The Quest to Restore Dark Schneider
Miboshi's Plans to One-up Nakago
Part 2

Back in Konan country ...

After scarfing down their bowls of delicious ramen from the Nekohanten restaurant, the seven Suzaku seishi lounge about on the various cushions and throwrugs nicked from the guest rooms. Occasionally burping from the rich meal, the post-lunch daze begins to numb their minds into a stupor. Matters are not helped further by the extra-strong sake they freely imbibed (complimentary with every seventh deluxe-size bowl of ramen ordered). The all-important scroll sits forlornly on the restored desktop, covered with a sprinkling of spilled ramen soaking into its already pathetic paper. Emperor Hotohori is falling into his after-lunch snooze, whilst Tasuki and Tamahome have already beat him to it. Only Chiriko vaguely remembers something important but eventually gives in to the lethargy. And thus, the seven seishi await for a sign from Suzaku to guide them down the road to their destiny.

NURIKO: (mumbles) We always seem to be travelling down the road to our destiny. Wonder when we'll ever reach it.

MITSUKAKE: (yawning) When we do, that's when.

NURIKO: (dozing off) Smart ass.

Meanwhile ...

The hot tropical sun beats down on the six travellers. Lina and Tei being the most vocal of the group, do not hesitate to voice their discomfort incessantly (but, of course). Misty's response to it, however, is more practical. Shucking off an already thin cheongsam, she proceeds on her merry way in her black, lacy undies. This only serves to increase the guys' internal temperatures by soaring beyond boiling point.

TEI: For Pete's sake, Misty, put your clothes back on. This isn't a Victoria's Secrets catalogue shoot, you know.

MISTY: But it's so hot and now, it feels cooler. If you and Lina get down to your basics, we could reduce the whine factor here.

LINA: Who's whining, you sick stripper. Don't you have an ounce of decency?

MISTY: (grins) Nope. Musta left it in the nun's habit back home. Besides, it's time I got another tan.

At this, Misty stretches luxuriously working the kinks out of her joints. The sight of all those X-rated contortions prove too much for the guys whose under-utilized libidos send them into convulsions and they pass out from the over-stimulation.

AMELIA: Zel-kun! Gourry-san! Are you alright? Speak to me. Oh dear, it must be the heat ...

TEI: (mutters to Lina) Yeah, but not from the sun.

LINA: Humph.

Dragging the two unconscious males under the shade of a tall palm tree, they decide to take a short break. Misty, still intent on her suntan, casually drapes herself over a convenient boulder. Overhead, the gulls call as they circle lazily in the sky. In the distance, the soft lapping of the ocean waves add to the soothing calm of the scene. Relaxing, the travellers begin to doze. That is, until a piercing shriek cuts the air, jerking them awake.


NYAN-NYANS: Cure-cure! Fix-fix! Lady hurt. Fix-fix!

MISTY: I'm not hurt. I'm getting a tan, you weirdos. Now, go away! Shoo!

NYAN-NYANS: Lady needs cure. Cure-cure! Fix-fix!

MISTY: EEE! Tei, help me!

The three sorceresses scramble to their feet and stare at the strange green-haired SD creatures hovering around a hysterical Misty. Their utter cuteness makes even Amelia nauseous and Lina gasps as she falls to her knees. The sugar shock is apparently more than they can handle.

LINA: (moans) Ohh, this is too much. Gah! And I thought being around Amelia for so long would have given me immunity.

TEI: Eeew! Damn it, Misty! You just have to go around attracting disgustingly cute creatures everywhere, don'tcha!

MISTY: (swatting at the nimble nymphs) It's only supposed to work for cute guys, Tei! Not freaky, sugar-sweet, green-haired SD nymphs with hentai hands! Ugh! Scat!

At this point, the guys regain consciousness and sit up, rubbing their heads. The commotion draws their attention, and they turn to look. The sight of the freaky fairy-like creatures startle their already weakened systems, but what really concusses them is that of a very excited Misty jumping about and yelling. All that buxom bounciness coupled with the sugar-loaded cuteness of the weird green nymphs hit them full force and their brains immediately shutdown from the visual sensory overstimulation. They pass out with a moan.

TEI: That's it! FIREBALL!

Fireballs fly through the air, smacking into the revoltingly cute creatures. Poofs of odd-coloured smoke appear where they'd been. Finally realizing their imminent doom at the hands of a highly accurate fireball-throwing sorceress, they quickly disappear. However, they manage to shout a warning before scooting off.

NYAN-NYANS: We're telling Taiitsukun! Taiitsukun will fix-fix, cure-cure you!

TEI: Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh! Now bugger off, you disgusting freakazoids! FIREBALL!

Misty crawls out from behind the boulder slightly singed but otherwise intact.

MISTY: Thanks, Tei. Umm, the next time you decide to lob fireballs, TELL ME FIRST! It's not nice to be flambed in your knickers, you know.

TEI: Humph! That's the thanks I get for saving your butt. The next time they come back, it's your problem, not mine!

MISTY: Look, I said thanks and I mean it. No need to get your panties in a twist -

TEI: Twist this, you prancing pimp - MEGA VOLTO!


LINA: (to the others) And you thought I was bad.

ZEL: (rubbing his head) So now we know better. Oww. Amelia, could you help me with this headache, please?

AMELIA: Sure. Keep still now. (chants healing spell) Better?

ZEL: Yeah. Thanks Amelia. (looks towards a smoking, twitching Misty) Um, you might want to help Misty. She doesn't look too good.

AMELIA: (looks at Misty) sigh This is going to take awhile. (rubs her temples) I may need a healing spell too. This headache is killing me.

GOURRY: (to Lina) You didn't do this to Misty, did you, Lina?

LINA: (bristling) No, I didn't. What's it to you, Gourry? Huh?

GOURRY: (sweating) Uh, just asking that's all.

LINA: Why? 'Cos she got to touch your big sword, eh? Is that it?

GOURRY: (cowers) It didn't mean nothing ... just curious.

LINA: Curious? You curious about how a fireball in the face feels like?

GOURRY: (scrambling away) No, Lina, I didn't mean it that way! Honestly, I -


Gourry thus finds himself needing a half-dozen mega-doses of healing spells. Amelia looks up in time to realize that her services are once again needed for pointless injuries.

AMELIA: Lina-san! Please stop that! I can't heal as fast as you and Tei-san can blow them up. Great Ceipheed, do I need a break.

Lina and Tei huff off leaving the others behind. Misty has sufficiently recovered from her injuries but her clothes are too charred to wear. Zel kindly loans her his shirt and personally admits to it being more flattering on her. In gratitude, Misty lays a huge, soul-searing smooch on the chimera, only to have him pass out once more. Amelia ignores him and focuses on Gourry who begins twitching and moaning under her healing spell.

AMELIA: (mumbles) Zel-kun can recover on his own for all I care. I'm getting too tired to keep this up.

Approaching the group is a strange, ancient crone surrounded by several charred nymphs. She hovers towards them with a frown on her wrinkled face. However, what catches their attention is the hot magma-red bikini the old hag is wearing. That and a big red straw hat. Zel and Gourry turn as green as her attendants at the sight and the others try to control their disbelief and disgust.

TAIITSUKUN: Who flame-broiled my attending Nyan-Nyans? Speak up!

TEI: I did. What's it to you, you old bag?

Taiitsukun's eyebrows work up and down at the remark and the others quickly look for a nearby, convenient boulder to hide behind.

GOURRY: (to Misty) You're partner seems to have a death wish.

LINA: Yeah, and doesn't mind taking others with her.

AMELIA: I am not going to cast any more healing spells to patch her up if she's only going to get herself injured again. Nope, nu-uh, nada, nil, zip.

ZEL: (mumbles) I can't believe I'm with a bunch of suicidal freaks.


ZEL: (sweats) I meant her, Tei, okay?

The stand-off between Tei and the old bag - er, Taiitsukun remains. Neither budging an inch, nor breaking eye contact. Nature herself, seems to be holding her breath, hoping that the nuclear fallout would not cause too much environmental damage. The memories of the previous ones are still vivid etched in the previous scene.

TAIITSUKUN: So you call me an old bag, eh? Tough girl, I didn't live thousands of years just to let some young upstart insult me.

TEI: You, thousands of years? Gee, I guess I was wrong in judging your age, granny. I didn't think you were that old.

TAIITSUKUN: Oh? (preens self) Well, the other gods did say I look young for my age=85

TEI: They must be a bunch of liars 'cos you look like you came out with the Big Bang itself. Only instead of expanding outwards, you just shrank inwards. Ha, ha, ha!

MISTY: (scratches head) Uh, I don't get it.

LINA: Neither do I. Zel? Amelia?


GOURRY: Ano, don't you guys know of the Big Bang theory? It's the foremost theory in the evolution of the universe. It claims that a huge explosion of matter created the planets and the star systems. And that it is continuously expanding outwards from its point of origin. Simply put, the Big Bang resulted in all life as we know it.

ALL: (bug-eyed) ...

And so, the two would-be combatants remain locked in their battle stance, each baiting the other to make the first move.However, due to time constraints and further plot development, the story will now proceed towards Kutou country to see how the evil hunk supreme is doing.

NAKAGO: OWW! Take it easy, Suboshi. It hurts like hell and you're not helping it any.

SUBOSHI: Why did you get me to do this when Tomo would more than willing and much more gentle? I'm not good at this bandaging thing.

NAKAGO: I don't trust Tomo with the medication. That pervert's too eager to get into my pants and he's damn sneaky about it too. All that illusion and kodoku drugs gives me the creeps. Seiryuu knows what sick, perverted acts he'd make me do, especially in this weakened state, thanks to Soi.

SUBOSHI: (mumbles) Serves you right.

NAKAGO: What did you say?

SUBOSHI: (sweats) Ah, nothing, nothing. Just wondering about my brother, that's all.

NAKAGO: He's giving Tomo flute lessons, isn't he?

SUBOSHI: Yeah, says Tomo's real keen on it.

NAKAGO: Just as long as he doesn't play the damn thing near me. That bugger will do anything to get me into the sack with him. Ugh! It'll be murder to wash out all that greasy paint he calls make-up. Damn it!

SUBOSHI: (smirks) Well, it's either that or suffer further electrical burns, Nakago-sama. Soi's still pretty pissed off about the wallpaper.

NAKAGO: groan Don't remind me. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.

SUBOSHI: (snickers) You mean an electrical Soi and a hard Tomo. Heh-heh.

NAKAGO: Where the hell did you pick up such filth?

SUBOSHI: It's the company I keep.

NAKAGO: Oh. Right.

A knock sounds and the messenger slinks in at Nakago's bidding. He brings news for his master and the vital information requested.

MESSENGER: Master, I've brought news from your enemy's domain. It is most informative.

NAKAGO: Well, get on with it. OWW! (turns to Suboshi) Watch it! That stung.

SUBOSHI: Sorry. (mumbles quietly) Baby ...

NAKAGO: (glares at Suboshi) I heard that.


MESSENGER: ahem Master, your enemy is none other than Miboshi himself ...

NAKAGO: Miboshi?! Impossible!

MESSENGER: Indeed, master. However, Miboshi is not the same as he was before. (pauses dramatically) He is -

NAKAGO & SUBOSHI: (lean forward) He is -

MESSENGER: He is ... Transformed!

NAKAGO & SUBOSHI: Transformed?!

NAKAGO: Quit talking in sync with me, Suboshi. It's bloody irritating.

SUBOSHI: Hey, blame the writer.


NAKAGO & SUBOSHI: (sweats) Hai, hai.

NAKAGO: So, messenger, explain this 'transformation'.

MESSENGER: It appears that Miboshi has engaged the services of a genius being known as Washu to give him his new form. She works in a dark, dank cellar under the monastery preparing for his conquest over all of China.

NAKAGO: Humph. That bald, slimy, manipulative little toad. How there he muscle in on my ambitions! And how the heck did that little weasel get someone like that to work for him?

MESSENGER: That master, only the great Author knows.


NAKAGO: (mutters) Damn.

SUBOSHI: So what does monk boy look like now, huh? Big, bad and bald? Ha, ha, ha.

MESSENGER: Actually Master Suboshi, he's tall and hunky with long white hair and very sexy.

NAKAGO & SUBOSHI: (bug-eyed) WHAT?

NAKAGO: How dare he be sexy! I'm the sexy one here, not Miboshi!

SUBOSHI: (mutters) Great, here we go.

NAKAGO: (ranting and glowing brightly) I am the evil hunk supreme, not Miboshi. Regardless of whatever form the snivelling midget takes. Me, you get it, ME! I'm the hot, hunky, women-throw-themselves-swooning-at my-feet bishonen god. Not him! Get it?!

MESSENGER: (cowers) Yes, master. I get it. You are the hot, hunky, women-throw-themselves-swooning-at-your-feet bishonen god.

NAKAGO: And don't you forget it.

MESSENGER: Never, master. (pauses) Uh, regarding the other piece of news, master.

NAKAGO: What is it?

MESSENGER: He does not wear underwear -

NAKAGO: The cheek of it. (narrows eyes thoughtfully) Hmm, I wonder ...

SUBOSHI: This is more than what I want to know.

MESSENGER: - and apparently he doesn't wear any clothes either, master.

NAKAGO & SUBOSHI: (wide-eyed) The sick bastard!

Meanwhile in Konan country, the seven Suzaku seishi are blissfully slumbering with no idea of the impending doom. As an insight to their inner selves, the powers of the Author will reveal all.

TAMAHOME: (dreaming) Whack Tasuki for calling me ogre boy, hmm snort Yeah, and make money, lots of money whacking him up. snore

TASUKI: (dreaming) Whack Tamahome real good. snore Hmm, ogre boy. Heh-heh! snort

MITSUKAKE: (dreaming) Oh Shoka-chan, that was incredible, mmm ...


CHIRIKO: (dreaming) I'm big and strong, no one bullies me ... sigh

NURIKO: (dreaming) Umm, Hotohori-sama ... ooh! sigh

HOTOHORI: (dreaming) I'm the most gorgeous man in this dream fantasy, umm ...

CHICHIRI: I don't dream, no da. I just sleep, da. snore

And back in Meta-Licania, DS/Luche/Darshu (talk about an identity crisis) is in agony about his current situation. The fact that Yoko took a bath with him sent him almost over the edge, but for the fact that he could not do a goddamn thing about it. Also, Arshes Nei and Gara seem to be a little too close for his comfort, and there was little that he can do about that too. And to further add to his humiliation, he'd accidentally wet the bed last night. Life for Dark Schneider, the Exploder Wizard extraordinaire, has indeed hit a new low.


YOKO: (smacks him) Luche! Quit yelling! And stop cussing so. The air's turning blue. If you keep it up, I'll wash your mouth out with soap, got it?

GARA: (Grinning broadly) Would it be the same soap used to wash poor DS's bedsheets?

DS: SHUT UP, YOU OVERGROWN %#@* MONKEY MAN! WAIT TILL I GET MY BODY BACK, I'LL - (sees the pissed off Yoko) Uh, heh-heh, Yoko-chan ...

YOKO: (grabs the squirming DS) That's it! Time to wash that filthy, potty mouth of yours.

GARA: (calls after them) Don't worry, DS! It'll make all the stains come out, just like your bedsheets! HAW HAW HAW!

DS: (screaming back) I swear I'll get you back, Gara! OWW! Yoko-chan ...

Meanwhile ...

The stand-off is still in progress. Neither Tei nor Taiitsukun has backed down, each waiting for the other's move. Finally, Taiitsukun breaks off the staring match and looks at her Rolex. She sees that she has better things to do than to waste her once in three millenium vacation break on pointless things, especially in one involving a runty, fireball slinging, smart-ass sorceress.

TAIITSUKUN: Enough, I'm going back to enjoy my vacation. I've no interest in small, under-developed brats like you to mess up my beach time. Go away.

TEI: (bristles angrily) Who're you calling under-developed, you old - Mmphf!

Misty jumps out and quickly clamps a hand over the loud-mouthed Tei before any further damage can occur.

MISTY: Er, thanks, ma'am. Sorry 'bout the trouble. She's not been taking her medication consistently, you see.

TEI: Mmphf fhmp umph!

MISTY: Heh-heh. See what I mean. We're heading for Konan to see the physician there. He's supposed to be able to cure her insanity.

TAIITSUKUN: Konan country? I know that place. It's where the Suzaku seishi hang out when not going Miaka-hunting. Heh-heh, I miss that cute l'il Tamahome, even if he does call me Sunakake Baba. Hmm, I heard he's still in therapy after the scares I gave him for insulting me. Heh! cackle

LINA: You know the way to Konan country? Quick, show us! I'm getting hungry.

GOURRY: Me, too.

TAIITSUKUN: So you want to go to Konan country, eh? Well, the sooner you leave, the better. I can't stand that brat and this one's also irritating me.

LINA: Hey! You wanna taste a fireball, you old hag?

ZEL: (smacks forehead) Here we go, again.

AMELIA: (covers face with her hands) I don't think I can take much more of this.

TAIITSUKUN: (frowns) Oh, get out of my sight! (waves her hands)

Suddenly, the six travellers find themselves moving through time and space. They barely register their surroundings as they fall into the laps of the slumbering seishi, forcefully jerking them awake. Shocked at the interruption, they stare at the visitors in their laps.

HOTOHORI: (stares at the barely decent, voluptuous Misty) Praise Suzaku!

TAMAHOME: (stares at a startled Tei) What the heck?

TASUKI: (stares at the stunned Lina) Ugh!

LINA: Hey!

NURIKO: (stares at blushing Gourry) My, my, MY but I'm lucky today. What a cutie you are!

GOURRY: Ano, I'm not that kind of guy ...

NURIKO: (grins) I don't care.

CHICHIRI: (stares at a grumpy Zel) DA!

ZEL: (stares back at Chichiri) Same to you, buddy!

AMELIA: (sitting on poor Chiriko) Where are we?

MITSUKAKE: Uh, you're in the study of Emperor Hotohori.

AMELIA: (eyes sparkle) Oh, I'm so pleased to meet you, Your Majesty.

MITSUKAKE: (points to a slack-jawed Hotohori) He's the Emperor.

MISTY: (pins the emperor with a sexy stare) You're the all mighty and powerful emperor? You must have a big sword, then. Will you show it to me?


TEI: Damn, she's doing it again. (looks at Tamahome) Hi! I'm Tei. What's your name, cutie?

TAMAHOME: Uh, excuse me. I've gotta go.

TASUKI: (struggling under a surprisingly heavy Lina) Oi, Tamahome! Wait for me. (turns to Lina) Damn, but you weigh a ton. What'cha carrying? A ton of gold?

LINA: Half a ton actually, carrot top.

TASUKI: Who're you calling 'carrot top', scrawny?

LINA: Scrawny?! Why you - FIREBALL!

Everybody screams and dive for cover as a fireball slams into the opposite wall, barely missing Tasuki. Though startled by the attack, the fiery bandit is quick to respond. Reaching for his tessen, he prepares to literally, return fire with fire.

CHICHIRI: Ano, Tasuki! Don't - DA!


Flames shoot overhead startling Lina and setting fire to Hotohori's desk once more. The newly restored teak and mahogany, ergonomically-designed desk proceeds to merrily burn away once more.


TEI: Quick! A water spell, a water spell ... Umm ... (scratches head)

TAMAHOME: Oh bother! (grabs a nearby jar of liquid and tosses it onto the flames only to realize his mistake) Oops!

The alcoholic beverage, courtesy of the Nekohanten restaurant, literally fuel for the fire, combusts spectacularly on the emperor's desk. It is only through the combined efforts of Gourry, Zel, Mitsukake and Chichiri (and their assorted clothing) that the flames are smothered. Coughing and gasping, they exit the burnt out study.

TASUKI: Smart move, asshole, pouring that sake all over the flames. Why not just throw a coupla steaks on so that we can have a barbeque while you're at it.

TAMAHOME: Hey, flame brain, I wasn't the total moron who decided to start throwing flames around the place.

TASUKI: It was in self-defence, dammit! That bitch (points to Lina) tried to roast me first.

LINA: (red-faced) HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A BITCH! (charges up a fireball)

TEI: Quick everybody! Get her before we all die!

The various seishi and visitors pile on top of Lina and sigh in relief. Lina mumbles something and Chichiri shifts slightly.

LINA: GET YOUR BUTT OFFA MY FACE! Gah! You people are sick!

NURIKO: (leans towards Gourry) I wouldn't mind your tight butt on my face, handsome. Or anything else of yours on me, for that matter. wink

GOURRY: (blushing furiously) I'm not that kind of guy ...

NURIKO: We'll see ... wink

GOURRY: (sweating) Lina ...

Misty is gently cradling the distressed emperor and stroking his soft, sable hair. Absorbed in her ministrations, she forgets her less than adequate clothing. Not the emperor though. One would have to be thicker than half a dozen Gourrys not to greatly appreciate being pressed into a barely covered, very ample bosom.

MISTY: There, there. Things will start looking up, you'll see. I promise.

HOTOHORI: (snuggling closer) Mmm, I can feel something looking up already.

MISTY: See, I promised you it would, right?

TASUKI: (staring at them) Something's looking up alright. My guess would be his -

TAMAHOME: Why didn't she fall into my lap? I'm traumatized too, you know. I need some tender, loving care to heal the soul.

TASUKI: (grins) No doubt the vicinity of that traumatized soul would be in your pants, huh?

TAMAHOME: (frowns) You've got a potty mind, you know that?

TASUKI: (grins and bares his cute fangs) That's what makes a potty mouth.

Meanwhile ...

Sitting in the dark, dank cellar that is her laboratory, Washu - genius extraordinaire contemplates her experiments. Specifically the one that had transformed the former pipsqueak Seiryuu seishi into the current bishonen form he now inhabited. Going over her calculations once more, she suddenly comes to a conclusion.

WASHU: Oh shit! That's torn it.

With that profound statement uttered, the resident genius extraordinaire shoves aside the plans for the super-deluxe palatial complex and begins to smoothen out that little time-space continuum wrinkle. Or something like that. As she redraws the various mathematical triangulation diagrams and feeds the relevant calculations into her computer, Washu becomes aware of faint maniacal laughter and another muffled boom.

WASHU: Damn that idiot! I told him to quit doing that. That's it! I've had it with this pithy job. At least back home, I've got my alternate dimensional laboratory with soundproofing built in. (calls out) It's time to move this draggy plot along.


WASHU: Glad you realize it.

Returning to her calculations, scientific alignments and assorted quantum physics stuff, she then hits a big red button. A strange humming, then a brilliant flash shocks the scene. Once vision returns, a strange group stands before her blinking owlishly. Rubbing their eyes, they wonder where the heck they are.

DS: Where the *#@% are we? Don't tell me we've been sucked into a %*#@ portal for some sick, perverted reason?

YOKO: (smacks DS hard) Lushe! I told you to quit swearing. (looks up to see Washu) Um, are you the one who sent for us?

ARSHES NEI: 'Sent for us', Yoko-san? More like brought us against our will. (pulls out her big-ass Thunder Sword) You have 5 seconds to explain yourself.

GARA: (pulls out his even bigger big-ass sword) I'm giving you three.

WASHU: My calculations were right . So you (gestures to the kiddy DS) must have been the one to exchange forms with Miboshi.

DS: (begins ranting) Miboshi?! He's the #@%* who has my handsome, hunky, god-like bishonen body and unmatched powers? Where's the *#$@ little runt? I'm gonna *$%@ him so bad, he'll wish he'd never been born!

WASHU: You're the ahem 'little runt'. Miboshi now has your body, remember? He's been practicing with your powers and that highly annoying evil, maniacal laughter. It's seriously getting on my nerves.

GARA: Even if the runty DS can't stop him, I can. It'll be interesting whacking DS up, even if it's not him. (looks at Arshes Nei) You game, Arshes?

ARSHES NEI: I just want my Darshu back. Let's settle the score with this Miboshi body snatcher.

They run off towards the sound of maniacal laughter. Yoko follows them only to here a thump as she is about to dash off. Turning back, she sees a flat-faced DS on the floor.

DS: WAAHH! I can't run in these *%#@ robe-like thingys. Yoko-chan, please help your poor little Lushe, please.

YOKO: (picks up the teary-eyed kid) Okay, but no more swearing, or I'll drop you. Get it?

DS: sniffle Okay. (snuggles into her chest) I love my Yoko-chan.

YOKO: (blushes) You're just saying that. Come on, Arshes Nei and Gara are way ahead.

DS: They'd better not be messing with my body too much. I hate getting bruised.

They sprint upstairs (well, Yoko actually) towards the sound of maniacal laughter and after Gara and Arshes Nei. Watching them leave, Washu gives a small sigh and proceeds to pack up.

WASHU: Looks like my work here is done. Best be going home. Hmm, I wonder what Sesame's cooking for dinner?


WASHU: sigh Haven't you people heard of public transportation?

Part 3   |   Fanfiction