"Gaav Flare!" Zelgadiss released a straight red flash towards the target, like a laser coming through.
"Haa..ha...ha.." laughed the 6 foot hairy beast. "Baka. That won't even hurt me," he grins as he halts the Gaav Flare with its bare hands.
"Kuso," Zelgadiss cursed. How long have they fought this thing? 3 hours? The beast sends a black fireball towards Zelgadiss but he leaped over it and the fireball destroyed the hill behind to a flat ground.
"Let me, Zel!" Lina shouted as she jumped to fight. "Blast Ash!" A wide beam of energy igniting into explosions as it reaches the beast. Nothing. Lina's eyes widen. Damn. She had used the Dragu Slave twice. Twice! Still no avail. The stupid beast keeps healing itself.
"Foolish mortals!!" the beast laughed as he spreads a circle of fire around him and blast it to the beast's surroundings. And that includes Lina, Zelgadiss, Gourry, and Amelia. Lina, Amelia, Zelgadiss grabbed Gourry and raywing themselves above the circle of exploding fire.
"Ra Tilt!" Zelgadiss casts the spell for the fifth time. A blast of white flash lounged towards the creature and cuts his left arm.
"Yatta!" Amelia cries victory.
"Not yet," Zelgadiss watched in horror as a new left arm emerged from the cut.
"Shimatta," Lina clenched her teeth.
"What will it take to defeat this?" Gourry sighed. Lina shrugged.
"Useless spells," The beast narrowed his eyes. "This is more worthy!!" He hurls a red beam towards the group. They jumped out of the way as the red beam comes.
"Ha..ha..ha..!" Lina laughed as she points to the creature. "Your sense of direction is very stupid," Lina narrowed her eyes.
"No, it isn't," The beast smiled as he twirled his forefinger. They frowned. Then Lina realized something.
"Zel! Watch out!" Lina yelled.
Zelgadiss turned too late to see the red beam made a turn and lounged in full speed towards him. It passes through his shirt, his torso and blood spurted out.
"Zelgadiss!" Amelia shrieked as she grabs him before he tumbles down. Blood oozing from his mouth onto her clothes. But she didn't care. "Damn you!!" She shouted over. Lina and Gourry jumped over to them. Gourry laid Zelgadiss on the ground.
"Hey, I can do this myself," Zelgadiss choked out.
"Don't be silly," Lina reprimanded. "You are in no state to resurrect yourself,"
Lina and Amelia quickly conjured the resurrection spell.
"Are you dead?" the beast yelled. He sends yet another blue flash. Gourry leaps forward and blocks the flash with the Sword Of Light.
"Lina.. I don't think I can hold on any longer..." Gourry trailed off. The enemy's blue flash still meets Gourry's Sword Of Light.
"I can handle it Lina-san. It'll take a bit longer but I can," Amelia said confidently. Lina smiled gratefully as she jumped beside Gourry.
"Mega Brando!!" The ground beneath the beast exploded upwards and engulfs the circular area in flames. To be really sure.. Lina cast a second one.
"Imbecile!" The beast appeared from the flames. "Take This!" he launches several fireballs towards Lina and Gourry. Lina and Gourry tried to divert the beast's attention from Amelia and Zelgadiss. Gourry released a powerful force from his sword but the creature just stops it with his hands.
"Zelgadiss-san? You just have to hold on a bit longer," Amelia forced a cheery smile. "Lina and Gourry is doing a good job,"
"Amelia?" Zelgadiss croaked. "Arigatou," he smiled. Amelia smiled for real this time.
"Hey! Over here you smart-ass!" Lina shouted. Just give Amelia a little more time.. Lina said silently. The beast turned to her and released a green flash on which Lina manage to avoid.
"Baka! Over here!" Gourry said making a face. The beast focused his attention to Gourry and blast off the ground beneath. Gourry jumped out of the way. So far so good.. hurry up Amelia... Gourry looked over to the spot where Amelia is healing Zelgadiss.
Suddenly the beast stopped. Lina sensed danger. Oh.. no! He noticed Amelia!
"Amelia, I can do the rest of the healing," Zelgadiss said feeling better now. Amelia shook her head.
"No. I am trusted to take care of you and that's what I'm going to do," Amelia said stubbornly. "Anyway, you can't even get up properly yet," She pointed out. Zelgadiss forced himself to crouch.
Damn, why must she be right.. Zelgadiss thought. He tried to stand up with her help. Just a bit more healing and he'll be fine.
"Amelia!! Zelgadiss!! Watch Out!!!" Lina's voice rang in their ears.
A flash of reddish white came towards them. Amelia and Zelgadiss jumped out of the way.
"Diem Wing!" Amelia released her spell. A torrent of wind streaks out towards the beast, knocking him backwards.
"Fireball!" Lina send a gigantic fireball towards the beast that was getting up. He builds a shield around himself and the fireball went poof when it hits the shield. Zelgadiss was still holding on his injured part and alone and weak.
"Perfect..." The beast whispered to himself. "Zomba Xien!!" A burst of spirit energy penetrates through the shield and lounged towards Zelgadiss. The blue twisting flame in full speed was all in Zelgadiss mind. Move! Move! He commanded himself. Baka! But his legs were numb. His whole body system was numb. He closed his eyes and prepares for the worst.
"Valis Wall !!!" Amelia leaped in front of him in time for the shield she conjured to stopped the attack. But the ball of energy didn't disappear but it forces through the Valis Wall.
"Fireball!" Lina released a fireball towards the creature but nothing.
Must...hold...on... Amelia forced herself as she strengthens the Valis Wall. But she knew that it couldn't match up with this spell.
"Amelia!!" Lina shouted.
The Zomba Xien bore into the Valis Wall knocking Amelia out. Zelgadiss's eyes widen as she fell onto the ground. He automatically ran towards her lying body and cradled her in his arms. Nothing. No blood on her. Nothing. But why isn't she mo - She choked out blood. Lots of it. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she choked out more. The spell must've hit the internal parts.
"Valis Wall," Zelgadiss casts the shield around him and Amelia. Lina and Gourry practically flew towards them. Amelia didn't budge except when she had to coughed up more blood.
"Gourry, let's do it," Lina looked at Gourry. Gourry nodded. "You both hold on," Lina told Zelgadiss and Amelia.
"Amelia, hold on.. hold on.." Zelgadiss whispered as he resurrects her. "Man.. it's all my fault.."
"Don't think like that..." Amelia opened her eyes and coughed out the words along with her blood.
"Darkness from twilight, crimson from blood that flows... Buried in the flow of time... in thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness! Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess!" Lina chanted.
"You've tried that twice, already!" The beast laughed.
"Dragu Slave!" Lina released the Dragu Slave. But wait! It's not targeted towards the creature but to.. Gourry!
"Light Come Forth!" Gourry leaps in front of the beast with his sword above his head. Lina channels the Dragu Slave into Gourry's sword. Gourry slashed down the beast's body into half.. then quarter... before it can do anything. Bright white light came between the cuts and the beast burst into pieces.
Lina had joined Zelgadiss in resurrecting Amelia. But somehow... it wasn't enough.
"Come on, Amelia! You can do this!" Lina shouted. Amelia lay there not moving only blinking her eyes.
"Lina-san... it's no use.. Lina-san..." Amelia choked.
"Don't say that, Amelia!" Lina scolded. "I never fail!" Lina said controlling her tears.
"The wound is too deep. And we don't know the precise location," Zelgadiss's voice rang in Lina's ears. Lina shook the voice from her head. She looked over to Zelgadiss but he refused to meet her eyes. Gourry was stroking Amelia's hair assuring her it would be alright.
"Lina-san..." Amelia frowned but smiled. "Arigatou Lina-san... you are my first bestest best friend I could ever have. Thank you Lina-san. Thank you.."
Lina looked into the sincere eyes. "Amelia! I, Lina Inverse never fail to do anything. Anything!" Lina said. "I'm going to cure you!"
"Lina-san..." Amelia shook her head. Lina felt a tear trickling down her cheek.
"Gourry-san... You're like a big brother to me..." Amelia choked out more blood. Gourry smiled.
"Amelia.. don't be foolish," Lina trembled. "You are not going to-" Amelia shushed Lina.
"You don't be foolish, Lina-san. You know you can't do this any longer," Amelia said, smiling.
Zelgadiss runs his fingers softly on her face. She feels his hot, shaking hand tracing her face and hair. He said nothing as he and Lina continued resurrecting Amelia. His lips part. He feels her slip from him. Her life line stretching, her eyes watching him, slowly loosing vitality, her soft smile growing faint. Slipping from him....slowly slipping from him. Amelia tried to say something but she choked blood instead. She stared into his eyes and said what she wanted to say. Her vision blurred by the tears streaming down her face. Did he understand?
He smiled. He wants to say something, to break the barrier that has separated him and Amelia. He feels the words die in his hurting throat. Her features blur as tears well in his eyes. He nodded. She smiled through her tears.
Amelia... I am so sorry. You loved me so much even if I'm this way. That's why I never left. Never.
"Zel..Zel...I..I.." Amelia reaches up to caress his face and smiled. "..It's not your fault..." Amelia said her last words before her eyes shut and her hands fall limply on her chest.
Lina cried softly as she gazed the princess's lifeless body.
"She was a good girl.. wasn't she.." Lina said through her tears. Gourry looked away.
Zelgadiss gasps as he lets the tears fall freely down his cheeks. How much would he give to stop her from leaving them. From leaving him. He would give anything.
Not hiding his tears, he smiled to Amelia's smiling face and whispered:
"I love you, Amelia."