently on the table, face down. "Let us begin."

"All right." Zelgadis sighed.

"This card is your Present Position." He turned a card. "VI. Lovers. You have an important to make, of your own free will you accepted it."

"Yes." The Shaman choked on his own words.

"This card is your Immeadiate Influence." A second card, crossing the first, was turned. "Page of Pentacles. Your decision wil require research or wisdom."

"Again, true."

"This card is your Goal." The card above the first two was turned. "Four of swords. You seek an end to strife."

The accuracy of the reading was eerie.

"This card is your Distant Past Foundation." A card to the lower right of the third was turned. "XIII. Death. You search because of a change in your life that you wished undone.

"This card is a Recent Past Event." Below the original two, a card was turned. "Inversed two of cups. You search alone, you dicided from a larger group of friends with whom you argued.

"This card is your Future Influence." A card to the lower left of the third was turned. "Inversed eight of swords. You will see what you do not want to see, causing you great sadness, yet opening your eyes to something else.

"This card represents You, the Questioner." From a verticle line of four cards to the right of the others, the one closest to Zelgadis was turned. "Knight of Swords. You are an intelliget man, one who's boundries should not be crossed, lets revenge be incurred ruthlessly.

"This card is your Environmental Factors." The card above that was turned. "V. Hierophant. You have a stabalizing effect on people, and give good advice.

"This card is your Inner Emotions." The card second from the top was turned. "Three of swords. You hold within you immense pain and grief.

"This card is the Final Result." Zolf turned over the final card, the face of which was absolutely blank. "What the...?"

"It... there's no way..." Zelgadis felt a chill run down his spine.

Zolf rapidly sorted the cards, sweat beading down his forehead.

"Wands, Cups, and Pentacles are all accounted for." He muttered. "Swords too. That leaves the Major Arcana."

After another minute or so of searching, they found out which was the now blank card.

"World." Zolf slumped in his chair, exhausted. "XXII. It means completion. Your destiny is not yet decided."

Without warning, the room vanished, and Zelgadis was left alone with her once more.

"It was my fault that Zolf died..." Zelgadis closed his eyes. "Everyone looks so happy... I must have screwed up more than I thought..."

"The purpose of this journey is not to give you something new to gripe about." She spoke sharply. "It is to enlighten you of your purpose to your friends and family."

"My friends..." He whispered. "Show me the others, please?"

Chapter 4   |   Fanfiction